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Messages - picklejuice

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Purely for my own education on how all this fits together, I created a unified size chart taking into account traits such as slight build, powerful build, and what I call "clumsy" (Oslecamo's "Arrogant" trait to offset benefits of Tiny size)                                    
(click to show/hide)
Let me know if I got anything wrong, or could possibly add something.

I'm still pondering "size considered when about to be eaten whole" as a possible addition to the chart, and it got me to thinking - wouldn't a "slight" build have the disadvantage of being easier to swallow?

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Tentacle Whip
« on: August 10, 2013, 04:22:23 PM »
D&D uses physical dimensions, not weight, for determining what size something is. A large constrictor 8 ft long only weighs 25 lbs. - the same weight as a "small" creature.

So you don't have to restrict yourself to a "tiny" size. You can be a 3 foot whip and be "small" or a 6 foot whip and be "medium."

Unless the whip in its natural form is under 2 and a half feet long...

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Electric Eel, Awakened
« on: August 10, 2013, 12:44:43 PM »
With such a slow PC, I think it would be good to note a weight (44 lb average for electric eels, wikipedia) so other PCs can carry it.

Would a snake-like creature be considered "stable" and resistant to bull rush, trips on land? Immune? Is that something that should be in the FAQ with "quadruped?"

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Al-mi'raj
« on: August 04, 2013, 10:20:58 PM »
The SRD already has rules on quadrupedal creatures. No reason to dig through other homebrew to find different ones.

It would also be a big and irritating job to comb through the index for all the creatures with 4 legs and/or no fine manipulation and add these abilities.

Yes, but I thought it would help players to note the explicit benefits of quadruped. I don't see a "quadruped" racial trait summarizing all the implications in the SRD. Is there one? All I see is a note saying "carry weight is as for a quadruped."

Maybe that's all that's needed in these four-legged races is to note the carry weight is different? Or is that holding hands too much?

And they're going to pick stuff up with their mouths -  shouldn't we try to give them some well-thought-out ground rules on using their mouths as a crude manipulator? Is there a D&D term for "no fine manipulators?" Coz that comes from GURPS...

Perhaps both, and other common "unusual" monster features can be collected in an "intro" chapter to all monster races? Do we have one of those? Is that the FAQ? Is that the "extra material" section maybe?

No one's asked for the Bulette yet? Landshark / tremmor anyone?

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: E6 monster classes
« on: August 02, 2013, 09:21:08 PM »
Natural Armour is actually tied to an ability score in this scenario. The things that are tied to HD--DR and SR--you don't want increasing like that.

Why forbid Growth entirely? I can still easily get to Huge in the 6-level limit, and then just spend the feats on other features. Anthropomorphic Animal is hilariously broken in this. My advice would be to make it require increasing investment. One feat, powerful build; two feats, size category. Then two feats to get the effects of powerful build, one more to get the size category, etc.

No reason to forbid Growth.  I was unsure of how to handle it. I like your suggestion. Is there a list of "slight build/powerful build/monkey grip" size fiddling feats somewhere?

Is there a list of appropriate monster feats? I think all of these are in the SRD.

Ability Focus
Empower Spell-Like Ability
Flyby Attack
Improved Natural Attack
Multiweapon Fighting
Quicken Spell-Like Ability

Should some of these also have level requirements? As monster abilities, game balance from a PC perspective isn't taken into account. Should some of them be simply not available to PCs? The general theme is to keep the classes as core as possible, introducing abilities and feats into the class itself, but having a list of possibilities might be good for the aspiring monster class-creator to have...

Introduce Yourself / Re: Yes, introductions. Okay then. Here we go...
« on: August 02, 2013, 09:11:40 PM »

Of course not, I just have a 3yo who likes that book.

Fair enough.

For some reason, your name makes me think I should have used the moniker "Argent Bloodright" in stead of picklejuice... Ah well...

Introduce Yourself / Re: Yes, introductions. Okay then. Here we go...
« on: August 02, 2013, 09:10:07 PM »

Impressive. Once you're able to, you should go check out the Handbook section, and maybe post some of your work there. I'm sure many would appreciate. Liking Monstrous Characters, i'm sure that i would appreciate information on playing monstrous characters.

Also, Code to update monsters? I definitely want to check that out. Welcome.

The code is incomplete, and mostly involves spreadsheet tricks and shenanigans. ... which, looking back on it, I've mostly forgotten how to use. :P I'll send it to you and answer questions if you want...

