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Messages - Phoenix00

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So I know this is not really what you are asking for (you asked for metamagic and specifically arcane), but I would like to point out the psionic items called power link shards from magic of eberron.  They give you free pp and free augments and allow you to bypass your manifester level and thus I effectively consider them free metamagic.  Effectivelly they are metamagic rods but better  :smirk
  • You need to be the race kalashtar or do a umd check pretending to be a kalahstar.
  • You can have a number of shards equal to your HD or your ML which ever is lower.
  • You lose 1 HP for each shard implanted inside of you, the shards are unslotted magic items.
  • Activating a shard is a free action, you can use multiple shards at once.
  • Each shard you activate gives you 2 free pp that must be used for augments.  Furthermore your ml is increased by 2 and you can bypass your normal ml cap.
  • Each shard can be used 3 times per day (thus effectively 6 pp)
  • Each shard costs 3,000 gp on the open market or 1,500 gp and 120 xp to craft.

A level “9” build (In reality it is a level 8 due to the xp drain of crafting.)
Wizard 1/Telepath 3/Cerbemancer 4
Race Kalashtar
Cast as a 7th level Psion at ML 7, Cast as a 5th level Wizard at CL 8
Assuming 20 int for simplicity sake (16 starting int , +2 due to HD 8, +2 Headband of intellect)
1   Precocious Apprentice (for early entry, precocious apprentice actually works with Cerbemancer)
1   Practiced Spellcaster Wizard
1   Hidden Talent Astral Construct
3   Craft Wondrous Item
6   Expanded Knowledge Energy Missile
9   Linked Power

46 Base PP
20 Bonus PP due to ML 8 and 20 Int
8 Kalashtar Racial Bonus PP
48 effective bonus PP from power link shards.
122 Effective Total PP
Normal XP at level 9 is 8    36,000
Because you crafted 8 power link shards (12,000 gp+960 xp) and a headband of intellect +2 (2,000 gp+160 xp) you are 14,000 gp and 1,120 xp behind.  In other words you are 86% done with level 8 (xp wise).  You have spent 38% of your wealth by level (level 9) on crafting items.

Powers Known
1   Astral Construct (Hidden Talent)
1   Synchronicity
1   Crystal Shard (Ranged Touch AC)
2   Energy Stun (Save or Stun)
2   Energy Missile (Multi Target fireball with less area but don’t hit allies) Expanded Knowledge
3   Time Hop
3   Energy Wall (Wide Area Damage, that you can use for a long time, but doesn't cost pp after initial casting, perfect for a schism mind to concentrate on)
4   Schism
3 1st Level Powers Free, 3 2nd Level Free, 2 3rd Level Free, 1 4th Level Free

Pretty much you use Schism and Synchronicity to break the action economy, giving you 2 standard action powers each round (and this doesn’t even count intermediate actions.).  You can pump out level 9 astral constructs and up to 21 ML blasting at level 8 (when a normal wizard is at level 9).  You still have 3rd level wizard spells for versatility.  Just a little over 1000 xp later at level 9 you will get linked power and thus another “free standard action” one per encounter with linked power and synchronicity.  Level 10 you get anticipatory strike which effectively allows you to trade your  swift action from round 1 for your 2nd round actions standard and main round action being used earlier during round 1 instead of round 2.

Don’t forget if you use synchronicity to ready an action and you cast a damage spell during an opponent’s turn when they are casting a standard action spell, they take the damage as well as make a concentration check of 10+damage dealt, if they fail the check they do not cast the spell. Thus if you lay down a big astral construct, you can then use your remaining time of the encounter making sure the opposing wizard never does anything awesome to stop your party and your beat stick.  Effectively you are counterspelling but with damage ;)  And unlike a normal ready action if the triggering event does not occur you can still cast the damaging spell to kick butt.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Classic Representative Wizard Specialist Builds
« on: December 04, 2013, 12:39:47 AM »
Elven Generalist Wizard 5/Paragnostic Apostle 1/Urban Savant 8/Paragnostic Apostle 4/Urban Savant 2
(A Gandalf Knockoff)

  • Knowing as much spells as possible
  • Cast many spells per day spontaneously.  These spells can be of any spell that you have in your spellbook.
  • High a very high initiative due to your weapon of legacy.
Race Grey Elf (Can take elven substitution options, and you get +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, –2 Strength, –2 Constitution for ability modifiers.).  You are middle age (-1 physical stats, +1 mental stats).

