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Messages - Orwell

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No. A dustform creature is a construct without an intelligence or constitution score. It can be applied to a humanoid/giant/whatever. The incarnate Construct, who, now that I think out it, I should have just made it a regular human, for ECL 1, is no longer a dustform.

Fair enough.

Which makes Level 4 the lowest thus far.
I got ECL two(Half-Ogre human(The template, not the race) works best, large for +1 LA)

(click to show/hide)

Doesn't work... Those templates can be taken only once each

Edit: i can actually do it at ECL 2 and will post a build tomorrow
Why not? It is a valid target after you incarnate it, and is no longer a dustform creature, so it is a valid target.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Best Ur-Priest builds, including Psionics
« on: December 04, 2011, 11:43:09 AM »
Ardent 1(Magic Mantle)/StP Erudite(Disciplined(Magic)) 3/Cerebremancer 7/Ur-Priest 2/Psychic Thurge 3/Ur-Priest +4, or something to that effect.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Housecat v Commoner!
« on: December 03, 2011, 06:50:50 AM »
My solution to the cat comes from 1 word: Sandstorm. Level 1, you have 900gp. spend 480 GP on a lv 12 wizard to get you a wall of salt, and by my math here, you get about 243,469 GP, as salt is 5GP a pound, and 1 salt is 2.16~ G/ML, IIRC(3 AM here ,please correct me if I'm wrong). Get absurd amounts of money, an arbitrary amount, really, and buy Magic Items. There, we have all of the magic items in the books as free slots. Mindrape, PaO, and (True) Mind Switch(Or, we could use the patsy trick to get a permanent regular mind switch) come to mind, TMS for immortality. Continue from there.

Eat it, cat! This commoner can FLY, has 23 in all physical stats, or better if I mind switch into another, better body, 21 in mental stats, has enough contingent spells to last forever, +5 awesomeness sword and +5 awesomeness armor, and could probably solo Big T.

Grumpinezer Scrooge

Primordial Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform  Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Incarnate Dustform Half-Ogre Commoner 1

ECL 1(LA bought off)

Stats: STR 412, DEX 3, CON (???)-2, INT (???)+4, CHA 20
Feats: Skill Focus(Basketweaving), Power Attack, Brutal Throw
Equipment: Pajamas, a broom, flashlight

The balor made a massive mistake terrorizing this particular village. Grumpinezer was working on a basket, and the massive explosion made him ruin it. Storming outside, he sees the Balor terrorizing the village 200 feet away. He throws the ruined basket at the balor, and yells at him to fix it. He then walks back inside and proceeds to make another basket.

General D&D Discussion / Re: Rolling For HP - Thrill or Dread?
« on: November 13, 2011, 01:46:47 PM »
Dread. It's why my group just has a flat increase based on the average roll of your HD.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Optimised Intro
« on: November 13, 2011, 01:31:47 PM »
Psssh, wizards are lame. StP Erudite is where it's at. :p

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