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Messages - ScionoftheVoid

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I've just started re-reading the system, so I can't really offer many thoughts on the Transcholar. I do like the Transcendence capstone working in all the required principles, but on the other hand it seems like a lot of required principles - at least at first glance. You only get five principles that are freely chosen if you obtain all of the Applied Focus ones, and while there aren't that many principles to begin with (and so five is still rather a lot) that's still an awful lot of choices to be locked in.
I also think you meant to say in Transcendence that if you used IMCH388 you can spend uses of Minor Virtuality to become fully corporeal, since you're already incorporeal at that point. Unless I'm really missing something, which is entirely possible.

Good catch on the typo, fixed.  Definitely corporeal.

As for the required principles... Honestly, those are some of the most generally useful principles in the system (maybe except for BIOY101 if you're not into that sort of thing), so most people are probably going to learn them anyway.  Then, the HEUR and IMCH stuff is really the problem, in that you're forced to take stuff from both disciplines... and yeah, I understand that that may be a bit much.  Honestly, I have no idea if anyone is going to like or want this prc... I just had the inspiration and thought it was a cool premise.
Yeah, it's just... More than half your principles locked in seems excessive, even if they are likely to be chosen anyway.

It would be less overwhelming to have some kind of powered-down version of Transcendence, or some other benefit to fifth level, and have the full power version only usable by getting all the components.

I think it's reasonable to require some HEUR and IMCH principles to get into the class, since it's a prestige class about blending them, but having a class feature make you take principles from other disciplines is a bit off - thematically, if nothing else. If nothing can be done, nothing can be done, but it's really weird seeing a class combining two disciplines that makes you take principles from others.

I've just started re-reading the system, so I can't really offer many thoughts on the Transcholar. I do like the Transcendence capstone working in all the required principles, but on the other hand it seems like a lot of required principles - at least at first glance. You only get five principles that are freely chosen if you obtain all of the Applied Focus ones, and while there aren't that many principles to begin with (and so five is still rather a lot) that's still an awful lot of choices to be locked in.
I also think you meant to say in Transcendence that if you used IMCH388 you can spend uses of Minor Virtuality to become fully corporeal, since you're already incorporeal at that point. Unless I'm really missing something, which is entirely possible.

However, mostly posting to give an idea for a GEOC/IMCH combination prestige class with a capstone which allows it to trick Geoccultic Poles into thinking they have more mass than they actually do (for the purpose of critical mass, expending mass for upkeep and such) - probably called World of Pure Imachination. Partially putting this here so that I remember it if I take up making such a prestige class once I've finished re-reading, and partially to put the idea out there if anyone else would like to use it (I don't mind).

Introduce Yourself / Good [time period], I'm ScionoftheVoid
« on: December 20, 2012, 03:24:52 PM »
Greetings, I'm known as ScionoftheVoid - a name under which I can also be found on the Giant in the Playground forums (if, for some reason, one wants to find me).

My first tabletop game - and indeed my game of choice - is D&D 3.5 (mostly for the purpose of shenanigans). I have a distinct interest in Rule of Cool's Legend, but haven't found any flesh-people who've heard of it yet, and apart from that can be expected to show interest in any game that'll let me be a supportive but kind of creepy mage or mage-equivalent. Or sometimes I'll just break out the imaginary weapons and break some faces, if I feel so inclined.

I dabble in writing (poorly), and will often be found engrossed in a videogame or buried in a rulebook that's caught my attention.

I make my lair in the UK and tend not to stay up late, which may be useful information if you expect or hope for me to see a post.

If you'd like to know anything else, this is probably the place to make a request, but I should think that about covers it for a first post.

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