Assumming 32 Point Buy your starting stats after racials and middle age.
8 Str, 12 Dex, 12 Con, 21 Int, 10 Wis, 10 Cha

1      Spell Mastery (SRD)   
Flaw      Uncanny Forethought (Exemplars of Evil book, but this is not an evil feat)   
Flaw      Practiced Spellcaster (Complete Arcane)   
3      Favored (League of Eyes) (Dungeonscape)   
Wizard 5      Spontaneous Divination  (Complete Champion)   
6      Wild Cohort (Online, Dire Eagle) or Leadership (if your DM allows it)   
9      True Believer: Tome of Ancient Lore (MiC for most recent version) to learn every wizard spell in existence   
12      Craft Contingent Spell (Complete Arcane)   
15      Quicken Spell (SRD)   
18      Open   

Main trick, you are a more spontaneous than a sorcerer.  You can cast any divination spell spontaneously without repercussion.  In addition you can reserve a total number of spell slots equal to your int modifier (thus 5 spell slots at level 5) and cast any spell you know as a full round action, if the spell is one you selected spell mastery on (you can choose any 5 1st level spell slots) you can do this spell as a standard action.  For level 5 to 7 you use a heavy war horse as your mount, thus you can spellcast as a full round action and still get move actions.  At level 7 use wild cohort to get a Dire Eagle as amount.  At level 9 you gain the ability to use a tome of ancient lore allowing you to learn 1 spell per day and put it in your main spell book.

Number of spells you can reserve at each level.
5,   21 Int    Middle Age + Race + Base Stats in Point Buy
6,   22 Int    4th Level HD   
7,   24 Int    +2 Item near level 7   
7,   25 Int    8th Level HD   
8,   27 Int    +4 Item near level 11   
9,   28 Int    12th Level HD   
10,   30 Int    +6 Item near level 14   
10,   31 Int    16th Level HD   
13,   36 Int    +5 Inherent Bonus near level 17   

Number of Spells per Day
(click to show/hide)

Raven Familiar since it can always talk without spells or magic items.  A Hummingbird familiar may be more optimal but a raven is more versatile.  Don't forget to use the spell imbue familiar with spell ability starting level 6 to give your raven familiar some spell casting (effectively quicken spells that don't use your swift action.)

Since you have practiced spellcaster wizard anyway, I recommend doing a custom weapon of legacy if your DM allows it since practiced spellcaster will fix both the caster level loss of uncanny forethought and a weapon of legacy.  Here is a sample staff that would greatly enhance your initiative.

(click to show/hide)

Now Urban Savant is awesome, it may not be the most optimal, but is one of the most versatile classes.  Effectively it allows you to cause your DM to hand over the character sheet for most monsters due to knowledge checks.  (note you can not make an urban savvy check as a move action, and a full round action uncanny forethought during the same round, unless you use a magic item to give you an extra move action such as a belt of battle)

Why Urban Savant is so good.

Just realized the lycanthrope template allows you to add more HD to a humanoid or giant, but not give any special traits to the effigy that the template does not remove besides +2 Na.  Thus it is a balanced way to give more HD to a effigy giant beyond what the normal advancement rules allow.

I would guess Tigers/Lions are reasonable early level low HD options. I think you're probably looking at a similar list as the Druid/MoMF favored forms.
Agreed on Tigers/Lions for low level forms.  Also agreed on Druid/MoMF forms, I realized this myself last night when I realize you can't make an outsider effigy, most of the forms will be MoMF forms for most creatures a MoMF can shape into are effigy legal.

Consider Sacred Guardian (Beastiary of Krynn) on top afterwards, if you're only avoiding abusive pre-template use and not avoiding post-template.
I forgot about Sacred Guardian template, since it is from a weird book.  Sacred Guardian can also be added to effigies in addition to or instead of Rudimentary Intelligence.  Sacred Guardian makes the intelligence of an effigy equal to 10 (this gives you feats and skills for your intelligence is greater than 2) as well as stat boosts and many other benefits.

You have to be a cleric to make a sacred guardian.

