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Messages - Pyrefox

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Gaming Advice / Re: No Spells Variants
« on: January 17, 2015, 04:13:52 AM »
Thank you very much, Marisa-chan, Jackalope guy and MEH. XD

Gaming Advice / No Spells Variants
« on: January 16, 2015, 03:19:56 PM »
Is there an official version of the Paladin and Ranger without spells for DnD 3.5?

If so, where can I find it? What book, wiki or wizards article?

Gaming Advice / Re: Monk / Druid (Unarmed, Flurry and Wild Shape questions)
« on: December 10, 2012, 12:56:38 AM »
Oh, then it would be 12 hp! Thanks again.

And the Druid/Monk thing is exactly to avoid doing full druid, which was the last character I played. The last one wasn't focused on any specific part of a druid, so I had stuff to boost spells, wild shape and animal companion xD She was awesome!

Gaming Advice / Re: Monk / Druid (Unarmed, Flurry and Wild Shape questions)
« on: December 09, 2012, 11:57:00 PM »
I had started looking through the Druid Handbook. Had it checked some years go when I started running a druid in a forum campaign, but that character was very different. This one needs things to add up to his full attack, be it things that boost damage, number of attacks or just attack bonus (which is always nice when you deal a huge lot of strikes).

I doubt the GM will allow Dragon Magazine stuff, since he frowns on Reserve feats (he claims Wizards are supposed to run out ot spells... lol). However, what we already saw here is enough for a nice combo with nearly nothing out of Core (except for the Smilodon, but that's an animal, I doubt he would be against it unless his the world we'll be playing in has none of those).

I'm starting at level 12, so I'll probably need to go with Druid 9 and Monk 3 at the beginning... it's a shame, since the Unarmed damage for a large monk is way better (1d8 compared to lv4 Monk's 2d6).

One last question, just to clarify (since the rules seem to say exactly that): when I wild shape, I still hold my own hp, and I regain one night's rest worth of hp. So, if I have Con 16, would I heal 16 hp everytime I wild shape??

Gaming Advice / Re: Monk / Druid (Unarmed, Flurry and Wild Shape questions)
« on: December 09, 2012, 10:30:49 PM »
9: I said +3 because of the Bestial Charge (Charging Pounce) feat. But that answers this question.

10: Alright, so in my full attack it would be +20 instead of +18. I was correct.

11: Alright, forgot about the HD, but as a 9th Druid my BAB would still be the same. I'm having the Multiattack then... just wanted to understand why the Smilodon's claws were +10 instead of +7... really seemed like an error.

SO, my full attack, as Monk 4, Druid 9 (wild shaped into a Smilodon) would be:

+20 Unarmed (2d6+10) / +20 Unarmed (2d6+10) / +15 Unarmed (2d6+10) / +18 Bite (2d6+5) / +18 Claw (1d6+5) / +18 Claw (1d6+5) / +20 Grapple / +18 Rake (1d6+5) / +18 Rake (1d6+5)

Any suggestions to optimize these attacks while keeping the same classes and not adding others? (feats, variants, items, druid spells) Ideas on how to make this character survive are also appreciated, since I was only thinking of attacking until now, lol.

Gaming Advice / Re: Monk / Druid (Unarmed, Flurry and Wild Shape questions)
« on: December 09, 2012, 09:54:55 PM »
Ok, I got it now. I'll make a simulation here.

If I'm Monk 4 Druid 8, I'd be able to wild shape into a Smilodon. Let's say I have +2 Str from an Ion Stone, +4 Str from Bull's Strength and base Str24 from the animal I turned into, for a total Str of 30.

I'm considering a Charging Pounce, so that's +3 attack bonus. Also, Multiattack.

The attack bonuses considered here are: BAB +9/+4. FoB -2 to all attacks. Charging +3. Str mod +10. Natural Attacks are the highest -2

My Full Attack would be:

+20 Unarmed (2d6+10) / +20 Unarmed (2d6+10) / +15 Unarmed (2d6+10) / +18 Bite (2d6+5) / +18 Claw (1d6+5) / +18 Claw (1d6+5) / +20 Grapple / +18 Rake (1d6+5) / +18 Rake (1d6+5)

Q9. That is considering the charge bonus apply to all attacks. Does it?

Q10. Also, does the -2 from Multiattack affect the Grapple attempt?

Q11. (Edit) Do I really need the Multiattack? The Smilodon's natural secondary attacks are already at -2 in Frostburn. Why is that?

Gaming Advice / Re: Monk / Druid (Unarmed, Flurry and Wild Shape questions)
« on: December 09, 2012, 09:01:03 PM »
Wait, wait... Unarmed/Unarmed/Unarmed AND Flurry/Flurry/Flurry ?? I don't understand this.

Gaming Advice / Re: Monk / Druid (Unarmed, Flurry and Wild Shape questions)
« on: December 09, 2012, 08:48:45 PM »
Ok, so can I do the FoB extra attacks + Natural Secondary Attacks or not?

As a Monk 8 Druid 8, would I be able to do 3 unarmed + Bite/Claw/Claw + Grapple/Rake/Rake?

