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Messages - Cyrocloud

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The thing about burn is you will only have 4.5+con mod/level in hp, so if you max out burn you'll only have your 1.5 hp/level or you get knocked out.  Taking 1 hp per level to do anything useful is huge, and the worst part is it's unhealable unless you rest for 8 hours. The only way to even do decent damage with the class is to do empowered composite blasts, which will cost you 1-3 burn depending on your level, granted you can take a move action or full round to mitigate it, but then you are just standing still with a big hit me sign on you, and if they hit you while you're gathering power you run the risk of taking all the burn you would have mitigated, and not even cast the ability, the worst part about all of that is that a warrior (The NPC class) is still probably going to out damage you with a bow without having to worry about hitting himself in the face to do it.  Granted kineticist does have some utility but most of the decent ones cost burn so your going to take significant damage to even use them.

I really want to like this class, but it just doesn't work, the only way to make it decent at something is either play up kinetic whip and kinetic form to have a huge range in which to be an aoe tripper that does ok damage, or get conductive ammo and go nuts with multi/rapid/clustershot, which is pretty darn expensive (I think throwing daggers with a blinkback belt and 3 levels of the cartomancer archetype for witches also work). It's a tier 5 class, it has roughly similair damage out put to npc classes that are built well, with cursmudgeon of utility, it could possibly tier 4 if I underrated it's utility a tad and with conductive ammo shenanigans (You can do some pretty silly damage dual welding guns with each shot getting 15-30d6+(~12-40) of an energy damage tacked on to each shot, that might also blind, deafen, entangle, dispel buffs, at +4 to attacks or grapple the people hit).  If you want an example of something an archer inquisitor which is pretty solid tier 3, will have significantly more utility than a kineticist and be out damaging one without having to worry about hitting himself in the face with unhealable damage to be useful.  Honestly the best comparison for it is probably a rogue, which will have higher damage output more skills and a bunch of odd abilities to give it some utility, putting a kineticist at tier 4-5. 

Something to look forward too though is that the developers hinted at there being too new elements to pick from in the supplement book, plant and void.

The reason the medium is unplayable is because the spirits can only be bound in certain locations, that means that while your out adventuring you'll be lucky if you can even bind 1 or 2 different spirits. Considering the whole class is about flexibility and being able to switch the spirits up on a daily basis, being unable to choose even 1 or 2 if your lucky very much defeats the purpose of this.  The champion can be summoned in a place of violence, the trickster in a place filled with traps or mazes, and the hierophant at a shrine, those are the only three you might be able to really summon on the road regularly, and that is only if you make a place like that every morning or before you set up camp. Granted this is a super easy thing to house rule around, and the playtest was more binder like with i want to say ~20 spirits and you could bind multiple at low levels, all with different interactions with each other and being based of alignments and stats, with there being a total of 52 (to match up with the harrow deck). But that got scrapped for page space.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: Power's Tier List for Pathfinder
« on: December 15, 2014, 07:39:19 PM »
So since the Occult Adventures playtest is out does anyone have opinions on where the classes are strength wise?

I was thinking the Kineticist is probably Tier 4 or 5 because they don't have much utility and don't really do that much damage unless you take damage yourself. I have no idea on the Mediums, their abilities interact differently and they seem to favor melee I think. So probably tier 4 or low tier 3. Mesmerists are probably low tier 3 or high tier 4 since they seem to be weaker less useful bards. Occultists seem pretty balanced and can learn up to 7 spells a level to cast spontaneously and a strong even if their list is fairly limited.  I'd probably guess it's tier 3. Spiritists are weaker summoners so tier 3 I guess, and Psions being the full casters of the book are probably tier 2 or low tier 1.

Also would the Primal Companion Hunter be a higher tier than a Hunter? It seems like a complete upgrade, and if your companion dies you become a synthesist summoner with a better chasis, you can even take the divine hunter archetype with it and gain a domain.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« on: October 06, 2013, 05:38:08 PM »
Nothing like the a Feral  Loth-touched Half Minotaur Incarnate Construct Warforged  Wizard 13/Ab Champ 5/Spellsword 1// Cleric 9/Warhulk 10 with his +32 to STR, before he uses some spell to enlarge himself on top of it to, Giant Size, righteous might maybe...+6 enchant, +4 levels, +5 tome, +24 size, that's what +71 to strength so he'll have what 88 strength as his casting stat, granted this is cheesy as hell and gesalt, but any Caster capable of changing their size or assuming different forms could easily get huge STR scores to pump their DC's and get bonus spells.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Optimization of Telepath/Thrallherd Build
« on: October 01, 2013, 07:30:34 PM »
Sorry I'm a bit hung up on that Stone Giant thing, you should ask to see how the LA is being waived whether DM why the hell not, or you get less point buy to make up for it, or even if a flaw can be taken to lower the LA by one, because you might be able to snag a pretty tasty template like Phrenic, Half-Fey or like a Primordial Half-Giant (Necropolitan too if that doesn't disqualify Primoridial).

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Optimization of Telepath/Thrallherd Build
« on: October 01, 2013, 09:06:08 AM »
What house rules are you operating under, cause normally you can't be a stone giant till level 18 (14 HD +4LA).

