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Messages - Lazwolf

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / 3.5 Druid - 2 Lvl Monk dip....Worth it?
« on: March 09, 2013, 02:54:44 PM »
Thoughts on taking a 2 level dip into Monk for a 3.5 Druid? Specifically combining 2 levels of Monk, with the Monk's Tattoo (Magic of Faerûn p. 163). It's a bit spendy but gold is easy right? *grins*

So looking at Monk 2/Druid X -

The dip and magic item (which takes up no space and therefore should work in Wild Shape) gives you -

- 2 Bonus Feats - Improved Grapple and Combat Reflexes would seem VERY handy for a Wild-shaped Druid.
- AC Bonus (Ex) - +5 or higher for 18+ Wis.
- Evasion (Ex)
- Fast Movement (Ex) - +20 ft.

I would read that those all work while Wild-shaped since while they are Extraordinary abilities, they are not derived from your form, but are class abilities as per the Rules Compendium.

So any thoughts, opinions, such?

Introduce Yourself / Hello all...
« on: December 30, 2012, 12:43:27 AM »
Just a quick introduction...

My name is Jon, I've been gaming for 32 years now, since the classic red and blue boxes of original D&D, though nowadays I prefer D&D 3.5 or Pathfinder.

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