It adds to the cost of creating an effigy equal you add this cost to make it a sacred guardian
Fine         500 gp +10 XP
Diminutive      1,000 gp+20 XP
Tiny         1,500 gp+30 XP
Small      2,000 gp+40 XP
Medium      2,500 gp+50 XP
Large         3,000 gp+60 XP
Gargantuan   3,500 gp+70 XP
Colossal      4,000 gp+80 XP

(Note in the book it lists steel pieces instead of gold pieces.  This is a dragonlance term for money and gold pieces in the phb are supposed to be converted to steel pieces with a 1:1 ratio.

Note it is never made clear if a sacred guardian is a npc or still under your control.  Rudimentary Intelligence specifically states the construct is under your control.  Awaken Construct specifically makes the construct an npc.  Sacred Guardian does not state so it is a DM call.  Flavor wise though Sacred Guardians are supposed to be Guardians of Temples and sometimes Avatars from which gods speak to the mortals.

If your DM allows Sacred Guardians to be under your control, then Sacred Guardian is a vastly superior template to Rudimentary Intelligence.  It gives vastly more abilities and is cheaper.  Only time you should do Rudimentary Intelligence is that you need a high int on the character for a feat or you really want the skills.  That or you do not want to be a cleric. 

Half-Fey (FF, 3.5up) changes type to Fey, is only CR +1, and doesn't add to Strength.
Fey are not legal effigies
Unseelie Fey though would have done it in with no cr change.

well, the half dragon template changes any living corporeal creature into a dragon type. So that could take care of any type issues.
While this is raw legal, I rather stay away from this since it adds to the creatures strength while not changing the cost of an effigy.  Same thing with the shadow template.  This thought led originally to an effigy that was 30 something half dragons for you can add the template for free.
Well when you're losing everything the base creature can do, it's really not that bad to increase the size to try to make up for it a little, imo =P
I rather not allow houserules in this thread, especially when we can do legal stuff such as as feats and skills and open up stuff like umd and martial maneuvers.

For example a Rukanyr advanced to 21 HD (Large Size) will the extra arms advancement from dragon 327 would have Str 31 and Dex 6 and 200 average hit points.  The Rukanyr has 12 Natural Attacks (10 normal 2 additional with extra arms), with 3 being Save or Suck with a Fort DC of 31 where you are stunned for 1d4 rounds. Cost 34,000 GP with Legendary Artisan plus some xp.  The Rukanyr also has 8 feat which he can spend on things to increase his save dc, or his damage, or even do a white raven tactics.

This is easily superior any summon monster you can do even summon monster ix.  Plus these creatures are permanet, no need to waste time summoning them, you can equip them, etc.

Oh your poor Rukanyr doesn't have pounce, well that is why your raven familiar cast benign transposition from a wand or imbue familiar with spell ability.  Or you cast Dimension Step (3rd level) to give all your allies including your Rukanyr construct a move action.  Or the Rukanyr took travel devotion, etc.

Other creatures I am thinking of

Firbolg looks to be the best giant I can do while keeping large size and not going huge.

Geriviar is a huge giant has 26 hd and is a giant that can be advanced all the way up to 40, it also has a speed of 70ft and really high na.  It also has multiple arms, how much I can't tell for the full attack states 8 slams and 1 bite, the description states six limbs, and the picture has 4 arms.  So if I understand correctly he has 4 arms, 2 legs, but he can do 2 slams with each arm?

Eldritch Giant which has higher strength than Geriviar, but Geriviar is better in everything else.

I am thinking about allowing one template in this thread and that is dungeonbred since it does not change the cr and it just shrinks the monster while keeping most of the monster strength and abilities scaled (it is a very slight reduction in power, very slight).  Remember though
“Dungeonbred” is an inherited template that can be applied to any living corporeal aberration, animal, magical beast, or vermin that is Large or bigger
So no dragon, giant, humanoid, monstrous humanoid effigies with the dungeonbred template.

Save a horse, ride a Couatl?
Sadly not legal outsider type
Kelvezu is medium,
A Battlebriar would make a RIDICULOUS grappler.
Kelvezu is outsider, Battlebriar is plant
Jarilith has some of the best physical stats/HD out there
Jarilith Demons are outsiders
Can you make an effigy out of an ooze? Bone Ooze has Ex special attacks of draining 1d6 Str, Dex, and Con per slam attack, engulf, and a DC 35 SoD against engulfed creatures...
Oozes are not allowed
You lose the swarm subtype when you take effigy

Can you make an effigy out of an ooze? Bone Ooze has Ex special attacks of draining 1d6 Str, Dex, and Con per slam attack, engulf, and a DC 35 SoD against engulfed creatures...

