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Messages - araris

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Min/Max 3.x / Re: TWF Warblade minimal cheese.
« on: October 31, 2014, 09:46:45 AM »
Okay so as level 9 Warblade. 

Str 17 Dex 20 Con 16 Int 18 Wis 15 Cha 14

Feats from Warblade: Improved Initiative, Quick Draw

Stances: Blood in the Water, Punishing Stance

Maneuvers: Iron Heart Surge, Leading the Attack, Mind Over Body, Moment of Perfect Mind, Sudden Leap

Normal Feats: Combat Reflexes, Double Hit, TWF, ITWF, Weapon Finesse

Any suggestions for what to change if anything?  I also have 2 flaws, and 1 feat open at the moment.  I can ditch a flaw if no feats would be that beneficial.

What armor/weapons/magic items should I should for?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: TWF Warblade minimal cheese.
« on: October 28, 2014, 09:24:42 AM »
So no suggestions for a straight warblade build? 

Min/Max 3.x / Re: TWF Warblade minimal cheese.
« on: October 24, 2014, 03:46:49 PM »
I'll have to look into Bloodclaw Master and get approval.  I think we are limited to base classes to start though.  Someone wanted to go Incantrix and I think was told no.

Min/Max 3.x / TWF Warblade minimal cheese.
« on: October 24, 2014, 07:45:59 AM »
So I'm thinking of making a TWF Warblade.  I don't want to do any dips, just straight Warblade.

Starting off at level 9.  Can take up to 2 flaws.  Race is open, though I typically play a drow or wood elf.   Stats were rolled with 5d6 rerolling 1s and taking best 3, 3 times.

18 17 17 15 15 13

By "minimal cheese" I'd prefer not to use aptitude kukris with lightning mace type stuff to build on to.    It isn't for an optimized play style, but more fun with flavor.   Maybe a Jack B Quick styled warblade?

So Starting off at level 9 what race/skills/feats/maneuvers should I take?  I'm gonna assume Blood in Water and Punishing stance are the givens for my stance choices.

Also what gear?  Kukris?  Bastard Swords?  Celestial Armor?  Anklets of translocation? 

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Creating a playable God
« on: October 24, 2014, 07:36:51 AM »
Thanks Ill use the guide listed for creating one.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Creating a playable God
« on: October 23, 2014, 11:50:07 AM »
I would think less a God that is worshiped and more so an immortal.   I did a little digging and it seemed Paladine stated out was a level 20 cleric and level 20 magic user.  So is level 40 a good level for a god like character? 

Current campaign we are level 7-9 and will probably play level 20+

Min/Max 3.x / Creating a playable God
« on: October 23, 2014, 10:33:17 AM »
So I've been tasked with creating a playable God.  The back story is my character from an AD&D campaign 20+ years ago is now the God of Neutrality.  And he will be taking part in some of the events that will unfold in our current campaign. 

My character at the time was a level 14 mage when we finished stopped playing. 

So now the setting is 1000 years later, and my mage is being introduced as a God.   What level should I make him?  Should I multi-class him?  He shouldn't be literally un-killable, but it should be fairly impossible without the perfect storm of events occurring.

I was thinking Sorcerer mixed with something else.  I just don't know enough about the prestige classes or multi-class options nor what level I should consider making him.

Thanks for any help.

Thanks for all the advice. 

I've decided on doing a rogue 2/Swashbuckler 3/Dread Pirate/Scarlet Corsair mix.

So my question now becomes.  Do I take an additional level of rogue to get the SA dice for Daring Outlaw first, or do I want until level 8 when I can get it from a third level of Dread Pirate?

As a precursor I won't be taking the Two Weapon Fighting Feat until I get it by default with Dread Pirate.  I will be using the Gloves on Balanced Hands or whatever it is until then for it.  Starting out Ill have a +2 Keen Rapier and my offhand will switch between a +2 hand crossbow and a +2 dagger(or other weapon if someone can suggest a better option)

Does the Dread Pirate prestige have any value? I will be starting out with a boat as apparently we need one and the DM decided I'd have the boat while the other guys will have houses/keeps in various towns.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Could use some help with character creation
« on: October 29, 2013, 04:31:13 PM »
So he won't let the Daring Warrior feat slide. 

