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Messages - StormTAG

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Gaming Advice / Re: Cooperative Metamagic and Use Magic Device
« on: November 19, 2011, 11:26:51 PM »
Swifty. Might need to make some scrolls of ___strike for the party rogue. Persist those bad boys for all day undead or golem stabbing.

Gaming Advice / Re: Cooperative Metamagic and Use Magic Device
« on: November 19, 2011, 11:02:08 PM »
Could Metamagic Effect affect spells that the Incantatrix did not cast? In my example above, if the rogue cast Grave Strike from a wand or a scroll using UMD, could the Incantatrix use Metamagic Effect to persist it?

Gaming Advice / Cooperative Metamagic and Use Magic Device
« on: November 19, 2011, 04:52:08 PM »
I couldn't find the Ask a Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer thread on this board, so here we go anyway.

Can an Incantatrix use the Cooperative Metamagic ability to modify a spell that a character casts via Use Magic Device. Example: Rogue wants to cast Gravestrike from a scroll. Can the incantatrix modify the spell with the Persistent Spell feat so the Rogue can sneak attack undead for the whole day?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Gestalt Swift Hunter; What for the other side?
« on: November 16, 2011, 09:58:16 AM »
I ended up going a marginally subpar route but one that fit the character best flavor wise IMO. As I mentioned there are already 3 full divine casters in the party so another full stack of divine casting didn't really fit the character. 

Scout 15 // Cloistered Cleric 1, Ranger 4, Stalker of Kharash 10

With that spread I get basically all of the important Scout and Ranger class abilities, 8+Int skills every level, devotion goodness, full Favored enemy progression + Favored Enemy(Evil) and full Ranger casting, which fits far more thematically than Cleric or Druid casting. Only overlap I've come up with is I get Hide in Plain Sight twice. Any good Scout ACFs that trade it away? The build only goes up to level 15, so any thing that might cap it off would probably be welcome. :) Just trying to keep the theme of Rangery type.

Min/Max 3.x / Gestalt Swift Hunter; What for the other side?
« on: November 13, 2011, 03:48:04 AM »
I have a character who is supposed to be a ranger, a guide and a tracker. The obvious main class would be Swifthunter. Tasty tracking, arrow shooting goodness. The character also is supposed to be very pious and a devout follower of Elhonna. So the obvious answer would be Swifthunter // Cleric. However, the character wouldn't feel right if he had access to great, divine power. He'd be the one bouncing off of three different canyon walls to land six arrows in a giant's shielded eyeball, not the one bringing the power of the Gods down to smite the thing. He should really be skills monkey in nature. So I'm having some trouble in finding the right class to pair Swifthunter with while taking a *SINGLE* level Cleric dip for mostly devotion related stuff.

The rest of the party looks like this:

Cleric // Paladin, Crusader, etc.  Holy Warrior of smitey smiting.
Archivist // Wizard, Incantatrix. Spell caster extraordinaire (and pretty squishy too!)
Swordsage // Daring Outlaw. Stabby McStabber. DPS to the Holy Tank above. Frankly silly amount of damage output.
Druid // Barbarian, Fist of the Forest, etc. OHJESUSITSADINOSAURRUNAWAY!!

So with three(!) characters with full spell casting, three characters capable of mixing it up in melee pretty well and one skill monkey, adding some ranged damage and massive skill monkery is necessary.


Swift Hunter, 1 level Cleric Dip for Devotions + What?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Gestalt Paladin Build: Heironeous Smash!
« on: November 10, 2011, 11:27:59 PM »
If you roll a 20 + 3 Divine Spell Power + 2 from Knowledge Religion + 6 WIS bonus = 31, which is a +10. Anywhere between a 12 (+1) to a 31 (+10)

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Gestalt Paladin Build: Heironeous Smash!
« on: November 10, 2011, 10:29:37 PM »
Okay, so we're looking at something more like this...

[Lesser Aasimar]
1) Law Devotion, Knowledge Devotion, Power Attack, True Faith, Serenity
3) Extra Granted Maneuver
5) Improved Initiative
6) Leadership, Diehard, Divine Spell Power
9) Battle Blessing
12) Holy Warrior Reserve Feat
15) Extra Turning
18) Extra Turning

Stats in order...

What spells would make the most use of Divine Spell Power? By the time I take it, I will be able to up the CL by anywhere between +1 and +10 based on rolls.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Gestalt Paladin Build: Heironeous Smash!
« on: November 10, 2011, 12:01:30 AM »
Ooooh, neat feat. Never heard of that one.

Only issue would be whether or not it qualifies for things like the Ordained Champion Smite ability and whether or not it applies to Divine feats like Divine might. If it worked for Ordained Champions it would probably be worth it.

