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Messages - A_bad_DM

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Min/Max 3.x / Re: O(ver)P(owered) BBEG
« on: March 23, 2017, 04:52:25 PM »
Oh, because of the "and an NPC" part?

Yeah... It is just a bit too late for that, but really he is by no means a character that causes problems in this game anyway.

Furthermore, technically speaking, DMs can ask other people to play NPCs to simplify their job so that whole "being an NPC" part could easily be ignored under consent of the DM, which is what happened here. I did not see a player being a vampire being any kind of troubles to the power-level of the game.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: O(ver)P(owered) BBEG
« on: March 23, 2017, 12:25:41 PM »
While I would have loved to easily deal with those two undeads that easily, the maximum HD a cleric in my game can affect is 44 since the maximum level is 40, and a demilich gains 20 to its HD due to its (Ex)Turn Resistance +20.

I'm not sure about the Vampire Lord, but I do believe he has at least +5 Turn Resistance.

Just looked it up, and the template states +4, but the example 10HD character has +8, I do believe this player would also have done something to crank it up a bit, though probably not as much as the demilich, that still puts both of them out of turning attempts' reach.

I did forget to mention, his vampire lord template comes from some sort of light and darkness monk class that turns him into a vampire lord as its capstone ability(fluff-wise, it also gives his soul to Dispater for doing so) there, found it. Though that says only "Vampire" and not "Vampire Lord". Still, it would be too late to change that and I do believe acquiring the Vampire Lord template wouldn't be impossible. Looked it up, and the Vampire Lord template has no pre-requisite other than being lvl10+ and being a vampire humanoid or monstrous humanoid.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: O(ver)P(owered) BBEG
« on: March 23, 2017, 10:22:12 AM »
PC's classes and usual tactics?

There's an ubercharger using a modified "Captain Constitution" build(because with all the template he's using, many of the build's stats were becoming useless). He's the group's most ridiculously powerful character. Under perfect circumstances he'll be dealing close to 4000 damages on a turn(if everything crits on his Kaorti Resin weapon(Kaorti Resin makes the weapon's crit multiplier x4))

There's a dread necromancer//Artificer paragon demi-lich who can come back to life a few rounds after he was destroyed since his phylactery is within his demi-plane where time goes to the rhythm of one day per round outside. He uses epic spellcasting(his dispel is his most seen used spell until now, though he has an invisibility spell and an area of effect damage spell) He made items for everyone in the group, which is why all stats just sky-rocketed on everyone(+30 to all skill checks, a lot of +10s to ACs(Divine, insight, luck, sacred, profane, etc.) and all abilities at +12, but there are also the immunities thrown around(Mind-blank, freedom of movement, energies).

There's a Druid which did not do much yet in combat, letting the others deal with it as they are more than capable of dealing with any threats he could even hope to lay a hand on.(Kind of troublesome for me as a DM by the way, as if I want to let him have fun, all other players are guaranteed to hit all the time.) He's developing Epic spells but I don't know what those will be yet, guess he did not finish making them.

Lastly, a Vampire Lord who uses spellcasting(I believe he can cast 9th Arcane and Divine at full sorcerer and cleric level. Also has epic spellcasting, but also working on developing them as we speak so I also don't know what those will be. I expect to see dispelling at least.

As a group, they usually hit the demi-lich a bit to activate his masochism and their sadism before hitting the enemies in front of them. If the demi-lich dies, it can come back quickly the first time thanks to astral projection, which he does not use twice in case the enemy can simply dispel him after.

That's all I can think of for now. Thanks muktidata for your interest. Thank you Keldar and Ithamar also, those build seem interesting, though I don't get what Dragonfire Adept can bring to it from a quick skimming of its abilities. I'll have to look deeper into it.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: O(ver)P(owered) BBEG
« on: March 20, 2017, 10:31:26 PM »
Well, Savage Species Rakshasa can't be done, since the character has been a dragonwrought red kobold(as mentionned in the OP :P).