Gaming Advice / Re: Monk / Druid (Unarmed, Flurry and Wild Shape questions)
« on: December 09, 2012, 08:27:59 PM »
So, what is the difference between Flurry of Blows being a Full-Round Action and a Full Attack? If FoB is a Full Attack, which is a Full-Round Action, then Secondary Natural Attacks are Swift Actions?

I thought I wouldn't be able to do FoB+Secondary Natural Attacks, can I do it or not? (and why)
I need to know what kind of action is a secondary natural attack... is there somewhere I can read about it?

Gaming Advice / Re: Monk / Druid (Unarmed, Flurry and Wild Shape questions)
« on: December 09, 2012, 06:07:44 PM »
I just searched for more similar questions and threads and found out that I wouldn't be able to perform Flurry of Blows AND secondary natural weapons attacks, because the Flurry of Blows is already a Full-Round Action.

If this is true, then the FoB is kinda useless for what I was trying to do, but the Improved Unarmed Strike is not, since I would still be able to benefit from the Monk's increased unarmed damage for primary unarmed attacks using my BAB and not my FoB.

For a Monk 8 / Druid 8, I would be able to deal 2 unarmed attacks (headbutt or something that doesn't use up my natural weapons' limbs) at +12/+7/+2 and one Bite and 2 Claws attacks, all at +10 (with Multiattack feat). The Str modifier for the Unarmed strikes would be full and for the natural attacks it would be halved. That still leaves me able to do the Grapple / Rake/Rake the Smilodon can.

Damage of Unarmed attacks would be 2d8 + strmod and natural attacks just as the Smilodon's.

Sounds good, or am I missing something?

Gaming Advice / Re: Monk / Druid (Unarmed, Flurry and Wild Shape questions)
« on: December 09, 2012, 03:39:51 PM »
About the Flurry of Blows question:
So, if I was Druid 5 and Monk 8, the Druid levels' BAB would stack with the Monk's FoB attack bonus. I got it.

Now, if I was Druid 8 (BAB: +6/+1) and Monk 8 (FoB: +5/+5/+0) and Wild shaped into a Smilodon (Frostburn)...

Q7: If my full attack is Pounce > Bite/Claw/Claw > Grapple (if bite was successful) > Rake/Rake (if grapple was successful) and I wanted to add the Flurry of Blows into it, would I have to give up the Bite attack to use the Unarmed Attacks? Would I still be able to use the Claw attacks?

Q8: If so, I'd be giving up the grapple and rake attempts, as I wouldn't be using the bite attack. Is there any way to add in the Flurry of Blows into the full attack routine without giving up the Bite, so I can still grapple and rake?

Q9: If I use the Bestial Charge (Tactical Feat - Complete Champion), does the +3 attack bonus due to the Charging Pounce apply to all attacks (regardless of using Flurry of Blows)?

Thanks for the replies on the other questions! I'll wait for these ones before I add more.

Gaming Advice / Monk / Druid (Unarmed, Flurry and Wild Shape questions)
« on: December 09, 2012, 02:05:46 AM »
I need a few explanations:

I want to make a character that is a Druid, Monk and Fist of the Forest. Maybe this will change, but let's start with it.
The idea is to have the character fighting while Wild Shaped, but it's strange to me...

When I wild shape, I assume the animal's physical abilities and extraordinary special attacks (as Polymorph and Alter Self say).
Let's suppose I turned into a Wolf, just to make things easier.
Q1: If I'm able to turn into large creatures, could I turn into an Advanced Wolf? Monster Manual says a Wolf gets Advancement to Large size at 6HD.
Q2: If I can turn into a Large Wolf, does the Wolf's Physical abilities get the modifiers of a Medium to Large transformation as it is advanced? What about the Natural Attacks'  damage, what happens to those?

Like I said, this character will be a Monk too...
Q3: If I have Flurry of Blows, could I bite twice if I'm using wild shape (Wolf)??
Q4: If so, could I use the Trip ability for each of the Flurry's attacks?

And now, a more basic question.
Q5: If I'm, for instance, Monk 8th and Druid 5th... How do I calculate my Flurry of Blows' attack bonus (+5/+5/+0)? Do I use the Monk 8th only or do I add in the Druid 5th's +3 BAB? Would that make a +8/+8/+3 FoB? How exactly does that work?

Last for now:
Q6: Does the Monk's Unarmed Strike damage apply to the wild shaped character's attacks as well? Let's say, a Large 8th level Monk deals 2d8 unarmed damage. If I'm a Large Wolf, do I use the Wolf's bite damage or the Monk's unarmed damage?

I'll add more, but I need to have these clarified first xD Hope you can help me!

Introduce Yourself / Hello :D
« on: December 09, 2012, 01:36:51 AM »
Hello guys, I'm using the same name I had on the other boards, but I didn't show up too much...

Maybe I'll remember some people from that game where we picked the class that people like most, it was fun saving the Bard all the time xD That also depends on people's portraits lol

Well, that's it! Let's talk about the game!

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