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Messages - Redeemer of Ogar

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D&D 5e / War cleric, where to go from here?
« on: May 27, 2015, 04:29:09 PM »
I made a war cleric for Mines of Phandelvar, using Magic Initiate for Shillelagh. He is now level 3, I intend to keep playing him into Elemental Evil, but I'm not sure if continuing on in War Cleric past lvl 5 for Spirit Guardians is the best path. Lvl 6 gives a second Channel Divinity, lvl 8 gives Divine Strike and another feat/stat.  He currently runs around with half-plate and shield, occasionally using a longbow instead, using shillelagh on the bow instead of his club if he has to switch from ranged to melee in a hurry.

I'm considering cross-classing to Paladin Oath of the Ancients, it goes along with the Magic Initiate that I have played up a bit, but that would require a significant stat investment as I currently have wis 17, str 10, cha 12 dex 14, con 14, int 12, so to get to the requisite 13 Str/Cha would cost 4th and 8th lvl feats. Is it worth it? I built the character as a front-line fighter, but he ends up being more of a switch-hitter as it turns out, as we also have a fighter and a barbarian in the party.

I could also drop into either Warlock or Fighter without many problems, though neither is as good for spell progression. I know Rogue would be a good choice mechanically, but he is a worshiper of the Red Knight (tactical warfare) and I just don't see him going Rogue without justifications so twisty that my GM would thwap me for trying.

Any thoughts on what would make best use of the mess I've started with?

D&D 5e / Re: 5e Cleric/Warlock bladelock build advice
« on: October 16, 2014, 04:55:26 PM »
I think they're happy with how intentionally complicated is the Warlock.
Mystic Arcanum (sp?) is for all intents the 6+ level spells/slots.
But you can't use the pact magic slot recharge on those.
Lots of other wiggle room interpretations available anyways ...

It isn't the lack of recharge that is the concern, it is the lack of power. An 18th-level warlock will have exactly the same magical power, including dice thrown, as a 10th-level warlock, but with a Staff of "1/day, choose a 6th to cast at 6th, a 7th to cast at 7th, and an 8th to cast at 8th, and 9th to cast at 9th." I am pretty sure it's going to be fun at low-mid levels, which is why I'm going to play it in this level 2-starting campaign. I'm not sure they have the Oomph to participate in a campaign above about level 12.

...but sorry, I'm drifting off topic. Let's focus on levels 1-12...

D&D 5e / Re: 5e Cleric/Warlock bladelock build advice
« on: October 16, 2014, 04:44:00 PM »
That's the thing, it's early and I'm not convinced of certain ideas....
Otherwise I haven't really investigated Warlocks much beyond 2 for a dip.

Yeah, the more I look at them, the more I worry that they're going to turn out to be better as a dip than as a class. I'm almost certain that they are going to fizzle out around lvl 10 when their spell slots stop raising in level (seriously, WHY do they not keep going up for casting purposes????), but I think they might make a really fascinating 10/10 with a full caster.

D&D 5e / Re: 5e Cleric/Warlock bladelock build advice
« on: October 16, 2014, 04:24:29 PM »
Cha 17 ... Wis, Dex, Con 14 ... Str, Int 12

So you recommend against polearms and great weapons, eh? It's an option, as Tempest Cleric gets heavy armors, so other than the obvious concern about saves, I don't NEED a high dex...

Maybe switch this up with Actor at level 1
Warlock 3 / Cleric 1 / Warlock 4+
War Caster at warlock level 4, since you'd have a shield by then.

Hmm, I missed Actor.. would go nicely with Misty Visions out of combat. *ponders*

Spell Sniper is a good idea.  As is Alert.
idk if the Polearm Master combo is as good an idea as so far advertised.

Yeah, the feat choice is giving me fits...

D&D 5e / 5e Cleric/Warlock bladelock build advice
« on: October 16, 2014, 11:19:12 AM »
Stats: We rolled, I have one 17, three 14s and two 12s to play with. Pretty solid.
Intent: I plan to play a human gish blade-wielder and abuse the Hex spell. I'm having trouble with the mid-level planning though. I'm looking at minimums of Cleric 1 (probably Tempest for campaign reasons, though War would be more optimized) and Warlock 3, with at least one Warlock level taken at 5th to get Thirsting Blade.

The questions:
1) Should I go Cleric 1/Warlock X, or Warlock 3/Cleric X? I'd planned on the former, but the more I look at the book, the less certain I am that leveling up in Warlock works well. Anyone want to throw out an argument (maybe particular spell access) one way or the other?
2) Dual-wield, sword & board, or just plan to take Polearm Master?
3) High stat: Str for blade attacks, Cha for spell attacks, or Wis for spells prepared and uses of the 1st-lvl domain ability?
4) lvl 1 Feat choice is probably: War Caster (for concentration and spell AoO), Polearm Master (for the extra attacks), or Heavy Armor Master (for the Str bump and DR).