Furthermore, you put two prestige classes on at the same time, which is forbidden by the Gestalt Rules:
 "A gestalt character can’t combine two prestige classes at any level, although it’s okay to combine a prestige class and a regular class[...]"

Lastly, how do you get into Blighter with the build you showed? Don't you need to be an ex-druid that could cast 3rd level druid spell to get into that PrC?

Still, thanks for looking into it, but for now this build doesn't seem to fit within the limits imposed on this BBEG.

I've been working on a Wizard6/Incantatrix10/Mindbender1/Wizard23||ParagonCreature(12)/Factotum28 for now, looking into Archmage to see if that could add anything of interest into the build.

Min/Max 3.x / O(ver)P(owered) BBEG
« on: March 20, 2017, 01:42:14 AM »
Hello everyone, I'm in need of your help.

I have a pretty strong NPC to create, for which I have some basic stats.

This game is set in the D&D 3.5 system.

The game in which my players have been playing for a certain time is Gestalt, and by now it's also Epic.

There are some rules limiting the power of the characters and NPCs in this game:

Epic Spellcasting: The price of a spell crafted with Epic Spellcasting can't be reduced by more than 75% of its total cost before reductions, and rituals can't be used for the crafting and/or the casting.

No infinite or near infinite loop are allowed on a character.

Custom Item Crafting is allowed.(One of the PC has a ring of Unlimited Wish, as well as a demi-plane in which time goes at a rate of 1 day in his demi-plane to 1 round in the real world(86400:6 or 14400:1)).

All books are allowed, except Psionics and Dragon Magazine.

The help I need is to make the last boss they'll be fighting, which is a level 40 gestalt character, a wizard-type caster on one side and something else(any ideas?) on the other side. It must be a Red Dragonwrought Winged Kobold.

I'd also need help with the epic spells it could have, considering almost infinite amount of experience(though can only use 41k at once).

If you had any ideas to make this final encounter as interesting as possible, please do send them my way too.

Oh and because the players were so lucky while rolling for their stats, the stats of the BBEG are the equivalent of a 50pts buy, you can reconfigure them as you see fit.

For now, the only epic spells already planned for the NPC is an epic dispel with at least 5 targets, and a mix between a cage of force and an antimagic zone.

Thanks you very much for all the help you will give me. If you have any questions or comments, I'd be glad to answer, who knows what inspiration those could provide.

!!Players of World-0 Game, do not read this thread please!!

Hello everyone, some of you may remember the last thread I made, a certain amount of time ago, in which I told you all about my game. Well, it took a turn for the worst by now, the players have reached Epic levels, and changed dimension altogether(Not quite the right term, but that would be unneccessary information for this here thread.)

I need some help figuring out some things. I know there are loads of guides for Wizard's optimization, but they rarely ever go above level 20, and they usually don't take Gestalt into considerations.

For now, I thought about giving the character the Paragon Creature template on one side(Templates go only on one side, or you can split the template's level in two and put it on both sides) to make things simpler. Simplicity is not a need, but I feel like this template is rather nice for its stats boosts.

The resources are not much a problem considering one of the players(An artificer) made a custom object to cast wish at will(That's one of the reasons why I chose this nickname).

All books are allowed, except psionics handbook and anything psionic related/psionic-using in other books and Dragon Magazine or Dragon Magazine Compendium.

So what I need are ideas for class combinations using Wizard or prestige classes of the Wizard, Items, and Epic spells, up to level 40.

Considering the players can see this thread though, I'd like it if you sent your ideas straight to my inbox.

As for discussion in this thread, have any of you had experience in playing gestalt games? Epic games? Any tips for epic games DMing? Any tips to create NPCs quickly at this kind of level? Sure, most NPCs are not that high a level, but some will be and with my skills right now, creating one such NPC would take around a week of research and work.

Maybe ideas of Gestalt build you always wanted to try that you could suggest me for future NPCs?

On that note, thanks for your time!

