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Messages - Daedrin

Pages: [1]
Gaming Advice / Re: Removing unwanted enchantments from weapons.
« on: December 12, 2012, 12:50:09 PM »
In one campaign that I played we traveled everywhere and did not have much access to magical reagents for crafting, I came up with a wondrous item that allowed me to drain the magical effects from items to use in future crafting. The item was great, it left the items intact but drained of their magical power (half the value of the item essentially craft cost for pathfinder) to use it. I called it my Mystic Dissembler and the user had to beat the caster level of the item put in the Dissembler to drain it of its enchantments but the thing that made it good was that you automatically succeed on the dispel check with spells cast by yourself. Maybe the DM can have something like that happen where you can keep the blade intact and then drained of its enchantment (for the cost of a quest/coin help you) oh if you want to show the DM this item from Paizo's RPG Super Star Arcane Anvil I think that may be an easy fix, just a tweak to have the item left intact but drained of its enchantments.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Optimizing boiling blood (Pathfinder)?
« on: December 12, 2012, 12:23:00 AM »
Fire is fun, basic feats to choose from Elemental Focus followed by Greater Elemental Focus  these will increase the DC for all of your fire damage spells by 2 (which is nice, Selective Channel is a keeper, for class (even though it cannot change) see about going Oracle with the Flame Mystery and checking out Blood Crow Strike

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Feats for a CR 12 (20 HD) Redcap?
« on: December 12, 2012, 12:02:34 AM »
If its allowed you can try Battle Jump from the Unapproachable East 3.5 book, if can prove fruitful with the insane strength he has.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [Pathfinder Cleric] Optimize it!
« on: December 11, 2012, 11:28:19 PM »
I have played many a cleric and I find some standard feats that just make life easier: (Selective Channeling) its overlooked about channeling that its everyone in the burst and if you do not have the feat that its only the cleric who can choose if they are targeted or not. Based on alignment and character background if neutral you can try Versatile Channeler the ability to inflict as well as cure when needed is good for control. If you are going to be up close and personal Combat Casting

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Spellcasting feats
« on: December 11, 2012, 10:16:49 PM »
Since you said rays spells the Complete Arcane suggests Precise Shot (to avoid the -4 for firing at an opponent engaged in melee) or Point Blank Shot, both are beneficial since ray spells are generally better chance to hit then normal. Read the class you are playing seems cool.

Introduce Yourself / Greetings
« on: December 11, 2012, 09:30:47 PM »
Hello all, my name is Gerry a long time gamer new to the boards, I am 32 years old and have been playing rpgs since I was about 15. I enjoy fencing and anime in my spare time, I am a busy family man who enjoys Borderlands, Pathfinder, Rogue Trader, GURPS, Eclipse Phase, 4th Edition DND, Magic the Gathering and many other gaming systems. I live in British Columbia, Canada for about 12 years now, I frequent the Paizo messageboards and  deviantart, where I make maps and such occasionally I am a self admitted min/maxer power gamer, but I always love to lend a hand for optimization or adventure ideas. I look forward to contributing however I can on these boards.

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