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Messages - DarkEternal

Pages: [1]
Gaming Advice / Re: Rejakor Designs Awesome Encounters
« on: February 21, 2013, 07:14:33 PM »
This thing still alive?

Gaming Advice / Re: Rejakor Designs Awesome Encounters
« on: December 06, 2012, 06:53:02 PM »
Any chance of this still being alive?

I see the thread is dead ont he other forum, so I'll repost

Basically thought of making a side quest for the party, especially one player who based his character off Kenshiro from a popular anime Fist of the North Star. he keeps badgering me about finding the person that hurt him, and stole his woman. I was thinking of leading him to this encounter when they reach level 10 or something. He plays an unarmed swordsage, and it would be great if the said enemy(enemies) have martial arts as weapons of choice. I don't mind them being homebrewed or stretched. I was thinking something about each party member having something opposite or reflecting his own style of fighting as an opponent, while the main "villain" fights against the said swordsage. Rest of the party is knight, archivist, cleric(divine inquisitor), bard.

Introduce Yourself / Heya
« on: December 06, 2012, 06:52:37 PM »
Long time lurker, first time poster. Played a lot of 3.5, mostly DM-ing because the rest of my friends are lazy douchebags who just want to enjoy ;). So yeah, here for learning.

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