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Messages - dirkformica

Pages: [1]
Gaming Advice / Defending Weapons (Not About Stacking)
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:11:16 PM »
If a character wields two weapons, and one of them has the Defending quality, does he have to take the two weapon penalties to gain the armor bonus?  For example, a character uses their move action to get into position, she can only attack once, she uses her main-hand weapon, but is still holding the defending weapon in her off hand, would she have to apply the penalties for two weapon fighting to gain the defending bonuses, or could she use her full to hit bonus with the main hand and still receive the armor bonus? or something else?

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: HeroForge Anew (D&D 3.5 Character Builder)
« on: February 16, 2015, 11:32:11 PM »
I like the incorporation of Wildshape as a buff.  I know this is a new addition, but any plans on expanding the Wildshape list to include options from Master of Many Forms?

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: D&D Tools Goes Down The Hole (UPDATE: 11/22)
« on: December 04, 2014, 07:34:26 PM »
Outside of re-hosting the site, is there a good way to search the site-rip?

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: D&D Tools Goes Down The Hole (UPDATE: 11/22)
« on: November 23, 2014, 12:00:45 AM »
Any tips for making searches easier with the site-rip?  They used custom Google searches so all I'm pulling up are the old, dead links online.

Off Topic Fun / Re: Things that make you LoL (Part 3)
« on: May 02, 2014, 12:21:24 AM »
I honestly expected it to be 2-2 right now, because these teams always win home games.  But that's okay, San Jose's going to win on Sunday.

About that...

I had some problems with the expanded database on my Android phone but I think I'm applying it wrong.  I installed the program, then copy pastad the link from the main page, then used that with the app's upgrade database.  This causes the app to crash if you try to pull up any information.  Any tips for upgrading the database?

Gaming Advice / RANGER PHBII Distracting Attack Alternate Class Ability
« on: February 27, 2014, 06:04:43 AM »
"Beginning at 4th level, whenever you hit an enemy with a weapon attack (whether melee or ranged), that enemy is considered flanked by you for the purpose of adjudicating your allies’ attacks. For example, if your rogue ally attacked that enemy, not only would she gain a +2 bonus on her melee attack roll but she could also add her sneak attack damage to a successful melee attack.  This flanked condition lasts until either the enemy is attacked by one of your allies or until the start of your next turn, whichever comes first. This is an extraordinary ability.  This ability has no effect on creatures that can’t be flanked."

If two Rangers take this ability, and they have Sneak Attack from class levels, or Hunter's Eye 1st level spell, do they set each other up?  E.G. surprise round setup initiative to be best one after the other.  Then 1st shoots and sets up Flanking.  Second then shoots and takes advantage of flanking (+2 to attack as well as allowing sneak attacks.) He also has Distracting Attack so when the next round comes the first attacker takes advantage and is able to get +2 to attack as well as sneak attack damage.  His attacks then further trigger the same. 

Basically I'm wondering if two archers can mantain Distracting Attack on a target such that they both get sneak attack via ranged attacks.

Min/Max 3.x / Two Weapon Fighting With Reach
« on: February 27, 2014, 05:31:42 AM »
Are there weapons/classes/races that allow for two weapon (improved etc) along with reach attacks?

General D&D Discussion / Re: PC Gen
« on: November 30, 2013, 07:05:01 PM »
For automated char gen, I use Hero Forge.  It's a spreadsheet where you can select which source material you want to include and it generates character sheets based on your inputs. It's not perfect but it makes character building faster and easier for me.

Gaming Advice / Anyone Have A Bunch of Maps?
« on: October 26, 2013, 06:09:23 PM »
I was wondering if anyone has an archive or something with several scanned or user generated maps?  Google searches come up with some wild variances (in both content and quality.)  I just want to be able to easily whip out a map of a forested area, a farm house, a small village, or a simple dungeon whenever I need to without having to sift through junk online.

Gaming Advice / 3.x Knowledge Local To ID Level/Class
« on: September 14, 2012, 06:55:09 PM »
Can you make a Knowledge: Local check to determine the class and/or level of a Humanoid creature?

Min/Max 3.x / 9th Level Gestalt Shapechanger
« on: August 16, 2012, 09:28:08 AM »
By shapechanger, I mean polymorph, wildshape, alternate form, etc. not any specific race.

I was thinking of an Illumian 9 Druid/ Barbarian 1 (for Pounce)-Monk1 (for Unarmed and Imp Grapple) -Fighter2 (for 2 feats) -Cloistered Cleric 1 (for turn undead and domains) -Master of Many Forms 2 (for giant shape and large) - Warshaper 2 (for immunities and str/con).  With 2 flaws I could get 1 alertness (flaw,) endurance (flaw,) 3 improved unarmed (Monk,) 4 improved grapple(monk,) 5 extend (Planning Domain,) 6 persist (1st level feat,) 7 dm persist (3rd level feat,) 8 natural spell (6th level feat,)  9 power attack (Fighter 1 bonus feat,) 10 imp bullrush (fighter 2 bonus feat,) 11 shock trooper (9th level feat,) 12 Knowledge Devotion (trading Knowledge Domain from Cloistered Cleric.)

Plan was to try to be in Cave Troll form with DM Persisted / (Rod Extended if necessary) Bite of the Weretiger up at all times and using Aeshkrau symbol in order to take advantage of the Str 45 for bonus Druid/Cleric spells.

The problem I'm running into, conceptually, is that I may need to interact with people who wouldn't take kindly to a Cave Troll rolling into town.  What's a good way of getting around that at 9th level?  I need to maintain at least something near that monstrous strength so I don't lose too many bonus spells (especially since it seems to strip them somewhat randomly from what you've got memorized.)  And I can't really mix and match caster classes.

I'm sure an answer is to be a Wizard/Druid gestalt, but I'm already kind of breaking the unspoken rules by taking a level of cloistered cleric (I may actually need to see if I can get the Unearthed Arcana House Rule about taking the Sun domain for turns as it is, or even sub a level of Druid for a level of cleric and lose a druid level.)

Hat of Disguise doesn't seem to be enough due to size.  Alter Self isn't on my spell list and I'm not entirely sure how it would even interact with my other spells/wildshape.

So any ideas for how a roided out Cave Troll could sweet talk the princess?

Gaming Advice / Locked ? Thread, So Gestalt ? and Knock-Back ? Here
« on: November 17, 2011, 08:55:11 AM »
The simple question thread seems to be locked since I can't reply to it.  So I'll ask my somewhat simple questions here.

What's the consensus on Unearthed Arcana Gestalt builds that do multiple multi-classing?  For example someone who takes 5 levels of Wizard on one side, and takes 2 levels of Barbarian, and 3 levels of Fighter on the other?  Are there multiclass penalties?  What happens as they progress?  If the character NEVER takes another Barbarian level, do they incur multiclass exp penalties?

I had another question about the combination of the Improved Trip and the Knock-Back feat from Races of Stone.  If I chose to Improved Trip someone (making a touch attack, then an opposed trip check, then another attack when they're down) does that last attack allow me to activate Knock-Back and attempt a Bull Rush attempt to move them away?  Also, would all of this allow for Dungeoncrasher from Dungeonscape?

I'm basically thinking that if I'm facing an enemy with his back to the wall, and I make a trip attack, he's dropped prone, then I get a free attack, if I hit then I get to bull-rush from Knock-back, and if I succeed I'm knocking him into a wall for extra damage due to Dungeoncrasher.  Is this all correct?

Introduce Yourself / More or Less Lurker from Brilliant
« on: November 17, 2011, 08:35:43 AM »
Migrating over here to get the occasional rules answer and/or brainstorm on character builds.

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