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Messages - Tychris

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / Introduction
« on: December 21, 2014, 11:16:58 PM »
Big fan of Oslecamo's, use his monster classes in a bunch of games I'm in and love to either lurk or occassionally critique them.

Introduce Yourself / Tychris here
« on: November 28, 2012, 10:44:49 PM »
Hey, names Tychris (Or just Ty).

Big fan of Warhammer, DnD, and a myriad of board games ranging across the board.
I live in the greatest place in the whole world, New York, the beating drum of the United States of America. I primarily go on the Gitp forums and do meetups at a local friendly hobby store called Grasshopper comics (Nice place). Don't own a twitter  or a facebook (Gave it away) so /shrug.

Pages: [1]