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Messages - Borgia

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / Re: Help with a Rogue build
« on: February 11, 2013, 05:08:10 PM »
Erm, yeah. Looking back over my notes I see I had made one on the back to take at least one flaw for Dodge. Although, if Swashbuckler drops then it can replace the mistakenly early Daring Outlaw. If Swashbuckler gets completely dropped would the first 4 or 7 levels of NSE be a good replacement or would mixing in some assassin be better? There are 8 levels available if the swap is made to get Hide in Plain Sight. Manageable spells too. As to Factotum, it's interesting looking. Are you recommending switching rogue t factotum or just dipping?

Thanks for the assistance.

Min/Max 3.x / Help with a Rogue build
« on: February 11, 2013, 03:11:16 PM »
Hello all, I am working up a rogue based build for an upcoming game. This character isn't for me but a friend who has never played before so I am trying to ensure the character has good survivability and isn't too complex (thus I am avoiding spellcasting for the most part). She wants to "be sneaky and kill things", hence rogue. Some trap finding/disabling will be important (at least early on) as she will be the only one with such capabilities. It is an evil campaign, we are starting at 6th level, and anything official goes (except Tome of Battle and Incarnum).

Stats as rolled: 15, 14, 13, 10, 10, 10. Not terrific but it is what it is.
My thoughts are go whisper gnome for some stat help and good early boosts.
1st Rogue (feat education, possibly flaws to accelerate some of the later feats)
2nd Cloistered Cleric (Knowledge Devotion, Travel Devotion, Time Domain for Improved Initiative)
3rd Swashbuckler (feat Daring Outlaw)
4th Rogue
5th Rogue
6th (starting point) Swashbuckler (feat Titan Fighting)
7th Nightsong Enforcer
8th Rogue
9th Rogue (Underfoot Combat)
10th Rogue
11th Rogue
12th Rogue (Confound the Big Folk)
13th Rogue
14th Rogue
15th Swashbuckler (Darkstalker)
16th Swashbuckler
17th Swashbuckler
18th Swashbuckler (Penetrating Strike)
19th Swashbuckler
20th Swashbuckler

The Swashbuckler is included for some hit points and the grace/dodge bonuses to help stay alive. CC allows Knowledge Devotion allowing a good Intelligence to make hits more likely and allow some damage output if unable to sneak attack. Surprise and flanking will be the main means of achieving sneak attack until them big folk start being confounded. Flaws could allow maybe some 2-weapon fighting later on or craven.

Any tips, suggestions or criticisms would be gratefully accepted. Thanks a load.

Introduce Yourself / Presenting...
« on: February 11, 2013, 01:55:08 PM »
Braden Borgia!
I have played many a role-playing game, favorites being White Wolf and 3.5 (for the cheese).
I am a philosophy/poli sci student at the University of Oregon which is located in Eugene, Oregon in the US of A.
I spend most of my time reading, drinking and reading while drinking.
For the curious and/or stalkery:
Glad to be here. Let's roll!

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