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Messages - Roxoff

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Off Topic Fun / Re: Is print dead?
« on: July 08, 2013, 07:01:39 AM »
My wife worked in a routing center for a couple years, she said the same thing.


You know what I was just thinking? You can't beat someone to death with an ebook. As ebooks become more prominent, I think "novelty" doorstopper books will probably soar in value -- particularly among the poorly educated. They will then take their rightful place beside the baseball bat as the most common murder weapon.


Makes me chuckle.  You're right, of course - and you can't stop the table wobbling by stuffing a PDF underneath its one short leg.  I predict three legged tables in the future...

Legends of the Heroes / Re: Standards of attractiveness in D&D races
« on: July 08, 2013, 06:52:17 AM »
What are the standards of attractiveness of various races in D&D, both female and male? What I mean is, for example: what in orc society is considered attractive in a female/male orc by other orcs? What about elven society? Or halfling? And what about races that are less fleshed out by fans/official books, like goblins?
Although I'm primarily interested in generic D&D (like Greyhawk or FR) and official lore on this topic, I'd also like to read something about other, more original settings (like Eberron) or even your homebrew stuff (because I assume there won't be that much official material on attractiveness). I'm slowly creating my own setting and I'm gathering ideas for... things.

It's a tough question, really, and I don't recall anything I've read talking about the details of attraction among these races.

From our, human, point of view, we probably wouldn't be aware of the actual detail of the attraction between humanoid creatures that are so different to us.  Orcs may well be attracted to extra-strong individuals, or those with long tusks.  Or something subtle that we just wouldn't appreciate.  And you might even find that the average orc taste is diverse - so different things are attractive to different clans.

There may also be other cultural difference - where physical attraction isn't really on the agenda - you may want to opt for the scenario where orc and goblin societies are so founded on brutality that the strongest just take what they want from the weakest anyway.

And elf society would be completely different - they've much less need to reproduce (they have such long lifespans) and so would be far more interested in other stuff, like intellect or skills in particular areas (poetry or singing, etc.)

At the end of the day, such social interactions as this may help define the differences between the races for you - but it's your world, and you get to choose what's best for you here.

Legends of the Heroes / Re: Metal Bard, help needed!
« on: July 06, 2013, 12:08:53 PM »
Inspire Confidence:
As Blood Runs Black - The Brighter Side Of Suffering
Mortal Treason A Call to the Martyrs
Bruthal 6 - covers Nirvana Smells Like Teen Spirit
Marilyn Manson - The Fight Song

dragonforce through the fire and flames
Dethklok - I Ejaculate Fire

Inspire Competence (Which is much more useful in this case, but still, boosting out of combat abilities):
Hatebreed - Perseverance
Black Sabbath(band) - Black Sabbath(song) - Black Sabbath(album)
Metallica - Master Of Puppets

Pyro show (basically, a 'Lesser Orb of Fire'... possibly several. Not much damage, but passable):
Flight of the Bumblebee at 1300 BPM (Skip ahead to about 6:30)
Rammstein - Ich tu dir weh (These guys are known for their pyro (at live shows))

Mudvayne - Dig
White Zombie covers Black Sabbath - Children of the Grave

"pull someone out of what is basically Frenzied Berserker Frenzy."  (um hrm?)
Bert and Ernie
Vlad - Elektronik Supersonik
Aaralyn and Izzy "Zombie Skin"

Other recommendations, because i'm wating on my B-spec GT5 race to end and ya:
Dethklok- Awaken (MustaKrakish)
Slipknot - New Abortion
Static-X - I'm With Stupid
Nirvana - Tourette's

Edit: and one more

That's a pretty cool list.  I've not listened to music like that for years.  If your party has a cleric I can't see them being too pleased when they hear the Marilyn Manson Fight song... :D

Off Topic Fun / Re: Is print dead?
« on: July 02, 2013, 04:54:46 AM »
Is this really about the death of 'print'?  There is a big move from paper to other mediums, but the traditional 'book' exists, and will continue while there is demand.  I have an e-ink reader (cost me 30 quid, about $45 US) and its brilliant.  I don't keep my books in 'the cloud' (I have _one_ that I bought of Amazon).  They look like the real thing, and are lighter and easier to read.  But I have the files.  And I have paper books too.  I actually read both - but the e-reader is more convenient and easier to carry around.  I can even read the same books from the same place on my Android tablet too (so I can read in the dark with no extra lights - I don't do this much but it's an extra convenience).