I advanced several monsters with it, once, according to core, and have stats for max advanced monsters for just about every monster in core. *looks at his advanced beholder... 346 hp, CR 20, Eye rays save at DC 30 ... O.o)

It's kinda the reason why I started moving toward E6 gameplay. After I felt I "mastered" advancing monsters, I realized it was a neverending quest for balance, and the 1st 6 levels were a useful limitation to work within.

Where can I post something like that - advanced monster stats? It's in spreadsheet format, so you can sort it by CR, HP, monster type, or whatever you want.

That - a big spreadsheet - is also what I have for my fixed Anthropomorphic Animals from Savage Species (+4 Wisdom -4 Cha for all anthros?! seriously?) Is that homebrew or handbook?

Reworks, Fixes, and Variant Rules perhaps?

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / E6 monster classes
« on: August 02, 2013, 08:51:49 PM »
E6 is sort of the "game within the game" of D&D. It cuts off advancement of players at level 6. After which you can still advance - every 5000 xp you gain a new feat. It keeps the characters in that "heroic" age and limits access to tone-breakng magics like the ability to raise the dead. It says a 6d6 fireball (which would arguably kill every single 1st level commoner it hits) is power enough.

To illustrate...

(click to show/hide)

But the main focus in this thread is to look at how to fit monster classes into an E6 campaign.

ECL and racial hit dice would normally forbid 99% of monster PCs from an E6 campaign, but I love this "start at first level" monster class homebrew.

I was encouraged to start this thread as it has not been brought up before. So. To start off with, in addition to the normal E6 feats available here ...!%29

Let's take the iconic Red Dragon and see what feats would be unavailable, and what new feats we can make to offer more advancement as a dragon...

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

This being a much more feat-intensive campaign, I'd also take a look at all the monster feats generally available for use in constructing classes, so I'll post over on the feats thread too...

But specific to E6,

I think I'll round this initial "let's get the ball rolling" post with: Improved Natural Armor. With the level cap, no more HD means no more HD to advance natural armor as is the common tactic. I considered reintroducing Imp. Natural Armor as a monster feat one can use, but with BA possibly being capped too at +6 in general, I'm not so sure. Perhaps a cap of 4 Imp Nat Armor feats?

Sorry for whatever goofs I'm making, I might be an old hand at D&D, but I'm still a little clumsy when it comes to shared communities. I'd like to learn, so whatever errors I'm making I'd greatly appreciate it if you could IM me with suggestions.

Thank you.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Yes, introductions. Okay then. Here we go...
« on: August 02, 2013, 09:33:35 AM »
Is this you?

Really? That's the first thing that pops up when searching for "picklejuice" on most people web browsers ?! ... O.o

Okay then. I was going to tell you I was a teenage mutant ninja artist, but "a guy on a hill" works for me.

General D&D Discussion / Animated objects
« on: August 01, 2013, 04:36:35 PM »
Anywhere I can find discussion on using animated objects?

Here's a list of things I came up with...

Animated Bar of Soap, T (Grease: Ref 12 or fall prone)
Animated Bastilla, M (Bastilla (120', 2 full round actions, crew 1, to reload))
Animated Bellows Organ, H (Delicate (Each hit does an extra 1/4 damage. Any damage makes the organing poor); Organing (may play itself through its owner))
Animated Bolas, S (Fly 15', trip)
Animated Bolder, H (Trample (3d6+15) Ref 24)
Animated Book, T
Animated Bookcase, H
Animated Boomerang, S (Fly 15')
Animated Broom, M (sweep)
Animated Candelobra, T (light)
Animated Cart, M
Animated Catapault, Heavy, G (Catapault (200', Ref 15 or 6d6 dam. Reload: full round, Crew 4))
Animated Chain/Cable/Wire, H (Constrict (2d6+10). May constrict 2 Med at once)
Animated Chair, S
Animated Chest, M (Swallow Whole (S or smaller))
Animated Cloth Doll/ Pillow, T
Animated Couch, L
Animated Footstool, T
Animated Gravestone / Statue, Small, S
Animated Jello, Med, M
Animated Knife, T
Animated Laboratory, L
Animated Ladder, L
Animated Manacles and Chain, L (Constrict (1d8+6), or Manacle(in grapple, pin result: Manacled: Escape art 30, Str check 26 to break, 10 hp to break))
Animated Net, M (Entangle(S,M or L only: Escape 20, Burst 25, HP 5 to break) Constrict (1d6+1) )
Animated Ram, C
Animated Rocking Horse, S
Animated Rug, M
Animated Sack, S (Blind in stead of grapple damage in grapple)
Animated Scarecrow/Tailor's dummy, M
Animated Sheet/Tapestry, L (Blind in stead of grapple damage in grapple)
Animated Ship's Mooring Line, G (Constrict (2d8+15). May constrict 2 L at once)
Animated Shovel, M (Dig)
Animated Siege Tower, G
Animated Spiked Chain, L (Constrict (2d4+6))
Animated Statue, Col tall, C
Animated Statue, Gar tall, G
Animated Statue, Huge tall, H
Animated Statue, Large tall, L
Animated Statue, Med, M
Animated Statue, Tiny, T
Animated Stone Wall, H
Animated Suit of Armor, M
Animated Tent, C (Blind in stead of grapple damage in grapple)
Animated Torch, S (Slam +1 (1d4)+1fire... and light)
Animated Tower, C
Animated Wagon, H
Animated Wardrobe, L (Trample (1d8+6) Ref 15, Swallow Whole (M or smaller on grapple))
Animated Wheeled Cage, L (Trample (1d8+6) Ref 15, Swallow Whole (M or smaller on grapple. Mwk lock resists picking (-20 to unlock), victim can reach out between bars))