How would it affect Turning undead? Is it now 3+WIS per day? Does it affect turnings from both Cleric and Paladin?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Gestalt Paladin Build: Heironeous Smash!
« on: November 09, 2011, 05:21:39 PM »
Considering I won't be pumping Wis too hard, just enough to cast spells (make enemies take saves is the Archivist//Conjurer,MasterConjurer,Incantrix,Archmage's job) what spells would make the best use of Divine Spell power? Considering I'm pumping Cha over Wis, having a +6 Cha bonus, +2 for Knowledge(Religion), +3 Divine Spell Power means that I'm anywhere from +1 to +10 CL for a given spell. Not too shabby. All at level 6.

Hehe, at Level 7, casting a +X CL buff then having the Incantrix make it Persistent seems like a pretty potent combo.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Gestalt Paladin Build: Heironeous Smash!
« on: November 09, 2011, 04:46:50 PM »
Certainly could do that. What would I put in its place? I could stick Quicken spell in there and get DMM Quicken at some point.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Gestalt Paladin Build: Heironeous Smash!
« on: November 09, 2011, 03:37:09 PM »
Yeah. That'd be a little too much cheese for me. Being able to effectively quicken every standard action Cleric spell would be a little too much gouda for me. xD

What would you replace Divine Vigor with? List of Holy Warrior feats are in Complete Champion. Yondalla's Sense would be nifty but it doesn't really fit the character. If I use Knowledge Devotion instead of Shocktrooper + Knowledge spells, Holy Warrior instead of Shock Trooper (can't believe I forgot Holy Warrior in that progression!) Still have a bunch of Extra Turnings that you suggested against.

It would then be something like...

1) Law Devotion, Knowledge Devotion, Power Attack, Extra Turning, True Faith, Divine Might
3) Extra Granted Maneuver
5) Improved Initiative
6) Leadership, Diehard, [Holy Warrior ACF Feat]
9) Battle Blessing
12) Holy Warrior Reserve Feat
15) Extra Turning
18) Extra Turning

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Gestalt Paladin Build: Heironeous Smash!
« on: November 09, 2011, 01:56:33 PM »
Battle Blessing applies to Pious Templar spells since they're all from the Paladin list. At least, that's what my GM says.

Divine Vigor is a divine feat. Standard action and a Turn attempt gives you +10 feet to your base speed and +2*Character Level temporary HP. Lasts Cha Bonus minutes.

Either a human (for extra feat) or a Lesser Aasimar (for stat bonuses and resistences.) Probably the ideal optimization would be Dragonborn Lesser Aasimar. Strongheart is awesome no doubt although Improve Initiative is one of the two fighter feats I get.

I get two fighter feats in exchange for 2 domain powers as part of the Ordained Champion 1 and I'm more than willing to change them around. Originally I was considering Combat Reflexes and Standstill with a Glaive but Dex isn't high enough to warrant Combat Reflexes.

About knowledge devotion: Interesting. Here's my rules question: If I have already given up the Knowledge Domain power in order to get a fighter bonus feat, can I then swap the whole domain for the Devotion feat? If so, do I keep the fighter bonus feat?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Gestalt Paladin Build: Heironeous Smash!
« on: November 09, 2011, 12:18:59 PM »
Originally the lack of Divine Metamagic was centered around the fact that one of the character's teammates was an Incantrix and got most of my buffs persisted that way. The other bit was that most GMs I've played with put the kabosh on Nightstick abuse.

I'm currently swapping the Knowledge Domain bonus for a fighter feat. In order to get the most out of Knowledge Devotion, I'd need a bunch of Knowledge skills, right? INT is one of this character's few dump stats and after Concentration, Diplomacy, Spellcraft, prereq skills (Heal, Ride) I may only have enough skill points to go for one or two knowledge skills. Is it worth it at that point or would getting a fighter feat and access to the Knowledge Domain spells make more sense?

Would it make sense, since I'm already getting extra swift actions, to go DMM Quicken or should I stick to the tried and true DMM Persist?

Min/Max 3.x / Gestalt Paladin Build: Heironeous Smash!
« on: November 08, 2011, 12:42:02 PM »
So, here is a build I put together and I'm looking for ways to improve it while sticking more or less to the theme of a Super Holy Warrior type. A couple of assertions; One, the RKV is approved despite being borderline "Double Progression" so long as I don't try to bump the same spell casting twice in one level. Also, it has been refluffed into a Heironeous prestige class. Basically the prereqs are slightly easier, I get access to Setting Sun instead of Shadow Hand and I get Lay on Hands progression instead of Armored Stealth.