The product with ebooks is the same as the paper books - they're still full blown books, just because they're available in a different format, doesn't make them any less of a 'print'.  The arrival of e-readers and ebooks has made books more available, not less.  There are more books than ever now.  More stories.  More to read.  And that means that we get more crap and more good.  And it's harder for one big distributor to control the market, people can publish and sell their own books if they want.  It actually gets the writers closer to the readers.

Off Topic Fun / Re: Is print dead?
« on: July 01, 2013, 08:36:04 AM »
XKCD has a strip about howThe Art Of Letter Writing Is Fast Dying Out

Aye.  See reply #16.  Mind you - this article is so good, it deserves being linked to twice in the same thread.

At the moment, I'm entertained by the thought of asking the details.  I bet it's dead boring, though.

Dragons are magical creatures.  They may not have sex at all - they may reproduce in a purely magical and spectacular way.  They might do it like mammals, or anything.  I suspect it might be best for your campaign for you to think about how you _want_ it to work, then let your players try to find out if they're really that interested.  It could be quite dangerous uncovering this nugget of wisdom :)

Personally, I'd go with the 'complete eggs'/chicken style, so if they're stolen they contain an embryo like a chicken egg, which PCs could hatch, or eat, or whatever they desire to do.  It's your call, though.

Gaming Advice / Re: [DM Advice] Shutting down a melee option
« on: June 30, 2013, 01:49:45 PM »
From the player side, it really sucks when you make a Grappler and everything suddenly shuts you down.

If the player really has created a one-trick-pony, then they're going to be frustrated on that occasion when they meet something that is good against their trick.  It's one of the reasons why PCs hang around in parties to pool their skills.  They need a plan B, even if it's a pretty rubbish plan B.

Gaming Advice / Re: [DM Advice] Shutting down a melee option
« on: June 30, 2013, 01:45:43 PM »
Enemies come back with generous amounts of lube applied

What a revolting picture you're painting here  :D  For extra slip, you might want to shave the wizard before coating him in goose fat...

Gaming Advice / Re: [DM Advice] Shutting down a melee option
« on: June 30, 2013, 11:27:04 AM »
I'd say yes too - there is nothing wrong with your NPC organisations learning from doing things wrong.  The PCs should really expect that kind of behaviour.  The question then is only the degree they go to for countering grapple specialists.  If they're run by smart people, or those with plenty of resources available, they may counter grapple better than if they don't.  And if they're not so smart, they may expose new weaknesses in other ways if they go all out to counter a grapple attack.

Gaming Advice / Re: Silly Unlimited Gold idea.
« on: June 29, 2013, 05:25:56 AM »
You've caught it, so it didn't hit. No destruction chance. You've caught it, so it's not missed, either. No destruction chance. Not destroyed.

My interpretation of this is the simplest, I think (whether it's right or not we can debate some more).  The arrow is destroyed no matter what.  The split quality says all the ammunition is destroyed whether it hits or misses - i.e. in all cases - whether you consider the catch a hit or a miss, it's still destroyed according to the split quality description.

The badly named 'snatch arrows' feat is clear - it only lets you catch and re-use thrown weapons.  You can catch arrows, but you cannot re-use them.  And they're then destroyed according to the split quality description.

For arrows you can meet both the split quality's spec and the snatch arrows feat by allowing the arrows to be caught but they're then destroyed.

Gaming Advice / Re: Silly Unlimited Gold idea.
« on: June 28, 2013, 09:23:51 AM »
If the arrow is caught, it hasn't exactly missed. Semantics!

it says 'The projectile is destroyed even if it misses its target.'  - so the arrow is destroyed.  It doesn't say destroyed only if it hits or misses the target.

Gaming Advice / Re: Silly Unlimited Gold idea.
« on: June 28, 2013, 09:04:12 AM »
I found this description of arrowsplit the spell.  it states that the arrows are destroyed even if they miss...

