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Messages - Cranthis

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / Sorcadin Build Assistance
« on: February 19, 2013, 05:17:56 AM »
Hi there, first non-obligatory post here. I'm looking for general help with my latest build, the Sorcadin.
Build so far:
Race: Draconic, Magic blooded, Lesser Aasimar

Levels: 7 Paladin 2/ Sorcerer 4/ Spellsword 1 (Going for the standard, finishing out with Abj. Champ5/ Sacred exorcist 8)

Abilities: 32 point buy
Str: 12 (14 after race), Dex: 12, Con: 14 (16 after race), Int: 10, Wis: 8, Cha: 18 (24 after race)

1: Power Attack
Flaw: Combat Casting
Flaw: Versatile spellcaster
3: Theurgic hands (Homebrewed, stacks paladin and arcane class for lay on hands and smite.
6: Leadership (Cohort is a Dragonfire Inspiration focused bard, to help buff my damage)

What I need help with is skill allocation for the most part, in order to meet all of the pre-requisites for Sacred Exorcist. It requires more ranks than I believe have, due to all the cross class, but I have seen people manage it anyways. I've tried doing the math, but I'm just too scrambled.

Any other advice is greatly appreciated as well.

Introduce Yourself / Hi there Min/Max
« on: February 19, 2013, 05:05:02 AM »
Name: Brendan
Favorite Games: DnD 3.5, MTG, and a multitude of rpgs and fps.
Non-gaming Hobbies: There are other hobbies?
Live: The United States.
Other groups: The Gittp forums, and a real life 3.5 group.

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