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Grinding
« on: March 19, 2014, 12:34:28 PM »
Yeah, fleeing is something I've taught my players to do(Kind of like Phaedrus but I don't just say it, I show it), but as you said the Juggernaut is kind of... Forcecage at will as a SLA makes it hard to flee.

I guess waves of ennemy would be my best option.
Maybe some kind of monsters living in a hive.

Guess I'm sending them a Myrmarch and its platoon.(Or more, if they proove too strong against only one.)

Thanks again for the answers!
And if you have any tips for the tactics I should use, feel free to send them my way :P

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Grinding
« on: March 18, 2014, 05:40:49 PM »
I believe he could potentially do that, but the Juggernaut had a DR20/+2. The monk was the level just before gaining an equivalent of +2 on his attacks.

The bard doesn't really know how to play a bard I guess, which is why I said I would need to explain some things to him, but let's not forget he's not "only" bard on the bard side either so his bonuses are not that big yet.

Like I said, I tried two CR9 at once(Equivalent CR11 according to SRD encounter calculator). The players were just super lucky and killed one of them on the first initiative turn.

They do get exp every game for roleplay purposes(as with the ShadowRun system Karma points) and I do consider traps and other obstacles as being encounters.

The players experience is quite difference too, two of them are quite experienced, one I don't know about and the other one(bard players actually) seems to be quite new to the system. Yes, a bunch of CR10 at once would most likely get rid of all the party, though the dread necromancer might get out "alive" depending on wether he flees or try to fight and keep the other safe.

I guess I could do that(weaken the monsters), considering that the Kaorti have probably tried to get on this island already.

Thanks for your answers.

Min/Max 3.x / Grinding
« on: March 18, 2014, 01:50:22 PM »
Well, hoping I'm posting this in the right section.

Important part in Bold~

Since my last topic is about 6 pages back in the forum pages and since this topic is a little different, I thought I should make a new thread.

For those who did not read my previous topic, here's my situation: I DM a game with Gestalt rules and pathfinder classes accepted in the 3.5 rules. I have four players(A Dread Necro/Artificer(Now necropolitan), a Monk/Alchemist, a Warblade/Bard and another player whose classes I do not remember(We play once per two week and he was absent from last game, so I haven't seen his character in a long time and he was new to the game).)

Right now, the players are not all of the same level, because the artificer took an item familiar and spent a lot of xp on crafting. The monk took vow of poverty, the new character is still a bit behind the others and the warblade is... well... It doesn't look like he can do much. I guess I should help him optimize a bit.

Still, before optimizing anymore than that, they need to level up and the characters gave a reason for their characters to do so. The thing is, I don't really know what it is I should put in front of them.

Last game, I sent them a Quanlos(CR6)(with no thrall though) that was defeated in one round. I sent them two corrupture(CR9 each)(One in a tree and the other laying in wait in the swamp at the bottom of said tree.) The players killed the first ooze with one spell and the other took a bit longer. Next I opened Monster Manual II, not realizing it was 3.0 and picked up a CR11 creature. I thought it would be an easy fight, but they needed an NPC's help to escape the Juggernaut's arms.(I believe the artificer will soon be crafting rings of freedom of movement...)

They ended up on that particular Island because they were sent there by Fiend Folio's Kaortis who wanted to get rid of something. What I'm wondering is... What kind of monsters would cause problem to the Kaortis that I could put against my players for a few encounters. They are on an island covered with forest and swamps, though there is an underground area(which entry is now protected by a Juggernaut :S) The players want to gain XP quickly so it has to be kind of high CR but not something that they cannot win against.

Important points to note:
The Dread Necro is undead, can fly at will(effect from its cloak) and is pretty good at hiding.
The Monk/Alchemist is able to enlarge himself, is pretty good at grappling, and has more attacks than the usual monk
The Warblade/Bard barely uses his bardic music because he'd rather fight with his trident.
The other character is a quite low-level character(5~7) in comparison to the 8~10 of the other players so he's still kind of squishy.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: So now it's come to this... gestalt factotum/inc/scm
« on: March 11, 2014, 02:55:47 PM »
Invisible Spell

Instead of Sculpt?

