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Messages - Girniverse

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Middle/Old/Venerable ages gives you physical-1, mental+1/physical-2, mental+2/physical-3, mental+3! Hence a venerable age grants you Int/Wis/Cha+6 totally.
Unless this has been errata'd somewhere, according to PHB pg 109, your mental stats only increase by +1 for each age category, unlike the scaling physical penalties. This will net you +3 to all mental stats, not +6. Realized their might be a specific rule once I saw that this was commonly mentioned for Incarnum races, checked and found that their table is wonky. Carry on and ignore me. Though I'd double check MoI errata, just in case.

I think there are different age categories for some special races. I checked the MoI errata. They were not corrected fortunately. Not only races in MoI, there are races in RotW, like Killoren, they all fall into the different age categories from PHB races. I think it is designed by wizard coast people on purpose, but few players or DMs really notice it.

Daelkyr Half-BloodMoE - An interesting race in Magic of Eberron. At first level you gain one symbiont, and Symbiont Mastery bonus feat. At 5th, 10th and 15th character levels, you have additional symbionts. Some of symbiont's abilities are very nice. Besides every symbiont has share spell as supernatural ability which is even greater than Familiars', since their share spell ability can share spell/spell-like abilities to their master back!! This opens many new possibilities of wizard-fighting styles. Symbionts in certain senses are like Familiars. So imagine you with your 4+1 "Familiars" together to battle!
The new symbiotes become available, but they replace your previous one. You can only have one at a time.
Quote from: MoE 37
A s a daelkyr half-blood advances in level, he can grow a new personal symbiont as indicated on the table below. Any new personal symbiont grown replaces the old symbiont.

Thanks for the correction. I think you are right that Daelkyr could only have one symbiont at one time. I will downgrade the rating of this race. It looks not that attractive at all if there is only one symbiont available.

Primordial GiantSoX - It boost Int/Cha by +4, but only qualified for Giant which is +1 LA race. If you play a giant, it is a must-have template. Of course changeling with emulation feat can also qualify for this!
CPsi 148 introduces racial classes for the Half-Giant, among others. The text seems a bit ambiguous to me as to whether or not you have to finish the racial class. If your DM rules that you do not, then you can take some of the base traits of the Half-Giant (+2 CON, -2 DEX, Giant type, fire acclimated, low light vision) without taking the level adjustment. This allows you to qualify for Primordial Giant.

Yea...the wording is tricky in CPsi. But as you said, it somehow depends if you can convince your DM~ :)

You should mention in races that Dwarves get access to Runesmith and, of course, mention Runesmith in PrC chapter.

Runesmith is good (not "Incantatrix" good, but still very solid choice). First, it make your spell auto-still, on first level, which is really good, but it gets even better. On 3rd level it allows you to prepare runes (Con mod per day) instead of spells - spell level increases by two (note that this is not metamagic), but it allows other cast this spell as effective as you, without UMD or anything. Just imaging applications for that. Party rogue needs an invisibility spell? Give him a rune so he could cast it when he want's and don't bother you. Give all team members rune of dimension door for quick escape or just completely ruin all this magic shop in town, 'cause you don't need gold or XP to create this mega-scrolls (better then them in any possible way). And on 5 level you get an ability to inscribe some spell on your body. Once and permanent decision, so use it wisely - sacrifice slot of one level higher and get this spell as a spell-like ability twice per day (limited wish is a very good choice i think). You pay full price but only once (though, clarify that moment with GM). And on the top of this, runesmiths have d6 HD and high Fort and Will saves to ensure you survivability.
There is only one downside to all of this goodies - somehow you need to get proficiency with heavy armor (more reasons to dip into cleric, i think, or even fighter), so you lose 1 caster level (or 3 feats, which is much worse).

With all this, Dwarves makes very powerful wizards (and with better chances of survival on low levels)

Thanks! That's a very good PrC!! I had read this PrC long time ago and was impressed by its 3rd and 5th level abilities, but by accident forgot this only-Dwarf accessible PrC somehow! I will absolutely add it up to the PrC section, and maybe change the rating level for Dwarf race.

This is the discussion thread for my recent writing wizard handbook: A quasi-New, half-Compiled and trying-Everything-included v3.5 Wizard Handbook.

I know it is a huge topic. I was supposed to include as much as I can. However there must be something or some interesting ideas I missed or didn't realize. So I want to hear your comments, criticisms, ideas and so forth. Thanks in advance!


