Min/Max 3.x / Damage Multipliers in Pathfinder?
« on: March 20, 2012, 09:32:42 PM »
So I'm not very familiar with Pathfinder, but I'm going to be joining a mid level game soon (in Ravenloft of all places).
I noticed that Power Attack got nerfed a bit and since I had been thinking about building a mobility/damage monkey I started looking for ways to increase my damage output and didn't see many. The closest thing I see to Leap Attack is Death from Above which would give me a nice bonus to attack, but doesn't help with the damage. Any suggestions?
It looks like I'm limited to "Core" books only plus Psionics. Any help would be appreciated...
So I'm not very familiar with Pathfinder, but I'm going to be joining a mid level game soon (in Ravenloft of all places).
I noticed that Power Attack got nerfed a bit and since I had been thinking about building a mobility/damage monkey I started looking for ways to increase my damage output and didn't see many. The closest thing I see to Leap Attack is Death from Above which would give me a nice bonus to attack, but doesn't help with the damage. Any suggestions?
It looks like I'm limited to "Core" books only plus Psionics. Any help would be appreciated...