Any advice appreciated - other than "don't play a warlock," of course. I'm committed to trying it out, which probably answers #1 anyway unless a strong argument is presented for advancing as a primary cleric. :banghead

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Permanency'ing new spells
« on: December 24, 2012, 12:26:16 PM »
Considering how fragile Permanency spells are for the cost (yay greater dispel) I would allow any single-target or area spell with a duration of more than one round to be subject to permanency. I've always found the specific-list restriction to be incredibly gamist. If I wanted it to be restricted, I would want it restricted by category - for instance, one could say "only Divination, Transmutation, Illusion (non-mind-affecting) or Conjuration (Creation) spells" were one so inclined. We could argue out which categories should be included in such a list, and which were too inclusive and should be left off, but the whole "specific list of random spells" thing never impressed me.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Recommended Pathfinder books?
« on: September 09, 2012, 06:14:57 PM »
Start with Advanced Player's Guide, after that grab Ultimate Combat and Ultimate Magic.

Min/Max 3.x / Quick Question: Unicorn Heart
« on: August 14, 2012, 01:18:00 AM »
I thought this would have been addressed already but a search didn't find the answer. Among other things this spell from Complete Mage grants you this: "You gain a +4 enhancement bonus on Strength-, Dexterity-, and Constitution-based ability checks and skill checks."

1) Does this improve saving throws?
2) What else, other than initiative and Bend/Lift checks, does this improve besides skills?

Thank you for your input. Rules backup appreciated if available.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Non-Combat Wizards in 3.5?
« on: April 08, 2012, 02:10:38 AM »
Is it possible to make a mid-to-high level wizard in 3.5 whose spell list isn't just a list of better ways to beat people down? There seems to be a depressing lack of any outside-of-combat spells that do anything other than improve your ability to travel so you can get to the next combat. No wonder NPCs don't trust wizards...

Min/Max 3.x / Improve Touch AC w/o Abjuration?
« on: January 27, 2012, 05:00:46 PM »
Against recommendations we have a wizard who swore off abjuration. We're now in the mid-teens and the wizard is discovering that at high levels, abjuration actually matters.

Are there any good long-term spells to buff touch-AC or miss chance that are not Abjuration? (Long Term for this argument is 10min/lvl or longer). Right now the fairly solid fallback is Greater Mirror Image, but accomplishing protection with 1 spell is better than doing so with 4.

Books allowed: All FR, all other WotC that aren't world-specific. Oh, no psionic.

I would treat the extradimensional spell interface just as described, a window/door into another universe. If you cast transdimensionally, you can calculate burst and area calculations as being able to flow through that window/door, in all other ways treating it as an adjacent room with a door that you are casting a spell near.  I find this to be far more supportable than trying to claim that 100 people in the mansion occupy the same 5' space for spell targeting.

Gaming Advice / Re: Groundhog day makes for Einstein-Ghandi-Elvis?
« on: November 29, 2011, 07:24:17 PM »
Not that I think many druids would to this, since I'm pretty sure it's a blatant act against the natural order of things, but good to know if I ever wanted to TO something :smirk

As with all things, it depends on the reason. If he was set to guard a tainted worldstone from getting worse (or whatever gobbledygook you come up with, I'm just ripping off Diablo), and letting himself die would mean a major disruption to the world's natural neutrality (order is for Paladins), then you have yourself a plot hook. :)

Extradimensional spaces aren't coterminous with the material plane like the ethereal plane, so the entire space is in a given square

Please provide a rules citation to support this interpretation, as it does not seem to be at all supported by the reading of either Rope Trick or the Mansion spell. Technically, even the entrance to the Mansion takes up two squares (though, technically, so does any adventurer taller than 5'0").


Gaming Advice / Elemental Body and the Heart Of spells
« on: November 17, 2011, 01:01:22 AM »
Elemental Body, transmutation from Spell Compendium (p78), transforms your body into a particular type of elemental substance, and grants benefits by doing so. The four Heart Of spells, Complete Mage (pp106-107) convert "part of your body into" the appropriate element, but expressly can all be used together. 

Is there any reason other than GM interpretation of fluff, why these spells would not work together?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Sources of Continuous Damage...
« on: November 10, 2011, 01:59:35 PM »
How about Belker's Claws? 2nd lvl melee touch, Spell Compendium p26, does 2d12 dmg/rd, lasts for 1rd + 1rd/3 lvls. A decent candidate for Maximize and/or  Extend, methinks.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hi i'm Fringe...
« on: November 09, 2011, 03:23:53 PM »
I'm Fringe.

An old time lurker from the bg forums, now hoping to also share some of my homebrew (mostly monsters) for D&D.

Besides D&D i also play Call of Ctulhu RPG.

Wait... Fringe from  If so, small world it is.  :)

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