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Messages - Reidshot09

Pages: [1]
Other RPGs / Need help plz!
« on: June 27, 2013, 03:42:53 PM »
Hey all!
So my gaming group decided to quit playing VTM because our party wouldn't stay together or work together. As a fix, our ST decided he would run a mission based game where we had to stay and work together. He also gave us choices as to what game to run. 2 people wanted to keep playing VTM and the other 3 (me included) chose to play Fantasy Flights Warhammer 40K Black Crusade. After this choice had been made, one of the people who wanted VTM said he wasnt going to play (petulant right?). The reasoning is because "I cannot play evil. I dont understand the reasons behind commiting any atrocity" he wants to play but cannot because of this. Can anyone help me think of a character concept so he can play?

Gaming Advice / Re: Splitting loot
« on: June 27, 2013, 03:36:28 PM »
i have to agree with WhiteTyger009. the easiest way to go about it would be to give them gold. personally i would let them spend it before they returned (if they wanted to) as reason to why they have the new equipment.

Other RPGs / New game with my group
« on: June 27, 2013, 03:34:06 PM »
Hey forums,
So my group recently decided to run a different type of OWoD/NWoD combined. All of us can be whatever we want as long as it is playable by the books except for Demon. I am considering playing a lot of things but i really want to play a Mummy.
I own the book for Mummy (hard copy) but i cant seem to understand how they work and how to make one. can anyone help plz?

Gaming Advice / Vampire the Masquerade cool character idea
« on: February 12, 2013, 03:50:34 PM »
So my ST is pretty cool with what we are able to do in our game of Vampire the Masquerade and i asked him if i could make a railgun type character from To Aru Majutsu No Index and he said yes but he doesn't know how to stat it or what damage it could do, maybe ya'll could help?

Path of Levinbolt-3 dots
to be able to supercharge a coin or metal ball bearing

Path of Focused Mind-3 dots
to use 2 mental actions in 1 turn

Movement of the Mind-3 dots
for telekinesis (will explain why it's needed in a bit)

my flaws would be Parapalegic (reason for telekinesis) and another which i havent decided yet (needs to be high flaw points)

i would super charge the coin and fling it with telekinesis effectively becoming living artillery/railgun.

can you help me figure out what kind of damage this would deal?

Gaming Advice / Wheel of Time
« on: February 12, 2013, 02:03:21 PM »
So this isn't about me but about a friend of mine.

A group of my friends started playing a Wheel of Time campaign and it looked/sounded like a lot of fun, but i was too busy with Werewolf the Apocalypse, Vampire the Masquerade and D&D to join.

After the first session my friend, Daniel, told me about he game. Apparently the DM decided that the whole party had to listen to a couple that were both playing and could do nothing to go against them. They can't even do side quests unless the 2 allow them. I know all of the players and they are all good people but in my personal opinion, if it isn't ok'd with the players then there shouldn't be pre-made party leaders at the beginning of the campaign no matter what. If they prove themselves worthy of being the leaders then it should be fine.

What is your opinion on this? i would love to hear from you on this subject!

Introduce Yourself / The Big Lebowski is actually......
« on: February 12, 2013, 01:44:01 PM »
YO YO YO!  I AM REID! I play D&D3.5, VTM, WTA, almost all other OWoD and a few other games here and there. Can't wait to see ya'll on the boards  :)

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