-Uses of Familiars
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-Ways of Boosting Caster Level
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-How to Stack Skills
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-The Art of Dipping Classes and Build Optimization
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-Efficiently Use Metamagica
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Prestige Classes

-Spellcasting Prestige Classes
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-Dual Spellcasting Progression Prestige Class
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-Dipping Basic/Prestige Classes
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I. Equipments:

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-General Feats
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-Spellcasting related Feats
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-Metamagic & related Feats
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-Racial Feats
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-Item Creation Feats
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If your DM doesn't allow LA buyoff, there is only a few templates to select.

-LA +0
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-LA +1
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-LA +2
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The criteria to pick up a race for wizards is mainly as follows:

-LA +0 races
-any race granting bonus feat, since a powerful wizard need tons of feats
-any race boosting intelligence or constitution
-some sporadic races which has special traits or can access good prestige class

First, wizards' spellcasting abilities depends on its class levels, so any race with LA is in general a bad choice. Almost no any racial traits could beat spellcasting progression.

Secondly, Intelligence is the most important stat for wizards, while constitution is crucial to any classes. It's unquestionable that any race boosting these two stats will be a decent choice.

Besides stats, you will see in the Feats and Builds parts, number of feats is even more important than stats. Although wizards get bonus feats every 5 class levels, powerful wizard builds rarely take too many levels in basic class, therefore wizard is actually a feat-starving class.

At last, in the discussion below, some of races with special traits or accessible to powerful prestige classes will be highly recommended as well.

In sum, based on what mentioned above, any no LA race granting bonus feat will be rated at least a blue choice; any no LA race boosting Intelligence or constitution will be considered as a green choice. If your DM further allows LA buy-off rule in UA, then for sure there would be some other LA races need to consider. I will briefly discuss them as well.

-LA +0
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-LA +1
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-LA +2
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Class Features

BAB - Bad BAB, but wizards normally won't get themselves into melees. You can ranged attack, control battlefields, summon alliance and so on. Even if you want to be a melee-oriented wizards, there are many ways to get spells like Divine Power to nullify your BAB weakness.

Bonus Feats - You get Scribe Scroll at level 1, and bonus feats at 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th levels. Bonus feats are great, but in many cases you only take 5 levels on wizards.

Hit Die -  D4 die means you are fragile in the early of games. You need a high constitution scores, to make you sturdy. Later on many protective spells will help you become the toughest role in battlefields. In sum, D4 die is bad, but not a problem at all for an experienced wizard.

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Spells - The reason that wizard is in Tier 1 classes. I will discuss it by a huge paragraph

Alternative Class Features
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General Concepts

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Before the Handbook

Here I want to present a handbook for wizard. Wizard is the Tier 1 class in D&D 3.5. The reason in my opinion is mainly that almost every supplemental book contains more or less resources of wizard. I will try my best to discuss all resources that I have impression or think useful in this thesis.

That I want to put this guide here is because I plan to run a game soon. In process of advancing my NPCs, I was enlightened by many brilliant ideas and discussion in this forum. Besides I myself had some ideas and found most of them were based on some certain spells/feats/class features/etc. acquired or accessed only from wizard or wizard-related prestige classes. It is the origin of such a guide.

In this article, many of ideas has been discussed in other excellent wizard handbooks. That's why it is called half-complied. However I will give some new points of view of old ideas and some new discussions which at least I have never seen from other handbooks. At last, I will as much as possible cover all aspects of wizard including general concepts, class features, races, templates, feats, items, spells, prestige classes, builds, tricks and etc., though it might take months to furnish up. So called Everything-included is this handbook.

About the Handbook

As is written above, this handbook will discuss wizard by eleven parts. First is the general concepts of wizard, mainly about the roles played in a team. Second comes the class features of wizard, including alternative class features in different resources. In the three to six parts, I will try to numerate and discuss most LA+0 and some LA+1/+2 races and templates, and most of commonly useful feats and items. Spells, as the most important component of wizard, will be discussed in the seventh part. Not only wizard/sorcerer spells, spells from other classes will also be considered. In the eighth part, I will list and discuss all prestige classes I think powerful or interesting. Diverse wizard builds will come along with prestige classes in the ninth part. Some of them are mature or powerful, while some of them are just situationally useful or merely considered in my mind not practically tested. Some tricks will be included in the second last part. I won't focus very much on dirty or questionable tricks, since most of them are DM-dependence. Instead useful or smart tips will be discussed in this part. In the last part, some of my immature ideas and miscellanies will be contained to end this handbook.

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Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
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Ratings Key
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Introduce Yourself / Greeting guys
« on: February 20, 2013, 11:59:02 AM »
-Your name: Girniverse
-Your favorite games: D&D 3.5
-Your non gaming hobbies: basketball, skiing, reading
-Where you live, including country, without using abbreviations: US

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