Quote from: Complete Arcane
“Effigy”is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal aberration, animal, dragon, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, or vermin (referred to hereafter as the base creature)"...

So no oozes

And *expletive* no outsiders too it appears  :bigeyes.  Will do some edits.

Quote from: ketaro
And, just because a 12headed hydra caps out at 12HD doesn't mean you can't add more HD with Craft Construct's 1kgp per HD. And even if it is only Huge sized, that doesn't mean you can't make a colossal version of it by simply paying for the colossal price of an effigy, thus being able to increase it's strength according to size category increases along with granting more bonus hp and higher DR.
How effigy works is that you take a legal creature and the apply the effigy template to it.  Thus if the creature doesn't come in the correct size or has a maximum hd in its advancement table you can't just add it because you want to.

Now you can apply templates to effigies, but I consider that to be bad form if it dramatically changes the monster without changing the cost of the effigy template.  Since most templates do not change the hd or size, and only hd and size are used in calculating the cost of an effigy using templates that dramatically change the monster is in my mind bad form.

One bit to note with hydras is that their iconic head-regrowing ability is a natural ability.  I know of no templates that can actually remove it either, so a Hydra effigy could be made twice as dangerous.  Usually better to use on zombies, since they're easier to heal up, but hydra effigies work too.
If you do this remember the heads fall off each day.  You can cut off the heads again but you do damage to your hydras via doing so.

Remember you can not heal a effigy normally for healling spells do not work on constructs.  Repair spells and fast healing (such as lesser vigor) do work on constructs.

Basically you're looking for the best (Ex) abilities you can find.

Kelvezu is medium, 12HD, and has +8d6 sneak attack (and evasion and uncanny dodge), so you could make a good and cheap roguish char.
Jovocs have (Ex) fast healing.

A Battlebriar would make a RIDICULOUS grappler.
You wouldn't get the Kelvezu evasion and uncanny dodge for those are ex special abilities and you don't get special abilities only special attacks.  You would keep the Kelvezu sneak attack, high dex, high na, and flight though.  I think this is a good form.

Jovocs losing their fast healing for that is a special quality.  Thus they are nothing special for effigies.

Battlebriars are a good creature for effigies though.  For fun give them a little UMD (all skills are class skills for effigies), and some magic items that increase grapple checks such as fearsome grapple, expansion, etc.

A colossal 12 headed hydra ._.
I don't need Ex's. I'll just attack you a dozen times with like a +20 str modifier from size alone.

Hydras are nice but their is no advance entry past 12 headed, and no size increase options.

By the way, using Awaken Construct would be cheaper than the Rudimentary Intelligence feature, wouldn't it? Though of course the latter is available a lot sooner than a 9th level spell is.....but if getting to that is cheaper to just make something that casts Awaken Construct like 1-2/day. right?
(Even buying a 9th level scroll (3,900~gp) is cheaper than it even after applying like ~50% cost reduction to Craft Construct...)

Awaken Construst makes all your constructs into npcs.  This is bad.
Awaken Construct also costs 5,000 xp (same as wish) or 25,000 additional gp if you make it into a magic item.
Awaken Construct is 9th level spell thus it is hard to get prior to level 17.  You can get rudimentary intelligence around ecl 5


Rukanyr from fiend follio are awesome.

10 natural attacks
Stunning Strike, fort save or be stunned for 1d4 rounds on 1 of the natural attacks.  It formula is strength based 10+1/2 HD+Str
You can advance a Rukanyr to HD 14 while still keeping the large size, and if you want to go huge you can go all the way to HD 21.
Only problem with a Rukanyr is your Dex sucks.