Anyway, here's the current build. :)

Code: [Select]
Cleric ACF: Cloistered Cleric
Paladin ACF: Holy Warrior
Flaw:       Shaky
Flaw:       Inattentive

                            Features                           Feats                        Spells                 IL/Rdy/Gntd  Maneuvers                             
Cleric 1   // Paladin  1    Aura of Good, Turn Undead, Lore,   Law Devotion, Power Attack,  Cleric 1               0 / 0
                            Smite Evil 1/Day, Detect Evil,     Extra Turning, True Faith,                         
                            Knowledge Domain, War Domain,      Divine Might                 
                            Law Domain swapped
Cleric 2   // Paladin  2    Divine Grace, Lay on Hands                                      Cleric 2               1 / 0
Cleric 3   // Crusader 1    Furious Counterstrike,             Extra Granted Maneuver       Cleric 3               2 / 5 / 3    Crusader's Strike, Vanguard Strike
                            Steely Resolve 5                                                                                    Charging Minotaur, Dousing the Flames
                                                                                                                                Leading the Attack, *Iron Guard's Glare*
Cleric 4   // Paladin  3    Aura of Courage, Divine Health                                  Cleric 4               2 / 5 / 3
Cleric 5   // OrdChamp 1    Glory Domain, Continued Adv.,      Improved Bullrush,           Cleric 5               3 / 5 / 3
                            Combat Feats (Knowledge, Glory),   Improved Initiative
                            Modified Spontaneous Casting
OrdChamp 2 // Paladin  4    Turn Undead, Smite                 Leadership, Diehard          Cleric 6,              3 / 5 / 3
                                                               Divine Vigor
Cleric 6   // Templar  1    Mettle                                                          Cleric 7,  Templar 1   4 / 5 / 3
Cleric 7   // RbyKnght 1                                                                    Cleric 8,  Templar 1   5 / 5 / 3    *Thicket of Blades*
Cleric 8   // RbyKnght 2    Divine Recovery                    Shocktrooper                 Cleric 9,  Templar 2   6 / 5 / 3    White Raven Tactics
Cleric 9   // RbyKnght 3                                                                    Cleric 10, Templar 3   7 / 5 / 3
Cleric 10  // RbyKnght 4                                                                    Cleric 11, Templar 4   8 / 5 / 3    Bone Splitting Strike
Cleric 11  // RbyKnght 5    Armored Stealh                     Battle Blessing              Cleric 12, Templar 4   9 / 6 / 4    *Press the Advantage*
Cleric 12  // RbyKnght 6                                                                    Cleric 13, Templar 5   10/ 6 / 4    Flanking Maneuver
Cleric 13  // RbyKnght 7    Divine Impetus                                                  Cleric 14, Templar 6   11/ 6 / 4
Cleric 14  // RbyKnght 8                                       Extra Turning                Cleric 15, Templar 7   12/ 6 / 4    Rallying Strike
Cleric 15  // RbyKnght 9    Divine Fury                                                     Cleric 16, Templar 8   13/ 7 / 5
Cleric 16  // RbyKnght 10                                                                   Cleric 17, Templar 9   14/ 7 / 5    Swarming Assault
OrdChamp3  // Crusader 2    Channel Spell, Divine Bulwark,     Extra Turning                Cleric 18, Templar 9   15/ 7 / 5    *Immortal Fortitude*
                            Indomitable Will
Cleric 17  // Crusader 3    Zealous Surge                                                   Cleric 19, Templar 9   16/ 7 / 5    White Raven Hammer
Cleric 18  // Crusader 4    Steely Resolve 10                                               Cleric 20, Templar 9   17/ 7 / 5    Swap Charging Minotaur for Warmaster's Charge

BAB +20, 20th level Cleric casting, 10th Level Pious Templar Casting, IL 17 (9th Level Maneuvers)

Any suggestions on how to improve this build would be awesome. :D

Edit - Almost forgot a fix.

Introduce Yourself / Hey folks!
« on: November 08, 2011, 12:34:12 PM »
I'm StormTAG, AKA Drew Arrigoni. I'm a general purpose Nerd from Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America. Nice to meet y'all!

I'm a big fan of most RPGs and enjoy playing just about any roleplaying game. I'm fond of min/maxing D&D 3.5 characters and I play with a group where I occasionally have to min/max an OWoD werewolf. Good stuff. I also play video games (though not as much as I used to) and am a Piano and Flight student.

If you find another StormTAG out there in the internet (reddit, gitpg, etc.) that's probably me. :) Not found many other StormTAGs.

Look forward to working with y'all! :D

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