Min/Max 3.x / Re: DMing Question.
« on: September 30, 2013, 01:02:21 AM »
1 level of Beast Heart Adept from dungeonscape will also get you a blink dog.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: The Most Powerful Druid Focus?
« on: September 28, 2013, 04:07:53 PM »
The thing about druids is that, they are not the best spell casters (They have a worse list than Clerics, wizards, probably Wu Jen, and I'd argue the Spirit Shaman is a better caster than them due to their unique casting mechanics and having the same list) they aren't the best melee or the best summoners, they are probably the best straight companion class, but it is arguably their weakest feature post wildshape.  But they do have a ridiculous amount of synergy between all these features and that is their main strength.  Low levels your right companion is probably your best bet, a Druid 5/Beastmaster 1 might be the strongest lvl 6 druid build, but any more than a 1 level dip in Beastmaster will make you worse, Master of Many Forms makes your wildshape a lot better but taking more than three levels will hurt you a lot. 

So I'd say the strongest Druid is not one who put's too much focus on to any one of his aspects because the druid will just suffer from ignoring it's other strengths, but if I had to rank them I'd have it as from lvl 1-6 Spell>=Summon>=Companion>Melee, lvls 7-12 Spell>=Summon>Melee>=Companion, lvls 13+ Spell>Summon>Melee>Companion. 

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Barbarian Beastmaster?
« on: September 23, 2013, 08:58:00 PM »
Maybe a Dungeon Crashing Fighter/Barbarian with either a level of animal lord and the wild cohort feat, or maybe even taking the wild cohort feat twice I don't think there is anything against that.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Way's to get knocked down, but get up again?
« on: September 23, 2013, 10:35:31 AM »
The 8th level shaper power Astral Seed, and maybe mind switch might too.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Beast Heart Adept
« on: September 17, 2013, 10:06:07 AM »
Yeah I will, but it really depends on if the DM allows an epic progression of BHA and if blood line level increase my BHA level for my companion, since a FAQ said they don't increase a druids animal companion. :???.  And if both are allowed, I might take some uncanny trickster at the end so that I get and EBHAL of 17. So +16 HD +16 STR/DEX +16 NA and 9 tricks, for a base companion. I think this will lower overall damage but the damage at the moment is a little ridiculous, The build probably also needs extra bardic music.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Beast Heart Adept
« on: September 15, 2013, 09:38:08 PM »
Yeah Ankheg is pretty solid, this isn't an E6 build, I just added filler at the top of my thoughts I guess. 

Min/Max 3.x / Beast Heart Adept
« on: September 15, 2013, 12:02:51 PM »
Hey, I was toying around with the idea of a BHA in prestige E6, and thought it would be cool to make a level 20 build and was curious what you guy’s thoughts were.  Oh, human paragon is there is handle animal is always a class skill.

Monster rancher
Human Paragon 1/Bard 3/Crusader1/BHA10/Bloodlines 3/Crusader +2
IL 11? Inspire Courage +10 Effective Beast Heart Level (EBHAL)13
6 Maneuvers known
5 lvl 2 or below
1 lvl 6 or below
2 stances
1 lvl 1, and 1 lvl6 or below
BaB 16
Human)Draconic Heritage (Pyroclastic)
Flaw)Combat Reflexes
1)Animal Affinity
3)Dragonfire Inspiration
Bonus)Song of the Heart
6)Words of Creation
9)Combat Expertise
12)Imp Trip
15) Song of the White Raven
18) Exotic weap pro (spiked chain) or Standstill or Extra Bardic Music?


1 Girallion EBHL 11, 17 HD (127 hp), 17 BaB, 32 STR AC 26, attacks 4 Unarmed 2d8+11 16 claws 1d4+5, 4 bites 1d8+5, rend 2d4+22 every time two claws hit, feats imp unarmed strike, sup unarmed strike, soulmeld Sphinx Claws, open chakra hands, rapid strike, imp rapid strike, multiattack. Skill total 20, didn't assign any of the 3 stat points.

2 Wyvern EBHAL 5, 11 HD (115 hp),+ 11 BAB 23 STR AC 22, attacks 3 unarmed strike 2d6 +6, sting 1d6+3+poison, bite 2d8+3, 2 wings 1d8+3, 2 talons 2d6+3, feats imp unarmed strike, sup unarmed strike, soulmeld Sphinx Claws, open chakra hands, multiattack(bonus). Skills total 56,  UMD +15 (14 ranks -1CHA +2 masterwork item). If you DM allows you to add an extra point to your abilities every 4 HD,  you could add it to CHA and swap out sup unarmed strike for skill focus (UMD) and get a +19 to UMD so he will never fail to activate a wand or staff. +1 stat points unassigned

3 Owl bear EBHAL 5, 8HD (100hp), +8 BAB 25 STR AC 19, attacks 2 Unarmed Strike 3d6+7, 2 claws 1d6+3, bite 1d8+3, feats imp unarmed strike, sup unarmed strike, imp nat attack unarmed strike. Skill total 11. +1 Stat point unassigned

The only equipment that is necessary is badge of valor and vest of legends, and the gist of it is I sing some inspire courage so they can actually hit things, then use dragonfire inspiration sonic or fire for +10d6 (+3 Effective Bard level 14 (3 bard, 3 crusader, 3 bloodlines, 5 vest of legends) +1 badge of valor +1 song of the heart all x2 with words of creation) on every hit, you could do both sonic and fire, it’s a personal call I suppose. The Wyvern also has a decent amount of skills, I’m not sure what class skills are for dragons but I figured UMD is a good one to grab, and maybe one in speak language so he can speak common. So if everything hits that's like a bonus +370d6 a round (+740d6 if both are inspirations are used), plus how ever many AoA are taken by the Rancher.