So far I am thinking
Cave Troll      Charger with pounce that also posses hands so you can wield weapons if you take the right feats
Rukanyr      Lots of natural attacks, with a single attack being a save or suck based on strength.  Can take the Dragon 327 option extra arms for some extra gp and now you have 3 save or sucks based on strength.
Mercury Dragon    As a mount with a 250ft good flight speed.  Can spend a feat on improved flight and now we have a 250 perfect flight speed.
Gold Dragon   As a mount and general fighter.  Mercury Dragon has better flight, Gold Dragon has better stats.
Pegasus      As a mount on the cheap.  Would not waste rudimentary intelligence on this for the gp is not worth it.  I personally don't like this option very much for I rather use spells for free than make a weak mount that may die and then you lose your investment.


Not legal creatures that I thought of earlier or were suggested.
Arrow Demon (outsider type)
Kelvezu Demon (outsider type)
Pit Fiend (outsider type)


I recently found out about the extra construction options introduced Frankenstein article of Dragon 327 pages 72 and 73.  3 new more expensive options were added to craft construct which you gain access to as soon as you can meat the prerequisites of those options.

The strongest of them is rudimentary intelligence.  With Rudimentary Intelligence all you need is
  • Craft Construct
  • Caster Level of 12
  • An extra 8,000 gp of cost to create the construct
And your construct has an intelligence modifier of 1/2 your caster level.  This allows your construct to take feats which it meats the requirements for as well as have skills equal to 2+Any Skills from Int.


Duergar are an awesome craft race see here
Effectively for 1 LA (buy it off or just keep it) you get a caster level of 2xHD with a minimum of CL 3.  Thus at
1st Level you can take Craft Wondrous Item
1st Level (with flaws) Extraordinary Artisan
3rd Level you can take Craft Magic Arms and Armor
6th Level (or 5th Level Wizard) you can take Craft Construct


Crafting an Effigy has no requirements besides the Craft Construct Feat, Raw Materials (more on that later), and a DC 15 Craft (woodworking, leatherworking, or metalworking) check or a DC 15 knowledge (architecture and engineering) check.  You don't even need to be a real spellcaster, craft is an extremely common skill all the main classes in the PHB have craft as a class skill.

Don't forget:  A dwarf has a +2 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to stone or metal, because dwarves are especially capable with stonework and metalwork.  Also Don't forget your masterwork tools for another +2.  Combine with always rolling a 1 you only need a total of 10 ranks and / or enough intelligence to make the check.

The cost to create an effigy is based on the size of the effigy and how much hd the effigy has.  Here is the base cost due to size.  You do not pay any xp cost due to the size.
Tiny 500 gp
Small 1,000 gp
Medium 2,000 gp
Large 5,000 gp
Huge 10,000 gp
Gargantuan 25,000 gp
Colossal 50,000 gp
The cost of each hd is equal to  1,000 gp and 80 XP per Hit Die.

Extraordinary Artisan reduces the body cost and the cost of each HD by 25%


Effigies can be corporeal creatures of the following types.
  • Aberration
  • Animal
  • Dragon
  • Giant
  • Humanoid
  • Magical beast
  • Monstrous humanoid
  • Vermin
These following types can not be effigies
  • Construct
  • Elemental
  • Fey
  • Ooze
  • Outsider
  • Plant
  • Undead

Based on this info probably the strongest creatures we are going to find are going to be aberrations, giants, and dragons.  Possibly magical beast and humanoids


Effigies keep all Extraordinary Special Attacks unless the attack is based on Con.  The Effigy loses all SP and SU supernatural attacks.  The Effigy loses all its Special Qualties, but it gains construct traits, damage reduction based on HD, a change in hit points, bab, saves, and slam attacks if the effigy is humanish shape and lacks natural weapons.

Now due to rudimentary intelligence you get feats for your effigy, effectively your effigy is a fighter with 3/4 bab and no bonus feats.  That said due to Duergar caster level being twice your hit dice the limit factor to the size of effigies is your gold and how far you can advance the creature with the monster tables.

Don't forget you can grant your effigy martial maneuvers via feats if the effigy meets the prerequisites.  (Hello white raven tactics for a 12 HD effigy)


So what are the best effigies you can make without templates?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Wizard and Monk Gestalt Builds
« on: October 11, 2013, 07:55:25 PM »
It was suggested by private message (I am summarizing what was said here) to do Incantatrix instead of more Wizard.  Yes Incantatrix makes everything better and is stronger than wizard if you do not mind losing 1 school of magic.  I am placing this suggestion here even though that I am trying to stay away from incantatrix for that gets closer to theoretical optimization.

