Min/Max 3.x / Re: Welcome to my CO board first topic - 3.5 Druid 17 Spell Selection
« on: April 07, 2013, 03:20:12 PM »
9th: Dang it, forgot to mention setting-specific spells won't count. Sorry. Cast in Stone looks like what I use Mass Flesh to Salt for, only with a better DC and a better duration, making it very much better.
8th: Replacing one of my Frostfell spells with Red Tide is a nice idea, thanks for pointing me at that spell.
7th: As I'm Neutral Evil, I can't use Rain of Roses, unfortunately. Swamp Lung seems like an upgraded Drown so I'd prefer MFtS, but swapping Fire Storm for Slime Wave might be nasty. Master Earth seems nice too, but getting rid of True Seeing could hurt. Heal is, unfortunately, a gimme. It's just too good and has saved the party too often.
6th: Extended Owls Insight would be a fifth level slot. I don't have the feat but I do have the Rod. Purchasing a 5th level Pearl of Power would be good here instead. As to Drown, I've thought of it and now I'm rereading it, it seems really nasty against casters. Superior Resistance wouldn't help as she's wearing a Robe of the Vagabond with +6 resistance built in and a Wilding Clasp. She makes all her own gear. I'll add that to the first post.
5th: Blizzard is a spell I've looked at before, like Drown, but without a Mass Snowsight spell to go with the Mass Snowshoes I'd have to cast, it screws over the party as badly as the enemy. Owl's Insight on the other hand... I'd actually just ignored this spell. Now that I look at it it, wow. +1/2 Caster Level Insight bonus to Wisdom? Yowza. I'll be taking this instead of both Wall of Fire and Baleful Polymorph. Kicking my DC's up by 4 is too good. Thanks for pointing this out to me. Also, Poison Thorns is very nice, I'll be taking this instead of Cure Critical Wounds too. I'm leery of Transmute Rock to Mud's limitations (only on unworked or natural stone), since we tend to operate in more urban environs. We've had it work against us in a surprise attack so I know how good it is. I might swap Control Winds for it.
4th: Sheltered Vitality I'd missed, since our own undead (Cleric and Ranger) take care of enemy undead, but is nice to have as a backup. I think I'll swap Cure Serious Wounds for it. Essence of the Raptor I had never even heard of. But since Extended it runs for nearly 6 hours, this will be a nice buff to begin the day. I already like Vortex of Teeth despite my abysmal record at beating SR with it (6 attempts 1 success). I've been banned from offering Last Breath to anyone but me as none of them want to ride on the crazy Reincarnation train after our DM decided a roll of 100 included LA races. Giant Vermin unfortunately ran out of steam for me several levels ago due to the Vermin's lack of intelligence. Moon Bolt is nice. I am now stealing it. I believe the phrase is "yoink!"
3rd: Greater Magic Fang is not very good at the moment, since I found my Fleshripper a Necklace of Mighty Fists. Haboob is one of our Wizard's favourite spells, so that's covered. Attune Form might be a candidate for a wand, though, since I've got some UMD ranks and we seem to be setting up for some plane-hopping.
2nd: Listening Lorecall, I've only got 5 ranks in Listen, since we've got a Rogue in the party, but this spell might make me take another 5 to get full-on Blindsight for hours at a time. Kelpstrand, I'd forgotten about. Who doesn't like web-shooters? Bye-bye Fog Cloud. I prefer broad buffs so just just hitting my AC with Nature's Favor would likely be out, since my Fleshripper is a dedicated caster-hunter and doesn't need help hitting them.
1st: Eyes of the Avoral will be a nice buff for our Rogue, as will Babau Slime for me and my raptor before a major fight. Omen of Peril looks like I'd forget it existed, despite its obvious utility, so I'll put it on the front page of my character sheet.
I'd never thought about Wild Shaping before Polymorph, to be honest. But all those nice feats would be tasty, especially if I turn Chronotyryn.
Thanks a lot for your help. Anyone else got ideas?
8th: Replacing one of my Frostfell spells with Red Tide is a nice idea, thanks for pointing me at that spell.
7th: As I'm Neutral Evil, I can't use Rain of Roses, unfortunately. Swamp Lung seems like an upgraded Drown so I'd prefer MFtS, but swapping Fire Storm for Slime Wave might be nasty. Master Earth seems nice too, but getting rid of True Seeing could hurt. Heal is, unfortunately, a gimme. It's just too good and has saved the party too often.
6th: Extended Owls Insight would be a fifth level slot. I don't have the feat but I do have the Rod. Purchasing a 5th level Pearl of Power would be good here instead. As to Drown, I've thought of it and now I'm rereading it, it seems really nasty against casters. Superior Resistance wouldn't help as she's wearing a Robe of the Vagabond with +6 resistance built in and a Wilding Clasp. She makes all her own gear. I'll add that to the first post.
5th: Blizzard is a spell I've looked at before, like Drown, but without a Mass Snowsight spell to go with the Mass Snowshoes I'd have to cast, it screws over the party as badly as the enemy. Owl's Insight on the other hand... I'd actually just ignored this spell. Now that I look at it it, wow. +1/2 Caster Level Insight bonus to Wisdom? Yowza. I'll be taking this instead of both Wall of Fire and Baleful Polymorph. Kicking my DC's up by 4 is too good. Thanks for pointing this out to me. Also, Poison Thorns is very nice, I'll be taking this instead of Cure Critical Wounds too. I'm leery of Transmute Rock to Mud's limitations (only on unworked or natural stone), since we tend to operate in more urban environs. We've had it work against us in a surprise attack so I know how good it is. I might swap Control Winds for it.
4th: Sheltered Vitality I'd missed, since our own undead (Cleric and Ranger) take care of enemy undead, but is nice to have as a backup. I think I'll swap Cure Serious Wounds for it. Essence of the Raptor I had never even heard of. But since Extended it runs for nearly 6 hours, this will be a nice buff to begin the day. I already like Vortex of Teeth despite my abysmal record at beating SR with it (6 attempts 1 success). I've been banned from offering Last Breath to anyone but me as none of them want to ride on the crazy Reincarnation train after our DM decided a roll of 100 included LA races. Giant Vermin unfortunately ran out of steam for me several levels ago due to the Vermin's lack of intelligence. Moon Bolt is nice. I am now stealing it. I believe the phrase is "yoink!"
3rd: Greater Magic Fang is not very good at the moment, since I found my Fleshripper a Necklace of Mighty Fists. Haboob is one of our Wizard's favourite spells, so that's covered. Attune Form might be a candidate for a wand, though, since I've got some UMD ranks and we seem to be setting up for some plane-hopping.
2nd: Listening Lorecall, I've only got 5 ranks in Listen, since we've got a Rogue in the party, but this spell might make me take another 5 to get full-on Blindsight for hours at a time. Kelpstrand, I'd forgotten about. Who doesn't like web-shooters? Bye-bye Fog Cloud. I prefer broad buffs so just just hitting my AC with Nature's Favor would likely be out, since my Fleshripper is a dedicated caster-hunter and doesn't need help hitting them.
1st: Eyes of the Avoral will be a nice buff for our Rogue, as will Babau Slime for me and my raptor before a major fight. Omen of Peril looks like I'd forget it existed, despite its obvious utility, so I'll put it on the front page of my character sheet.
I'd never thought about Wild Shaping before Polymorph, to be honest. But all those nice feats would be tasty, especially if I turn Chronotyryn.
Thanks a lot for your help. Anyone else got ideas?