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Messages - Sillvva

Pages: [1]
Gaming Advice / Re: Question about Versatile Spellcaster
« on: February 23, 2013, 09:30:45 PM »
Well if I'm right about what I'm reading, the increase in spell slots doesn't matter because (for the third time) it doesn't change the spell level which seems to me to be the only thing that Versatile Spellcaster feat is concerned with (again, spell level and not spell slots). It sounds like it is replacing the metamagic cost and you can therefore use high cost metamagic feats at low levels. That is what I am asking here: does it replace the metamagic costs? Yes or no please.

I wasn't asking about casting spells from the next spell level.

Gaming Advice / Re: Question about Versatile Spellcaster
« on: February 23, 2013, 08:45:30 PM »
Quote from: FAQ, pg46
Can a sorcerer combine Versatile Spellcasting with a metamagic feat to cast a spell whose level is higher than the level of spells he’d normally be able to cast?
This is possible. For example, a 1st-level sorcerer using the Versatile Spellcaster feat can give up two 1st-level spells to cast extended shield.

It's also the only method that by RAW/Intent allows you to cast spells at a higher level than you should. Intent on prerequisites may still disbar it's usage with Heighten Spell for PrC early entry (actual ability vs capability), through it is still considered acceptable for extremely high optimization / T.O. purposes.

Not sure what you meant. Technically, according to wording on metamagic an extended shield is still only a level 1 spell (and only uses a 2nd level slot). So wouldn't they use two 0-level slots? Also couldn't a level 8 sorcerer, for example, use two 3rd-level slots to cast a maximized, twinned, quickened, and empowered Enervation spell? I know it sounds broken, but according to the way it is worded, that's how I'm reading it. Or am I wrong?

Gaming Advice / Question about Versatile Spellcaster
« on: February 23, 2013, 08:00:29 PM »
I googled this to kingdom come, but could not find a satisfactory answer. So, I have a question about the Versatile Spellcaster feat and its compatibility with metamagic feats.

According to SRD:

Spells modified by a metamagic feat use a spell slot higher than normal. This does not change the level of the spell, so the DC for saving throws against it does not go up.

You can use two spell slots of the same level to cast a spell you know that is one level higher. For example, a sorcerer with this feat can expend two 2nd-level spell slots to cast any 3rd-level spell he knows.

Does this mean I can apply high cost metamagic feats beyond my spell slot limitations by using two slots of one level lower than the spell's original spell level?

EDIT: Just noticed the Ask a question section, sorry if this was in the wrong section.

Introduce Yourself / Hey guys
« on: February 23, 2013, 07:56:25 PM »
Hey guys, Sillvva here. I love D&D, had some friends introduce me to it about 4 years ago and have been playing as much as I can ever since. I would have to say my favorite build is the Crusader/Incarnate build (love therapeutic mantle). I came here to learn more about spell casting as it is such a complex system of its own [in terms of which spells to pick/prepare/(when to)cast].

Other games I play are WoW (not for a while now, but got Mists of Pandaria and will get back in to it soon), Magic the Gathering, Minecraft, and several others. I also like horror/mythology based board games like Betrayal at House on the Hill, Age of Mythology, Arkham Horror, etc.

I work as a web developer for a company called AgSense. My main focus is the WagNet website.

Anyway, that pretty much all there is to know about me.

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