It was also suggested metamagic reduction so you can get persistent spells up (easy and practical metamagic).  If you did go this route and your DM is okay with this level of optimization don't go incantarix instead go spelldancer.  Spelldancer requires these feats Combat Casting, Dodge, Endurance, Mobility and some skill ranks.  One of the benefits of spelldancer is spell dance which for some exchange of time and some ability damage you can spell dance metamagic adjustments away.  Thus spell dance, combine with persistent spell, and a wand or ally with lesser restoration means you can have all your spell buffs persistent.  Cobra Stirke Monk gives you these feats at levels 1, 2, and 6:  Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack which helps knock down some of the feat crunch that Spell Dancer requires..

If you go the Arcane Disciple (competition domain) route, you can scribe Divine Power, Righteous Might, and Greater Visage of the Deity, and make those buffs last all day; as well as other insanely good buffs like: Bite of the Werebear, Greater Blink, Anti Magic Field, etc...

Personally this is a little too optimized for my taste

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Wizard and Monk Gestalt Builds
« on: October 10, 2013, 06:31:45 PM »
Don't forget you also incur a 20% miss chance on your attacks while blinking.
I am not forgetting, it was included in my quick summary (reducing the text of the spell for bullet points)

I don't think that 20% of failure is a big deal.  If you are already in a blink that is only a 1/5 chance.  If your spell fails it fails; safety matters to the paranoid wizard, sometimes the paranoid wizard shoots blanks.

Furthermore, you get to choose when you start blinking as an immediate action.  If you don't think you are in trouble then don't start the blink.  If you would be in trouble, then blinks 50% defense makes for the 20% loss of offense.

Yes occasionally this effect will screw you and the party


Another idea is if you are willing to give up the tome of ancient lore, you can instead take the true believer feat to get the Tabard of the Disembodied.  At 13th level, spells that you cast from the ethereal plane (and blink sends you to the the ethereal plane) affect the material plane normally.  Furthermore the Tabard of the Disembodied allows you to enter the ethereal plane for 10 rounds per day (standard to enter, standard to leave).  Of course if your 13th level, you can always just cast ethereal jaunt, and then use your next 13 rounds to be perfectly safe while targeting your enemies..

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Wizard and Monk Gestalt Builds
« on: October 10, 2013, 05:59:16 PM »
The reason why I picked Monk for this build is simplicity.  There are stronger gestalt options out there.

This is what blink gives you (which you can do as an immediate action, and it last a number of rounds equal to your wisdom modifier, if your DM allows Kung Fu Genius it is based off your int modifier), Monk 9. Pretty much blink gives you half the nice stuff about Swiftblade, but you do it as an immediate action instead of a standard action.
  • 50% Miss Chance a for Physical Attacks against you
  • 50% Miss Chance a Targeted Spell will fail against you
  • Half Damage from Area Attacks
  • Strike as an Invisible Creature, denying your target any Dex Bonus to AC
  • 20% Failure of your Spells
  • Can move through solid objects
  • If the Target can see invisible creatures, there is a 20% miss chance for physical attacks and 20% miss chance for targeted spells instead of a 50% chance.

Total Concealment from Monk 7 (note this ability does not require an action to activate, it is always active if I chose to do so.)
Total Concealment
If you have line of effect to a target but not line of sight he is considered to have total concealment from you. You can’t attack an opponent that has total concealment, though you can attack into a square that you think he occupies. A successful attack into a square occupied by an enemy with total concealment has a 50% miss chance (instead of the normal 20% miss chance for an opponent with concealment).

You can’t execute an attack of opportunity against an opponent with total concealment, even if you know what square or squares the opponent occupies.
  • So physical attacks have a 50% miss chance, if the target knows you are there
  • Furthermore since I have total concealment, I can't be targeted by many spells or abilities for most spells require line of sight.
  • Any spells with the target description do not affect me, for all spells that are not touch range that have the target descriptior require line of sight.  If the spell is touch range, they still have to roll a 50% chance to hit me since I have total concealment (plus all my other ac, modifiers, and possibly my blink effect)

