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Messages - V-God

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / Re: What is a good Arcane Warrior (not Duskblade)
« on: July 05, 2014, 03:51:50 AM »
I know this thread is kind old lol, but i have a build interesting for gish purposes (not exactly a champion of optimization, but good enough and gishy enough):


Level 1 - Any Full BAB Class that makes your character proficient with all weapons and armors needed to qualify for Spellsword;
Level 2 to 7 - Wizard 1 to 6;
Level 8 to 12 - Spellsword 1 to 5;
Level 13 to 14 - Runesmith 1 to 2;
Level 15 to 19 - Abjurant Champion 1 to 5;
Level 20 - Dragonslayer 1;

Your gish end up with BAB +16 (minimum to have 4 attacks), casting and knowing spells as Wizard 17 (minimum to have 9th level spells), the possibility to cast in heavy armors due to Rune Cast that ignores Somatic, and the ability to cast any spell through your weapon.

Of course the order of taking levels can be changed (like starting with Wizard, and after those 6 levels you can take Crusader or Warblade 1 to get some Maneuvers, in this case you could even switch Spellsword for Jade Phoenix Mage, but i like the ability to channel any spell through your weapon, anyway with JPM you'll cast and know spells as Wiz 18).

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello Moto
« on: August 12, 2013, 02:57:59 PM »
Oh i guess i need to improve my english ;3

Maybe "i want to clear some of my doubts" is better?

Or better: I just wanna learn things i don't know yet lol

Handbook Discussion / Re: No Save, No SR, No Hit effects
« on: August 11, 2013, 03:21:20 PM »
Is there a list of books that you haven't searched yet?

I could try to search some.

This just gets further enhanced if you use cheesy ways to gain 9th level spells for Chameleon.

How is that? *Curious*

Introduce Yourself / Hello Moto
« on: August 11, 2013, 03:13:31 PM »
Title of topic is based on Motorola lol, my nick is the first letter of my name with God cuz that is powerful and cool.

I like D&D 3.5, Pokemon Showdown (anxious for the 6th generation), Ragnarok, Resident Evil, Tekken, Winning Eleven, and a lot of things that i don't play anymore ;(

I'm here cuz i really LOVE those 3.5 handbooks and i want to contribute with some of them, and to take some doubts.

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