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Messages - oni5115

Pages: [1]
Gaming Advice / Re: Magical Item Crafting Basics
« on: November 20, 2011, 02:31:06 PM »
Thanks for the extra info.  Added together it would come out to 109,000 - 30% for alignment specific = 76,000 ish.  So rounded to 75k for a nice number.  Makes sense. 

Gaming Advice / Re: Magical Item Crafting Basics
« on: November 13, 2011, 08:49:36 PM »
Hmmm Mighty Wallop wouldn't work though, since it requires a Bludgeoning weapon.  I will certainly keep that in mind if I play a monk though.   :D

Any thoughts on the Robes of the Archmagi's cost though? (I edited the first post instead of making a new thread since it relates to the original topic a bit.)

Gaming Advice / Re: Magical Item Crafting Basics
« on: November 13, 2011, 05:30:05 PM »
And then putting Greater Mighty Whallop on top. Cost effective way to get lots of effective bonuses in a hurry.

Ironwood Spiked Chain.

I heard you like spikes so I put Spikes on your spikes so you can spike with your spiked chain.

Hmmm, that is an interesting idea.  Automatically treated as +1....

Though we were thinking of going with Glassteel.  More expensive, but a golden glowing crystal chain of devil/demon eating goodness just has a certain appeal.  (Will have to ask DM about Fleshgrinding undead that have flesh though, since it does technically say living targets only.)

Gaming Advice / Magical Item Crafting Basics
« on: November 13, 2011, 02:39:43 PM »
I just want to make sure I understand it right.  If I am correct, you can make an item up to a  +10 in bonuses or 200,000 GP in value pre-epic [MIC].  You can have a maximum of +5 enhancement bonus pre-epic; and an enchanted item requires at least a +1 enhancement bonus by default.

So a +1 Holy, Sacred, Fleshgrinding Spiked Chain of Sizing: would be priced as a +6 weapon, +5,000 gp for sizing?
And would only give +1 to attack and damage? (not +6)

I just want to clarify since one of our group members was saying the bonuses acted like enhancement bonus.  Meaning that if we had a +5 in other bonuses;we'd also get +5 to attack and damage.  Which from my reading of the DMG and MIC is incorrect.

Part 2:
Robes of the Archmagi - I'm curious how these get priced out.  +5 armor bonus (+25k); +4 to all saving throws (+16k); SR 18 (+4 bonus or 5?; +16k-25k) + misc extras (~10k for a feat; Spell Penetration).
It's listed as 75k.  It seems like armor bonus (not enhancement) and saving throw bonus are not considered +X Bonuses, while SR is correct?

As a pixie the SR is rather moot; and the SR penetration while nice will also be moot at higher levels. Vitriolic Blast...  :D

So a Robes (or bracers) or Armored Resistance would be 50k? (25k for +5 armor bonus, +25k for +5 to all saving throws)? and only 25k to craft?

Hmm I didn't see an edit button...

I also wanted to say thank you for the response.

... and apparently I rolled a 1.  At least now I found it.  :lmao

Now if I can only manage to find one.  :D

Go go maximized hellfire glaive! :devil

Gaming Advice / Amulet of Supremacy, UMD, and a warlock's Eldritch Blast
« on: November 10, 2011, 07:40:06 PM »
Can a warlock emulate being a dragon, using Use Magic Device, in order to gain maximized eldritch blasts?

(Draconomicon, pg 82)
"..., and applies the effects of the Maximize Spell feat the dragons spells and spell-like-abilities.  These benefits come at no cost to the dragon, ... and its maximized spells do not require a higher level spell slot."

The "..." being notes about the items affects on the dragons breathe weapon.

Introduce Yourself / There and back again, a min/maxer's tale.
« on: November 09, 2011, 08:47:49 PM »
Hello again, it's me Oni.  Back to read all the wonderful handbooks for great ideas for the rare times I get to play in campaigns.

I started off with RPG's playing Neverwinter Nights.  I spent quite a bit of time scripting code for the game with the PrCC; helping add many classes to the game.  Myself I worked on the Frenzied Berserker, Tempest, and a few others while mostly overhauling the scripted combat engine.  I was planning to continue on in NwN2: but the game used an older version of the engine and we couldn't port it over.  I haven't really worked in it years though, as shortly after NwN2 came out I lost interest -- especially since we couldn't port our code over.

It wasn't until after that I started playing PnP.  DnD 3e first, then 3.5e.  Now we sometimes play GURPS, World of Darkness (Vampire the Masquerade and Werewolf the Apocalypse). I have some exposure to a few other systems, but not a whole lot really.

I enjoy programming, photo editing, web design, and blowing the crap out of <insert creature type> with eldritch blasts. =)

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