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Al-mi'raj
« on: August 01, 2013, 03:50:38 PM »
Should have "quadruped"

• Quadruped: Because they are small quadrupeds, Al-mi'raj can carry as much as a Medium-sized creature of the same strength score. Furthermore, they receive a +4 bonus to grapple checks when defending and when resisting trip attempts and bull rushes.

And the "no fine manipulators" could be further explained....

• No Fine Manipulators: Although Al-mi'raj can hold objects in their mouths and gently grip things with their front paws, their lack of true hands is limiting. They receive a -4 racial penalty to the following skill checks: alchemy, climb, craft, disable device, open lock, perform (any musical instrument requiring hands), ride, and use rope. They may only wield a weapon in their mouth and receive a -4 to hit when attacking with weapons and only apply 1/2 their strength bonus to damage. Their mouth counts as a single hand and thus they cannot wield weapons that require two hands. They cannot speak intelligibly or cast spells with a verbal component while holding something in their mouth.

(Lifted and modified from )

Sorry for bumping this, if that's a faux pas.  :???

Is there a discussion thread highlighting each of the monster types (outsider, undead, etc) and marking which abilities in it should be available at what level? Immunities, not needing to eat or sleep, no critical hits or flanking, etc?

I'm guessing we're not concerned, here, with fiddly bits like the full explicitly spelled out "race" description including: Description, Personality, Physical description, Relations, Alignment, Lands, Religion, Language, Names, Adventurers, Ability mods at 1st level, Size, Speed, Vision, Weapon familiarity, Languages, and Favored class. That's fine. Most of that is campaign-specific anyway, and this is just a straight rules and abilities homebrew.

Assuming it's already been discussed ad nauseum, where can I find a link to the nausious discussion of the "no ability penalties" thing I see in the core FAQ? I'm sure my concerns have already been voiced and I'd like to read about it on my own time rather than waste yours or the mods time asking them again.


One of the big reasons I want these classes spelled out is because I GM an Epic 6 "E6" game where the PCs max out at level 6. After level 6, every 5000 xp you can earn a new feat, so there's still "advancement" but you never get to "wuxia" superman levels like you do in a "normal" game of D&D.

So anyhoo, I plan on making some of these "only available at X HD" abilities something you can get from E6 feats.

Is there a discussion of E6 monster classes anywhere?

Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Tiefling
« on: August 01, 2013, 01:35:18 PM »
Would be good to mark this as "native outsider" creature type, not "plain" outsider which has that non-dual nature thingie and doesn't need to eat or sleep. Yes?

Enhanced Monster Classes / Re: Gargoyle
« on: August 01, 2013, 12:03:14 PM »
Very nice. I like the ability penalties, the tone, and the balance. Very well-fleshed out and compliant with everything I, a min-maxing rules lawyer, knows about D&D.

*glides from a skyscraper to descend upon evildoers*

Introduce Yourself / Yes, introductions. Okay then. Here we go...
« on: August 01, 2013, 11:38:15 AM »
You may call me picklejuice. Been gaming for 30 years, D&D, Shadowrun, Cyberpunk, GURPS, Rifts, Over The Edge, Heroquest 2nd ed, Pathfinder, etc. etc. etc.

Developed my own Doctor Who GURPS Adventures supplement BEFORE reading GURPS Time Travel. Created a GURPS character sheet reflecting a "default" skill list a la D&D 3.0, plus to-hit chart on the back.

Created a database of all D&D 3.5 monsters and created code to update monsters to higher levels.

Complied information on Palladium Games' Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles And Other Strangeness, combined it with Savage Species to create a very large anthropomorphic/furry racial database for D&D 3.5

Looking to dive into the Monster Classes thread, asking a few basic questions in the FAQ.

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