So in sum if I have both effects active
  • Near 100% miss chance from physical attacks if they don't know what square I am from (and most of the time they don't know which square I am from due to total concealment).  Since they must choose a random square and then I still get a 75% miss chance
  • 75% miss chance (50%*50%) from physical attacks if they know what square I am for some reason.
  • Immune to ranged targeted square / effects since I have total concealment and those require line of sight.
  • 75% miss chance to melee targeted square / effects, furthermore why am I in melee range again unless I am doing a melee monk build?
  • Still susceptible to area spells, but if these area spells do damage they only do 50% damage to me
  • Still susceptible to effects and line of effects
Add to this I get good saves from monk and chameleon.  If the DM allows the correct feats I also get Int to Will (Oriental Adventures), Reflex (Complete Adventure), and AC (Either Champion of Valor or Dragon 319).  My hit points are not bad since I get d8 for 19/20 levels and I am mostly SAD with Con being my second most important stat.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Wizard and Monk Gestalt Builds
« on: October 10, 2013, 03:12:52 PM »
I Always Go First, The Quarterstaff of Initiative
A Weapons of Legacy

If your DM allows you to create your own weapon of legacy, you can create a really nice item that will greatly help you be more specialized.  These weapons have costs, but they can be mitigated with other abilities such as feats or spells.  If your DM lets you create your own weapon of legacy this is the maximium cost for the wizard (uses table 4-6 on page 186)

Level 20
-2 to all Skill Checks
-1 to all Saves
-2 to Caster Level
Lose 1 8th level Slot
59,500 GP Total Ritual Cost

Well practiced spellcaster fixes the caster level loss, you can live with the other costs.

What you get in return.

The Quarterstaff of Initiative, I Always Go First.

Starting Magic Item:  A Magic Masterwork Quarterstaff that has a wand chamber in each side.  This masterwork quarterstaff has been enchanted so each side is +1 magical.

A quarterstaff is used since it is a double weapon and you can enchant both sides with a weapon of legacy, but it is single weapon for the purposes of wielding it

Takes 2 Least slots upgrading +1 to a +2
Takes 1 Lesser slots upgrading a +2 to a 3
Takes 3 Lesser slots or 1 Greater slot slot upgrading a +3 to a +5

Least Abilities (you get a total of 6 of these from Level 5 to Level 10)
5  +1 Weapon Ability part 1 of 2
6   +1 Weapon Ability part 2 of 2 (Warning)
7  +1 Weapon Ability part 1 of 2
8  +1 Weapon Ability part 2 of 2 (Eager)
9  Protection from Evil 24/7
10 Open pick one Least Ability

So at level 10 you get
+1 Quarterstaff of Warning (Top)
+1 Quarterstaff of Eager (Bottom)
Granting a +7 to Initiative (Warning +5, Eager +2), Protection from Evil 24/7, and One Least Ability
In exchange for -1 to all skills, -1 to all saves, -1 to caster level, one less 3rd level spell, 3,500 gp

Lesser Abilities (you get a total of 6 of these from Levels 11 to 16)
11 Cunning (never flat footed)
12 Wolf’s Cunning (+5 to Initiative)
13 +1 Weapon Ability part 1 of 1 (Flaming)
14 +1 Weapon Ability part 1 of 1 (Upgrade Flaming to Burning, same effect as Flaming but you also get a +2 bonus to Initiative)
15 Shield 24/7
16 Protection from Arrows 24/7

So at level 15 you get
+1 Quarterstaff of Warning and Eager (Top)
+1 Quarterstaff of Burning (Bottom)
Granting a +14 to Initiative (Warning +5, Eager +2, Wolf’s Cunning +5, Burning +2), Protection from Evil 24/7, Shield 24/7, Protection from Arrows 24/7, and one Least Ability
In exchange for -2 to all skills, -1 to all saves, -2 to caster level, one less 5th level spell, 17,000 gp

Greater Abilities (You get a total of 4 of these from Levels 17 to 20
17 Open pick one Greater Ability
18 Open pick one Greater Ability
19 Open pick one Greater Ability
20 Open pick one Greater Ability

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Wizard and Monk Gestalt Builds
« on: October 10, 2013, 03:12:20 PM »

Be Prepared (or should I say Flexible)
Wizard Focused Spellcaster
For the most part done
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(Still need a name)
Melee Focused Build
Not close to be done
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Sir Ben Kingsley: The Mandarin
"You don't know who I am. You don't know where I am. And you'll NEVER see me coming"
Stealth Focused / Illusion Build
Not close to be done
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Master of Shadows and Reality
"I don't paint dreams or nightmares, I paint my own reality."

