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Messages - The Candyman

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / Re: Necromancer + Alienist + Blood Magus build
« on: March 05, 2013, 02:22:05 PM »
Thanks! ^^

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Necromancer + Alienist + Blood Magus build
« on: February 28, 2013, 10:53:04 AM »
ok, I understood that the problems in multiclassing the necromancer of unearthed arcana with the alienist is that that necromancer cannot have a familiar
"A necromancer using this variant permanently gives up the ability to obtain a familiar"

But i don't understand what are the problems in using a Death Master or a Dread Necromancer, so... ehr... ehm... What are these problems? XD

Sorry for the double post

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Necromancer + Alienist + Blood Magus build
« on: February 28, 2013, 02:18:40 AM »
Are there other necromantic classes other than the necromancer variant (unearther arcana), the dread necromancer and the death master (Dragon compendium*)?

What kind of "reworking" is necessary to multiclass a Necro (i mean any Necro class, like the three i've listed above) with a alienist?


EDIT: What are "Gestalt" and "Houserules"? Is something like homebrew?

Ok, after I've seen how cool is the xenoalchemist I got depressed and now i'm not interested anymore in the fleshwarper, but i'd still like the idea of a necromancer multiclassed with a alienist (I did another topic if you are interested ^^)

Very Very thank you anyway for your help!

Min/Max 3.x / Necromancer + Alienist + Blood Magus build
« on: February 27, 2013, 05:59:23 PM »
Is possible to create a build multiclassing a necromancer class with the alienist class (and maybe even with the blood magus class)?

well... I think i'm not really comfortable, but i'd like to play it anyway, maybe with a little of help from others... But now that you put it that way... maybe ai should plya another simpler class and reserve this for the future...

Anyway, is there a method to multiclass the fleshwarper with the alienist or the binder?

OH MY GOD! It's beautiful!... But the answers is no.... sigh... :(

Hi! I'm trying to search the tons of books of d&d to find good classes that can give access to fleshwarper, but i'm a little noob and i'm going crazy... XD Please help me

(my wish is starting form level 1 with a class that can do necromancy stuff, and my "mega-wish" is becoming a Alienist before becoming a Fleshwarper)

Introduce Yourself / Italian noob
« on: February 27, 2013, 02:44:53 PM »
Hi, i'm an italian noob player of d&d, and I was attracted here in searching a guide to build a good fleshwarper (I love mad scientists!).
I found here this one
and it seems to be very good but it is unfinished... please Sinfire Titan, hear my prayers and finish it, i'm a noob and i'm getting crazy in trying to find a good way to build a good fleshwarper (yeah, yeah, I know, it is not a class for noob, but i love it!)

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