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Messages - Eisborn

Pages: [1]
Gaming Advice / [3.5] psywar/druid pounce build
« on: October 26, 2013, 05:28:43 PM »
I'm new to DnD, but several of my friends invited me to play 3.5 with them, and I was wondering if it was possible to do a psywar/druib pounce build (since pounce builds are popular with both, i've read) since they both go really well with wis and con. the psywar levels could be really good early until druid gets strong, then with natural spellcasting you could get all your claws and pounce around slicing people because, as far as I understand, the claw attacks are just tacked onto your turn and aren't counted as actions. my questions are: would this be effective? where would you take what levels and how many in each? would it be necessary to go syna or something so I have psychich stuff by default because I wouldn't have as many from psywar levels? what feats would I take?

Introduce Yourself / Eisborn
« on: October 26, 2013, 04:48:24 PM »
I am many things. A nerd (seemingly the only one who couldn't care less about star trek), a gamer (one who enjoys theorycrafting more than actually playing), a conissuer of knowledge, and a man of eccentric interests

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