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Messages - Unbeknownst

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Gaming Advice / Re: Question about Battle Jump and Decisive Strike
« on: May 07, 2013, 02:09:06 PM »
Thanks for the replies.  I now know how to set up this character with both Battle Jump and Decisive Strike.   

Oh, and I'll be sure to to take that 5' step off a cliff.  You silly troll you.

Gaming Advice / Re: Question about Battle Jump and Decisive Strike
« on: May 07, 2013, 05:11:38 AM »
I figured as much.  I didn't know if jumping would be considered a move action.

Edit: Snap Kick won't do it.  Belt of Battle would though for taking all 3 charges.

Gaming Advice / Question about Battle Jump and Decisive Strike
« on: May 07, 2013, 04:47:24 AM »
I got into a discussion with a fellow 3.5 player about how Battle Jump and Decisive Strike work when used together.  I took both of the feats at level 1.  I am a Human Monk.  I'm just curious how the damage would work if you used them both at the same time. 

Unarmed Strike - 1d6+3

Would Decisive strike be 2d6+3?

And if you added Battle Jump to that would that be 4d6+3 or am I completely off?

Gnomes!  Haha, I'm liking what I'm seeing.  Unfortunately we aren't allowed flaws for feats.  So a few changes would have to be made.  I'll definitely use some of the information I have gotten from your character.  Thank you sir!

I have a Shadowcraft Cleric that I built for ToH if you'd like to take a look.

Sure.  I'm working on a sheet in down time.  It's coming along nicely.  Just need to pick spells and skills.  I put my 2 attribute points into Charisma for a 8/10/12/8/16/20 finish.

The Cheater of Mystra

I have seen this.  I don't understand any of it.  I'm kind of hoping to see it all on a character sheet.  I love the D&D concept but I'm horrible at making the characters.

Min/Max 3.x / Tomb of Horrors! Ok I'm going cleric, I NEED HELP!
« on: May 05, 2013, 02:07:00 AM »
I've been mulling over a character idea for this trudge through this module.  I was informed by a friend of mine that I should roll a cheater of mytra or some such.   Something about extra turning and persisting spells like Divine Strength.  He also made a very clear case the race I should pick is Azurin.  The cleric needs to be level 9 and has 36,000 gold to spend.  I'm told nightsticks are a must.  I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing in this regard.  PLEASE HELP! 

Character creation rules: 32 point buy, no stat over 20 at start, all books are available, no 3rd party anything.  A character sheet would be great to look at.  I am horrible at making characters.  I'd appreciate any contributions available.

Introduce Yourself / Huzzah!
« on: May 05, 2013, 02:01:14 AM »
Greetings folks!  Names Ryan.  I'm a D&D junkie on the best of days.  I'm not really that versed in it however.  I enjoy the storytelling that people can come up with.  No limits with imagination.  I'm a gamer nerd as well and it's a strange feeling when video games don't hold the appeal they used to.  The last game I nerded out on was Dark Souls.  Something about that game grabbed me and just wouldn't let go. 

I like long walks in Lorderan and felling Orenstein and Smough.  haha Kidding.  I hope I can find the help I need from this forum.  Have a good time everybody!

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