Judging by that description, you can make as many platinum arrows as you want, but you don't get to keep them afterwards.  Seems like a great way to destroy perfectly good platinum to me.

Gaming Advice / Re: Silly Unlimited Gold idea.
« on: June 28, 2013, 07:03:09 AM »
Ahh if only.  Let me just reach for my DM's hat a moment...

Right.  My understanding is that the 'splitting' quality means that any arrow fired from the bow is split into two and each part then goes on to do normal damage for the arrow if it hits - it's a property that allows you to do double damage with your missile weapon.  The problem here is the 'split into two parts'.  What you effectively do is have two half-an-arrows that hit and do normal damage each.

if you were to cast a platinum arrow and attempt to fire it from such a bow (apart from the physical problems with firing a heavy metal arrow in the first place), you would then end up with two half-an-arrows when it landed.  In fact, if it were my game you were trying to do this in, I'd just let you know that the two parts produced contained very slightly less platinum than you started with due to loss during the splitting process.  On, and I'd tell you missed because the arrow was too heavy and only flew about a foot before landing on the floor with a loud clang.

Looking at this from a wider perspective, if you can duplicate your precious metals this way, then you wouldn't be the only one to be able to do this.  Very few would actually have the capability, but it wouldn't need many people producing unlimited platinum to make platinum worthless as it would be so abundant.

1. Thinking of the consequences of their actions

But every good PC knows... consequences don't follow actions.  Consequences are thrust upon you by the DM, and have nothing to do with the stupid thing you just did. :)

My lot aren't very good at picking up story markers and  have the ability to just walk straight past blatant clues.  Sometimes they don't even remember why they're in the middle of the adventure they're in...

Gaming Advice / Re: Astral Plane & Fast Healing
« on: May 23, 2013, 04:30:25 PM »
[newtangent]Does this mean you can't recover spells / get new "uses/day" of abilities?[/tangent]

edit: This is a serious question, I actually have no idea.

I suppose it does - if the Astral Plane behaves as described above in this thread, i.e. that there really is no passage of time, despite what you experience while there, then none of those things would behave normally.

Gaming Advice / Re: Astral Plane & Fast Healing
« on: May 23, 2013, 04:08:39 PM »
This is just going in circles.

I completely agree - if it were me making the call, I'd rule that the Fast Healing didn't work in this environment, there needs to be 'passage of time', and the descriptions of the Astral Plane given here tell us that time doesn't pass as such on this plane - nothing heals, nothing dies, it experiences no 'time'.  Fast Healing, like any other kind of natural healing (i.e. not necessarily Natural Healing) needs time to pass.  We could argue this in circles for ever - but I don't think this interpretation is unreasonable, and it makes sense.

Gaming Advice / Re: Druid "Share Spells" + potions
« on: May 23, 2013, 07:19:39 AM »
I agree with that - it's the 'casts upon herself' bit that ruins it for me - you don't cast a potion upon yourself, you drink it.

Gaming Advice / Re: [PF] How Would You Interpret This?
« on: May 23, 2013, 07:11:12 AM »
Yeah, that makes sense.  When I read it I thought Alignment Based Damage is like having a Longsword +1/+3 vs Evil, it's the extra +3 damage against evil that's affected here - not the 1d8+STR bonus.

Gaming Advice / Re: Astral Plane & Fast Healing
« on: May 23, 2013, 07:06:02 AM »
Fast Healing is an Extraordinary Ability.  It's not a 'spell like effect', as per that description.  I read it as an improved version of the natural ability.  If natural healing doesn't take place then Fast Healing doesn't either.

As stated above, the 'Except for what is noted here, fast healing is like natural healing' is pretty clear.  That section makes no note of the Astral Plane.

Gaming Advice / Re: duration rules q
« on: May 20, 2013, 02:53:52 PM »
Yeah, I suppose it does.  Anyone can roll a '1' though.  We've been playing Hackmaster recently, though, and the re-roll per round rules are quite refreshing after that game system where you can wait until the fight is almost over before you get your first go... :)

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