Pixie Body: A pixie loses all other racial bonus and gains fey traits (basically low light vision). It is a small sized fey with base speed of 20 feet.
Pixie Initiate: A pixie becomes adept at casting several spell-like abilities. At level one, a pixie can cast the following SLA's. All SLA save DCs are equal to 10+1/2HD+Cha mod.
A pixie's sleep SLA is unique, in that it does not have a HD cap. Instead, it can affect a number of HD equal to the pixie's HD, plus her Cha modifier. In addition, as a full round action, a pixie may fire one sleep arrow from a bow. This sleep arrow uses up one of her daily uses of the sleep SLA, but if it hits, it deals no damage and instead it inflicts the Sleep on the target and the save DC is raised by half of the pixie's HD, and ignores any immunities to it (but opponents with such immunities gain a +5 bonus on their saves).
Fey Senses: At first level, a pixie gains a racial bonus to all Listen, Spot, and Search checks equal to her Pixie level+1/2 other HD.
Ability Changes: A pixie gains Cha +2 at level 1, and +1 at levels 3 and 5, Int +1 at levels 2 and 4, Dex +2 at level 1, and +1 at levels 3 and 5, and Str -2 at level one.
Musician Pixie
At 2nd level, instead of gaining Fey Blood, the Pixie becomes able to use Bardic Music as a Bard of 2/3 her Pixie level, except she can use Bardic Music 1/day per HD. If she multiclasses to Bard, it stacks for learning new Bardic Music.
If you take Pixie Paragon levels, they'll count towards learning new Bardic Music instead of advancing spellcasting.
Sprite Skin: At second level, a pixie gains DR/cold iron equal to half her HD, and Spell Resistance equal to 11 + HD. She may raise or drop her SR as a free action at any time even if it isn't her turn.
Pixie Finesse: At fourth level, a pixie adds her Charisma modifier as a dodge bonus to her AC and gains the feat Weapon Finesse. She also gains a fly speed of 60 feet (Good). Her maneuverability increases to perfect at level 5.
Memory Loss: At fourth level, as a free action 1/round, the Pixie may empower her next physical attack so that if it strikes a target, it deals no damage and instead forces a DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha mod Will save or lose his memories of the last 1d4 hours. The subject retains skills, languages, and class abilities but forgets everything else until he receives proper therapy (heal check with DC 10+HD+Cha mod over 24 hours of talking with the victim). Multiple failed saves stack for losing more and more memory.
If the target was successfully put to sleep by the Pixie, it may perform a mocking dance over its body as a full round action, in which case it can erase as much memory time as the Pixie wishes (but still subject to the previous limitations). they can be restored in the same way. Those can only be restored by a heal spell or memory restoration with limited wish, wish, or miracle.
Pixie Paragon
Improved Sprite Skin: At first level, a pixie paragon becomes more resilient to attacks. For purposes of determining her DR, her HD is treated as 4 higher. (Giving an effective +2 bonus to her DR)
Greater Musician Pixie: Pixie Paragon levels fully advance Bardic Music, and also increase the racial bonus of Fey Senses on a 1-to-1 basis instead of just half.
Combat Charming: At first level, a pixie paragon becomes more adept at charming enemies during combat. When she casts an spell or SLA from the (Charm) subschool, the target does not receive a +5 bonus on it's save if it is being threatened by you or your allies. In addition, the DC of all enchantment spells and SLAs cast by the pixie paragon is increased by 1. This ability stacks with other effects that increase the DC of enchantment spells.
Ability Increases: At levels 1 and 3, a pixie paragon's Charisma and Dexterity scores increase by 1.
Improved Spell-Like Abilities: At second level, a pixie paragon becomes able to improve her normal spell-like abilities, and to cast additional ones. She is able to cast the following SLAs.
Improved Pixie Finesse: At third level, a pixie paragon improves her skill of avoiding attacks. She adds half of her Cha modifier to all saving throws, and gains evasion, as a rogue.
Pixie Enchantress: At third level, a pixie paragon becomes able to affect creatures with its abilities that it normally wouldn't be able to. Any intelligent creature that would normally be unaffected by mind-affecting effects can now be targeted by mind-affecting spells and SLA's from the pixie paragon. The creature receives a +5 bonus on its save. Any creature that is normally immune to magical sleep can also be affected the pixie's sleep SLA, though it receives a +5 bonus on its save.
Finally, the Pixie Paragon can now combine Memory Loss with her spells and SLAs, erasing 1d4 worth of an opponent's memories whenever they fail a save against any of your spells or SLAs.
Inspire Courage: Total +6 to hit and damage with 6d6 of sonic damage per attack
Level +1
Song of heart +1
Inspirational Boost +1
Badge of Valor +1
Vest of Legends +1
(M) Natural Horn +1
Bardic Knack ACF for Bardic Knowledge
Healing Hymn ACF for facinate
Spellbreaker Song ACF for Countersong
Eberron Bard ACF
Evasion from Race
Bardic Music 14/day
Rapture of the Song
Seeker Music
Burning Melody
Combine Songs
Song of Unmaking
Detect Magic
Ghost Sound
Mage Hand
Insirational Boost
Charm Person 1/day per HD. (Upgraded to Charm Monster at 7 HD)
Entangle 1/day per HD
Sleep 1/day per HD.
Reduce or Enlarge Person 1/day per HD. (Self only)
Lesser Confusion 1/day per HD. (Upgraded to Confusion at 7 HD)
Detect Good, Evil, Law, Chaos or Thoughts 2/day per HD.
Invisibility 1/day per 2 HD. (Upgraded to Greater Invisibility at 7 HD, by spending two uses she can make the effect last 24 hours on herself only)
irresistible dance as a SLA 1/day per 5 HD.
Dispel Magic 1/day per 2 HD.
Suggestion 1/day per HD.
Hold Person 1/day per HD. (Upgrade to Hold Monster at 9 HD)
Crushing Despair 1/day per HD
Mass Charm Person 1/day per 2 HD. (Upgraded to Mass Charm Monster at 15 HD)
His Dispel Magic SLA is upgraded to Greater Dispel Magic at 11 HD.
His Suggestion SLA is upgraded to Mass Suggestion at 11 HD.
He gains a permanent speak with animals effect, as the spell.
He is able to use tongues, as the spell, a number of rounds per day equal to her HD x 10. Activating this ability requires a swift action, and deactivation