Well, Invisible Spell has an adjustment cost of 0 so with Incantatrix, you get to have -1 on your total spell level adjustment, and you can probably make invisible summons(because Invisible Spell is so badly written.)

Note that you won't be casting level 9 spells as level 8, but a 2 level adjustment metamagic would end up being free(Unless I'm mistaken, it has been a while since I've last looked at incantatrix.)

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« on: February 17, 2014, 07:10:22 PM »
What level should you list this as? If you consider taking it on alone, it should probably be epic, hence why I was putting the level you were doing it as a scoring metric. If you really want to list it, considering a level up per "boss", you would need to start at 16~17.

As for the encounters, I don't have those character sheets anymore so I would need to remake them. I guess it's something I should do considering my players could stumble upon them eventually. It'll take me some time to finish them though.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« on: January 25, 2014, 03:11:27 PM »
I know it's been a while, but I must admit I still want this thread to go on, and I don't think making a new thread for a challenge is a good idea when there's already one going on.

Since there haven't been much going on in here lately, I'll be posting a scenario of epic difficulty~(I hope this does not actually anger anyone though.)

First of all, know that this is a challenge some of my players had to face in my personal campaign setting. It is usually in a gestalt game, with a group of four players entering at level 15~16 with two to three times the amount of gold for their level. Due to the setting, all books other than Dragon Magazine and Psionics materials are allowed. Anything that would allow an infinite loop is forbidden by the dungeon master.

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Maps and Area Descriptions
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Duration between encounters
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Scoring metrics
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If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

I did not ready any spell list, because I usually make them use spells as if they knew them all and could cast spontaneously, since in game, Raksh does have his army of diviners. If you want any precision on the NPCs other than the kobolds, here is where I asked for help for most of their builds:

PS: I just noticed the black dragonwrought kobold is not actually a cleric but an archivist. Still, it acts and dress like a cleric of Tiamat.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Needing help for Gestalt Lv 20 NPCs.
« on: January 02, 2014, 10:36:53 AM »
Sorry for the "Necro", but here's a review of stuff that happened up until now.(I would have posted earlier, but my studies and the game prep took all of my time and attention.)

I have kept the bard human, but used your trick Nezkrul for another character in the same city(The players seem to be unwilling to go explore the evil continents and have nothing to do in the lawful good continent anymore.)

The new character is a level 10 swordsage|rokugan ninja(With some other stuff, I do not remember the build by heart) catfolk, disguised as a human.

Sadly enough, the players did not kill one of the NPCs they should have killed so I'll have to prepare a huge undead army for a necromancer :S
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If you have any idea on this, do not hesitate, I'll be glad to hear it.

Next... The players defeated a Titan sized Tarrasque(Immortal Handbook Bestiary gave the stats mods to make anything bigger) by requesting the help of the bard and the rogue-ish character. I may have made mistakes during that fight, but the bard had three songs going(Lingering songs) including one that added sonic damages to the players' attacks and one of the player had tons of attacks per round, so this made a huge difference. Since the rogue-ish character was there, the bard also used a song to give everyone her(The rogue) BaB(20/15/10/5).

I completely forgot to tell you that the paladin/warmage was replaced by an alchemist(Pathfinder)||Monk with vow of poverty, I've let him have his alchemist stuff with the vow, since it's not something anybody else can use and thus, it has no direct value. It'll only make him stronger and let him help people easier.(That's what the character believes anyway.)

I should post the Bard's build soon as I get back during the week-end.

There, Bard's build is up BUT:

I just noticed I crossed Prestige Classes for 4 levels, but I could have stopped War Chanter at level 5 and SotS at 2, then I would have to verify what this results in, but I don't have the time to do it right now. See you all next week-end!