Shadowcraft Mage / Illusion Expert
Not close to be done
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Min/Max 3.x / Wizard and Monk Gestalt Builds
« on: October 10, 2013, 03:08:30 PM »

This is a collection theoretical builds I am writing up.  It isn’t going to be a handbook, but it is going to be written in a handbook style.  I hope to be able to reference this build at a later date to show a very strong wizard gestalt as a guide post for other gestalt builds.

This is a work in progress.  I will be editing this post while writing it.

  • All the phenomenal cosmic power of a wizard
  • While at the same time making a build that is good at passive abilities, giving you defense and versatility
  • Minimal Multicasting
  • Try to stay to 3.5 materials that are in books and the web.  Can reference dragon material but try to stay away from it (I will put it in the write up, but I do not want it to be a lynchpin of the build).
  • Trying to stay away from theoretical builds
  • Trying to stay away from builds doing big numbers for the sake of doing big numbers (stacking metamagic for example, multiple standard actions per round, etc)
  • While this build will stay RAW, also trying to keep to the spirit of RAI (for example martial monk does not grant the option to choose epic fighter feats.)
Wizard 20//Monk 9/Nightmare Spinner 1/Chameleon 10

18   Total Feats (though some of these feats will be used for they are awesome or are required prerequisites)
+1   Human
+2   Flaws
+7   HD from 1 to 20 is (1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18)
+5   Martial Wizard Variant from UA (1, 5, 10, 15, 20) or Scribe Scroll and 4 Wizard Bonus Feats (5, 10, 15, 20)
+3   Monk (1, 2, 6)

What Wizard Gives
  • Wizard Casting aka phenomenal cosmic power
  • Familiar or Some form of Substitution Option
  • 5 Fighter Bonus Feats if Martial Wizard from Unearthed Arcana is used or Scribe Scroll and 4 Wizard Bonus Feats
What Monk Gives
  • Invisibility at Will for 1 round, as an immediate action, at level 2.  Substitution Option Invisible Fist, Exemplars of Evil, Give up Evasion
  • Darkvision at Level 3.  Substitution Option Dark Moon Disciple , Champions of Valor Web Enhancement, Give up X
  • Total Concealment at Will (as long as not pure daylight), as a free action, at Level 7.  Substitution Option Dark Moon Disciple , Champions of Valor Web Enhancement, Give up Wholeness of Body
  • Blink at Will, as an immediate action for a number of rounds equal to your wisdom modifier, at Level 9.  Substitution Option Invisible Fist, Exemplars of Evil, Give up Improved Evasion
  • 3 Good Saves for the First 9 Levels.  Thus at level 8 your base saves are +6/+6/+6.  At level 20 assuming good save from wizard and poor fort and will save for the remaining 11 levels, your base saves are +10/+10/+12.  This is before bonuses from chameleon, items, feats, spells, etc
  • Monk Unarmed Strike Damage, this is a fallback for wizard casting.  Wizard Casting locks down battles, only use Unarmed Strike Damage after the battle has been effectively decided but it is not technically finished. Or if for some reason you run out of spells per day (which should rarely if never happened)
What Nightmare Spinner Gives
  • An additional spell per day of each spell level.  Sure this spell must be an illusion spell, but you get this ability for free without slowing down your wizard spellcasting.
  • Immunity to Fear
  • Instill Fear:  This ability is not useful that much for a Wizard, but it is a free ability that can be used for flavor.
What Chameleon Gives
  • Untyped Bonuses to Saves
  • Competence Bonuses to Attack, Defense, Skills, or More Spellcasting
  • More Spellcasting of classes that don’t have to be wizard.  Grab those unique bard, sorcerer, cleric, druid spells, etc
  • Competence Bonus to Int ending up with a +6.  This means more spells per day and higher save dcs
  • Floating Bonus Feat
  • Some Weak Class Features that are passive
Possible Feats Choices for your 17 or 18 feats
(Note I am not close to being done here, and would greatly appreciate ideas).
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(I haven't even started this yet)
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(I haven't even started this yet)
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