I suppose you could switch the Girallion and Wyvern, but I think the hit you take from the Girallion losing 4 HD might be greater than  the Wyvern gaining  4, not  sure on that.

If natural bond is house ruled to work with Monstrous Companion take it and swap out one level of blood lines for another of crusader for more maneuvers, and have and EBHA level of 15. Both the Wyvern and Owlbear would get another feat too, I'd say rapid strike for the Wyvern, imp natural attack (claw) or on the Girallion and I'm not sure what for the Owlbear.

 I suppose you could swap out the two crusader levels for uncanny trickster or legacy champion to get an EBHAL of 17 if the natural bond is allowed which would be an extra  2 HD, +2 con/str, +2 NA , 1 skill tricks, and an additional feat  for all companions, so drop imp natural attack and pick up rapidstirke and the sphinx claw set on the owl bear, improved rapid strike on the Wyvern maybe skill focus (UMD) so you can get  +22 UMD, and probably imp natural attack (unarmed strike) or on the Girallion.  But you will only have +8 inspire courage, and you won't have access to high level white raven maneuvers which are really nice with this many melee chargers.

I'm kind of curious as too if I should just have 2 crusader levels taken at the end instead so that it is Hum Par1/Bard 4/BHA10/Blood 3/Crusader 2, that way the he is IL 11 upon all his intial maneuvers known, and get a stance lvl 6 stance at the final level too.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: [E6] What if PrC prereqs were largely waived
« on: September 13, 2013, 11:52:00 PM »
Full BaB 1/ Beast Heart Adept 5 would be really cool, +6 bab, a decent amount of HD, and hell you could get a CR 7 chimera as a companion and I don't know a hippogriff mount or a girallon, manticore, winter wolf or digester, your pretty set.  Hell grab wild cohort and you got a nice little army of things that are, well probably stronger than yourself.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: [E6] What if PrC prereqs were largely waived
« on: September 13, 2013, 02:29:05 PM »
I just had an idea for a build using these house-rules.  Warlock 1 / binder 1 / hellfire warlock 3 / warlock +1.  Getting 9d6 damage at will seems pretty good for E6.

Why not Warlock 1 / binder 1 / hellfire warlock 3 / blood line 1  for 11d6 damage. Probably take air elemental/genie for imp initiative or fey for +1 cha, or stone giant for point black shot

Min/Max 3.x / Re: New World Record
« on: September 04, 2013, 12:38:48 PM »
Incorporeal and immune to magic, talk about pissing off a wizard.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: [E6] What if PrC prereqs were largely waived
« on: September 04, 2013, 10:37:50 AM »
Martial Adept 1/Deepstone Sentinel 5 would be pretty solid, you get some pretty solid battle field control, some stone dragon maneuvers, and a 1/encounter swift action 12d6 60 ft burst that also knocks down.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: optimized malconvoker summon list
« on: August 29, 2013, 07:01:50 PM »
White Ethergaunts are effectivly 13th level wizards with an extra 20 hp, they would be way too powerful if the player was allowed to choose the spells it has, it's given list though is pretty good...They are IMHO significantly better than anything on the SRD summon monster IX list, heck most the summons on there are only CR 10, with only fiendish colossal spiders being at CR 13, A Red ethergaunt would probably be a really good summon monster VIII mediocre summon monster IX. Kelvazu is also WAY TO STRONG! they are a CR 18 monster they should not be on summon monster anything.  I think in general Summon Monster IX should only be monsters in the CR 9-12 range, I'd just throw out all the monsters out of that range. A dirty way to do it would be Have SM IX be CR 10-12,  SM VIII CR 9-10, SM VII CR 7-8, SM VI CR 6, SM V CR 5, SM IV CR 4, SM III CR 3, SM II CR 2, SM I CR 1

Min/Max 3.x / Re: optimized malconvoker summon list
« on: August 27, 2013, 10:27:11 AM »
Huh, didn't know you could summon white Ethergaunts, that's a lot of spells.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Bahamut's Axe
« on: June 22, 2013, 02:20:53 PM »
Since the character is called Bahamut's Axe and you're using RotD is there any reason to not take Dragonborn also?

Introduce Yourself / Howdy everyone
« on: December 23, 2012, 03:17:50 PM »
I used to post on min/max boards on BG, but haven't had a game going for a few years, I'm looking at being in a new campaign this year, and am looking for a jack of all trades kind of deal.  So howdy everyone.

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