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Messages - bones972

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Min/Max 3.x / Any Con based casters in 3.5?
« on: December 12, 2016, 02:06:32 PM »
I am playing in a 3.5 group and am looking to build a caster.  Is there any Con based Casters in 3.5? 

I know about the Emporial Sorcerer in Pathfinder uses Con instead of Wis.  Just wondering if there is any in 3.5.


 I know about the Concentration part of it but reading up on Ranged spells in melee is where it screws you.  Even if you make your concentration check to cast, say your Orb of Acid, you still provoke because its a ranged spell in melee.

Ahh so I thought the Spellstrike was all one attack (As full round you stike once with weapon to deliver the spell).  Didn't know it actually counts as a second swing of the Scimitar!  NICE!!  I like the Zorro idea ha ha

So reading over Magus and the spell list, I figured out that it would be awesome to use Spell Combat to attack with weapon and then orb of acid every round... Then I read in the spell section of CRB that casting a ranged touch attack in melee causes an AoO EVEN IF YOU CAST DEFENSIVELY!!

"So here is a really cool thing that you can do every round but your going to get your clock cleaned every time you try it!!"  <Insert Evil Laugh> Mwuuhahaha

I mean come on.. A Cantrip will only do 1d3 dmg, thats less than a dagger!  What gives?  Just think it would be cool to be able to use your ability's that you are given more than once a day or so

Vicerious Thanks!  That makes much more sense to me now! 

Ya I meant spell combat not spell strike on the other post sorry...

Cool thanks!  So the Handbook is incorrect on that portion then? 

Thanks for clearing up the Spell Strike.  On the Spell strike thing with my example...

First attack is with Scimitar at +0/1d6+2 and second attack (Spell Strike) would be ranged touch at (+Dex/+BAB) doing 1d3 dmg

I think that is what you are saying right?


I have tried to do a couple of searches and can not find anything on these questions.

I was reading the Magus build for the Dervish Dance feat build and noticed that he used a Scimitar with Weapon Finesse at 1st level to get the Dex bonus to att.  Looking at Scimitar, I see its a one handed weapon with no RAW giving it the finesse ability like a rapier.  Am I missing something?

The second question I have is in regard to Magus Spell Combat ability at 1st level.  So if I am reading this correctly, you make 2 attacks with your weapon (Each at -2).  The first is standard weapon attack and adds Str dmg and the second is also with weapon but no str bonus but spell is delivered with weapon?

So lets say its a a 1st lvl Magus with Str of 14 (No weapon Finesse) making full attack with a scimitar (using orb of acid as his spell combat) makes two attacks with his scimitar (first attack at +0/1d6+2 and another attack with scimitar for +0/1d6+2 +1d3)

Thanks for any input guys

Introduce Yourself / New to the board
« on: April 24, 2013, 05:28:06 PM »
Hey guys new to the board here just looking for some pathfinder goodies...

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