Wow, long discussion going on in here while I was lookin' away.
One question at a time:
So, what is BESM d20? I notice that that is your favorite game.
Big Eyes Small Mouths d20, an anime inspired table-top rpg, as people have already pointed out, it has even less balance than D&D 3.5.... I still love it.
Do you speak another language? Or is the OOOOOSU more of a battle cry where you come from?
Where do you live IRL? We could always use more gamers in SoCal!
I'm chilean, so my native language is spanish, I'm also fluent in english and speak a little bit of japanese, that's where the osu! thing comes from.
Really, if you enjoy it you should try Mutants & Masterminds 2e - it's similar but much smoother to play and more balanced. There's a Mecha & Manga supplement which is neat but not really necessary unless you use mecha or want rules on armor-piercing pervert-slaps.
I love M&M, I'm currently playing in a friend's campaign set in Marvel Universe, and yes, I've read the Mecha and Manga book, hilarious, specially that Situational Idiot sample build (that might as well just have been called Urashima Keitaro)
I once made a BESM character on a lark... the only power they had was to infect people with a contagion that made them increasingly stupid. I calculated things, and it would have turned the entire world into cavemen in about a month.
Which is why I started working into balancing that book almost right away, It's kind of a work in progress, and the only reason I haven't moved my whole campaign to M&M 2E rules is that I had worked already too much n BESM d20 to just toss it away.
are subject to GM approval.
Funny, not a lot of people seem to care about that rule in D&D discussions.
That's something I answer with "boo-hoo" when it comes up in my campaigns