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« on: October 15, 2013, 09:03:18 AM »
Wow ... I hadn't seen some of these templates before .... I'm gonna post some questions to make me look dumb. Sorry for that.

Few things:
1) With one of the rules being no LA+ templates/races until you can buy them off, how are you using them? Or do you consider that the incarnate construct is buying them off so the templates are available? Just curious.
  • Can't really answer for him, but muktidata most likely thought incarnate construct was buying off the templates.
2) You become an incarnate construct through the use of the 9th level spell "Incarnate Construct", which is a spell cast by a (minimum) 17th level caster who expends 5000xp. Shouldn't this cost you (5000xp * 5gp/xp) 25,000 + (17*90) 1530? Which is way more cash than a 1st level character has.
2a) Wouldn't the 9th level spell break the "No spells of a level higher than a typical single-classed character of your level could cast without using early entry cheese (no scroll of alter self at level 2 for instance)." rule? Or would it not count?
  • Technically speaking, you need to have been born in a forge that costed a lot more than a level 10 character could pay to be a warforged too, does that mean you can't be a warforged level 1? It just means someone was experimenting and bam!, you're born. I guess it depends on the DM on this one.
3) You seem to be mixing campaigns (FR=Lolth and Eberron=Warforged), not a problem, but if this is correct, can you mention it in your toon writeup?
4) Feral says you need to be a humanoid or monstrous humanoid. Per your post, you are a living construct when you apply that template. Is this legal?
  • Actually, there is a race of Warforged in Forgotten Realms that is typed as "Natural Humanoid(Construct)"

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Gauntlet - Break the CR
« on: October 15, 2013, 12:15:26 AM »
Trying it out with Factotum human~
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CR 1 Rat in Farmhouse

How the fight went:
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Ouch, that was rough and I'm pretty sure my math isn't good either. I did use the same math to calculate the avg damage for the rat though.

How the fight went, with calculations done by meyer_william(Thanks!)
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Min/Max 3.x / Re: Needing help for Gestalt Lv 20 NPCs.
« on: October 06, 2013, 05:04:15 PM »
Chaotic Good Musician-

If you want him to stay awake and playing a violin for three days straight, it would either require crazy high fortitude saves or endurance checks to stay awake, immunity to fatigue/exhaustion, or a race other than human

So, I suggest the following-

Bard 6 / Lyric Thaumaturge 10 (complete mage) // Sorcerer 10 / Half-Elf Paragon 3 / Human Paragon 3 (paragons are in unearthed arcana and are not PrC's, but racial classes)

Race- Half-elf, wearing Armor of the Unending Hunt (Arms and Equipment Guide; gives immunity to fatigue and exhaustion); everything else as you want for the guy

Feats and Equipment suggestions- other than Melodic Casting-  Lingering Song, Skill Focus (perform stringed instruments), Versatile Performer (makes it so you only need to put ranks in ONE perform skill, and you never need ranks in Concentration due to melodic casting), Practiced Spellcaster (sorcerer) (sets CL to 16 since you only gave up 3 CL for paragons), Extra Music (if needed), Ring of Sustenance (so you don't need to stop to eat or drink or deficate during the performance), Clear Spindle Ioun Stone (so you don't need to breathe during the performance), Reserve feats of your choice, etc.

Well, it really has to be human as the character already appeared in front of the players, and recently too, but other than that I'll look this up. Thank you for the feats, I've never had much experience with musical characters so that will definitely help.

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psionics - fair enough for the first part. too bad about those who have had bad experiences. as for myself, i rarely play anything but psionics in d&d. it's basically modeled on the spell point system from unearthed arcana. then again, i'm used to being the dm's reference book for psionics in any group i play in.

i have a long standing rule that they are allowed to use anything that they are willing to buy me the source of. if it is free (such as dragon mags being released to the internet archive a while back) they provide me a copy of the source, or a copy of the page. once i have a legal copy in my hand, i'll rule on it, as i typically allow anything offical except for "excessively aligned" material. and that is also the only way to get third party stuff into my games.

if you ever reconsider on the psionics, let me know. i've had practice explaining it and breaking it down for ease of understanding.

