Introduce Yourself / A Challenger Appears...
« on: November 15, 2011, 09:36:47 AM »
Hey all, frasmage here. Same frasmage responsible for the award winning Gemini Dancer class and Kytan race years ago on the WotC boards.
As would be rather obvious, I'm a big DnD 3.5 fan. I have been a DM for 8 years now, and am on the verge of completing my second Epic with my players. I also greatly enjoy Paranoia, and a host of White Wolf products.
I imagine I will be more of a lurker on these boards, but I'm here just the same.
As would be rather obvious, I'm a big DnD 3.5 fan. I have been a DM for 8 years now, and am on the verge of completing my second Epic with my players. I also greatly enjoy Paranoia, and a host of White Wolf products.
I imagine I will be more of a lurker on these boards, but I'm here just the same.