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Messages - Omen of Peace

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« on: February 11, 2014, 09:45:50 AM »
The Dreaming Blindfold (MIC):
"If you are also wearing a psicrown (EPH169), you can target the recipient of the dream or nightmare with a single psionic power generated by the psicrown as if you were adjacent to that creature. However, the power costs twice the normal number of power points and renders the dreaming blindfold inert for seven days."

It seems like a nice way to assassinate someone from afar. You probably can't use powers that require you to touch the creature, which makes me sad because I'd have liked to be able to teleport the target as well (sleeping implies willing).
But note that technically it works even if the target is protected against mind-affecting effects, and doesn't sleep: you just need to target it with Dream (which might fail immediately).

Now... as long as you don't do anything actively evil you won't taint the others.
Ah, but what are the odds of that happening?  :smirk

So... I can take Mael back to Ladydove, no problem, or I can run some combat-free solo bits for you, as before. Other than that... well, it's all up to you. You are welcome at any time.
Well, just don't kill him for now. Where he ends up matters little. :)


I have a little more time (emphasis on little) and I remembered this game so I checked it out.
It's still going, which is nice.  :clap

From my perspective, though, there's not much room in there for me,
- in part because my character is Evil (Evil enough that associating with him would make the Exalted character(s) fall rather instantly)
- and also because the power level seems to have risen yet a bit more; it's above my comfort threshold. My PC is deeply flawed - on purpose - and quite inadapted to big fights against demons/mutants/... I know RP matters a lot in this game, but let's face it, the mechanics do as well.

I may reconsider my position in the future; in the meantime I'll keep an eye on things. Have fun!  :)

(BP, feel free to send Maƫl back to Ladydove in the meantime. We'll see how becoming a mutant works out for him and his political/religious manipulations!)

Introduce Yourself / Omen of Peace
« on: November 10, 2011, 01:11:17 PM »
Been active on Wizards' and BG's CharOp, am not anymore, but one game I'm still technically part of migrated here so...

I live in France.

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