Well, I would love an explanation on psionics if you can make it short and simple, but I still can't put it in this game as it has been forbidden to the players by the majority rule. If you could please send the explanations via private message to not clog up the thread, it would be appreciated!

PS: I should soon post in the first part of the summary in the appropriate section of the forum. When it's done, I'll put a link to it in the first post of this thread!

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Needing help for Gestalt Lv 20 NPCs.
« on: October 04, 2013, 03:30:59 PM »
First: All books are allowed except for Dragon Magazines and Psionics related material(If there's psionic stuff in a book, these parts are ignored. If the book has psionic in its name, the book is completely ignored.)


Because I never saw psionics used in a game and I do not want to look through the whole book to understand how it's played. Most of my players who have seen psionics in games have had bad experiences from this and agree wholeheartedly anyway. As for the Dragon Magazines, it's because I do not want to have to look them up to find the exact wordings when a player come to me and ask me if he can take feat "x" but doesn't know the exact way it functions(It happens to me more often than you'd think.)

DavidWL has a Jordan Vizier build here:
... easily hackable for what you want.

This looks interesting. "Feat" rogue comes from UA, right?
So with Factotum on one side, Able learner can be replaced with Leadership by moving some feats around...(In case it wasn't obvious, I love the factotum class in Gestalt games)

It's JordaIn Vizier by the way :P

Thanks for the help!

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Needing help for Gestalt Lv 20 NPCs.
« on: September 30, 2013, 09:57:51 AM »
I like the idea of Paladin/Sorceror for the paladin of Bahamut, as long as he concentrates his spells on buffing/debuffing.
That would help with the idea of the crazy strenght and give him a reason for having more charisma, making him a better general.

Updated the first post with class ideas for now~

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Needing help for Gestalt Lv 20 NPCs.
« on: September 29, 2013, 10:48:22 PM »
I know I might be asking for much, but after looking around, I can't seem to find any member by the name of Jordan Vizier nor any other thread than this one with this name in it. I was wondering if you could help me locate the threads you were talking about.

EDIT: And~ nevermind... I just realized I had to be in the forum's main page to make a search that was effective. I was basically looking inside my thread.

EDIT 2: Well, looked it up and Jordain Vizier does seems like a truly interesting prestige class to give such a character.

For now, I was thinking of this for the build:
Quorbred Human[2 LA template](Simply ignoring all that have to do with Psionics on the template)
Rogue[8]/Jordain Vizier[5]||Factotum[15], Mostly upgrading his intelligence and knowledges while making sure to meet the prerequisites for Jordain Vizier(Except lore requirements, those can be ignored since this is a made up setting. The players are allowed the same thing too.)

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Needing help for Gestalt Lv 20 NPCs.
« on: September 21, 2013, 09:41:59 PM »
Well, I just looked up those builds and ideas. I'm surprised to have received an answer so early by the way, thanks!

The problem with Side A is that the character's mount is actually already decided to be a flying machine that's original of this setting(My own setting). Having a Colossal+ Black Dragon could be interesting but I'm not sure I could do that... Maybe, but I'm not sure. I'll look it up again eventually. I would need to change the race though since it must be human and if that puts too big a dent in the build, then I would have to find some other solution.

Side B, well I wasn't able to find anything about a loop from deathwishjoe. I was able to find the stacking of template on an effigy though and I think I could work something out with this.

Thanks again!

As for the king... Hehehehe~

I guess I really am A_bad_DM for putting this in my game. Of course I'll tone it down first though, wouldn't want to just wipe the players off the table.

As for how "Kaboom" I want to go, I guess as Kaboom-ey as I can without making sure I get a party wipe event. The players are ingenuous and they have some crazy stats but they don't optimize nearly enough.

Thanks again for answering me! I should be back to look for answers by monday and then by next friday!

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