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Messages - Xervous

Pages: [1]
Off Topic Fun / Re: Letter Swap Game v4
« on: March 28, 2014, 10:49:47 PM »
brail (fancy word for ropes on certain sails)

w -> i

Not exactly magic items, but grafts can do that function.

That's 3.0 material, but here there's the Dark Heart of Vollus, a sort of "crystallized heart" that gives some bonus to an undead. Being "inserted into the body cavity where the subject's heart used to be" I think that's quite hard to steal.

That would be quite hard to steal barring specialized KALMIAAAAA! magic.

I believe there is a contraption of some sort in the BoVD that slaps a random graft that isn't a graft or similar onto the subject.

Off Topic Fun / Re: Letter Swap Game v4
« on: March 28, 2014, 12:01:13 AM »

c -> w

After a year of lurking for the handbooks, time to finally join up! (and maybe give back something to this community)

Pages: [1]