So with that in mind would it be better to multi the Martial Rogue with something else?  Lose Swashbuckler.  Pick up Over-sized Two Weapon Fighting?

Mix the Martial Rogue with say Barbarian for rage?  Or ?

Nothing is really set in stone other than I'd like to stick with some rogue abilities and use TWF if it's going to be beneficial to the group.  If it's better to do Martial Rogue 1 level and go full on fighter, or ranger or something after that I am open to the idea. 

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Could use some help with character creation
« on: October 29, 2013, 02:45:39 PM »
As for Magic Items.  In reality Ill be giving him a list of shit that I think my character will use.  He will as he sees fit either make them available in towns for purchase, the group wizard if he has the ability can make the item, it maybe treasure/loot, or he could say keep looking you may come across it lol. 

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Could use some help with character creation
« on: October 29, 2013, 02:42:23 PM »
I'm going to work through and see if I can set up a viable 10 level build using Martial Rogue and Arcane Stunt for the Swashbuckler.  That should allow me enough feats to pick up some ranged ones as well.  It will get rid of the reliance on SA, because knowing the DM there will be plenty once we hit lvl 6+ that are immune to SA.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Could use some help with character creation
« on: October 29, 2013, 01:50:31 PM »
Not really sure what you mean by the not interested in sub-systems other than Psioncs. 

I'll give your links a read through.  And thanks for the pointers on Feats.  I think I'll be intending on doing quickdraw.  I'll dual wield rapiers and have a hand crossbow that I can pull out if needed as well as a composite short bow.

I believe Ill be getting the Glove of the Balanced Hand to start.  We can each pick a non-weapon/armor piece of gear that is sub 10,000 gold to start.

We will be starting with mastercrafted armor for our class and then whatever weapons we need +2 mastercrafted.  So I should be able to pick up the 2 rapiers and at least 1 kind of ranged weapon, be it daggers for throwing or a hand crossbow or something.

Ill definitely put the ring of blinking on my wish list.  He may add that as treasure at some point. 

Thanks for all the great info so far.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Could use some help with character creation
« on: October 29, 2013, 01:14:30 PM »
So my first feat is Two-Weapon Fighting. 

Is Telling Blow a good second feat?  Or should I be looking at something to mitigate damage to myself?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Could use some help with character creation
« on: October 29, 2013, 11:49:52 AM »
Are skill tricks worth looking into?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Could use some help with character creation
« on: October 29, 2013, 10:52:34 AM »
I bought all the Monster Manuals, DMG, and PH1.  However the DM is using those.  So my book access is limited to PDFs I find and such online at the moment and Im not much for scrolling through reading 600 page pdfs.  So for my own simplicity I would like to keep it to the books available in Hero Labs.  Unfortunately those don't seem to include the Tome's needed for Swordsage.  I found a community source that includes:

The regular d20/PH/DM

Advanced Bestiary
Arms and Equipment Guide
Book of Exalted Deeds
Complete Adventurer/Arcane/Champion/Divine/Mage/Scoundrel/Warrior
Drow of the Underdark
Finedish Codex II
Heroes of Battle
Libris Mortis
Lords of Madness
Magic Item Compendium
Miniatures Handbook
Monser Manuals 1/2/3/5
Races of Destiny/Stone/Dragon/Wild
Spell Compendium

A couple things to add.  I decided on going Drow.  DM is allowing it without the LA. 

I'm guessing that Martial Rogue is out as I really don't want to lose the SA damage.  How about the Arcane Stunt version of swashbuckler?  Is Grace something I can't leave without as a Swashbuckler build?  I like the flavor that arcane stunt would add to the character.  Of course I could always add a caster level if I wanted, but I think with the stats I have the +1-3 reflex save shouldn't be that big of a deal to lose?

**Edit** Ignore the bit about Arcane Stunt.  I see that I'll need the Grace for Daring Outlaw.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Could use some help with character creation
« on: October 29, 2013, 08:52:37 AM »
Not interested at all in playing a bard. But thanks.  I'll look into the rogue/swashbuckler builds I can find online.  Though swordsage isn't an available option to me.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Could use some help with character creation
« on: October 28, 2013, 10:44:00 PM »
TWF is what I'm going to do.  Looking at the group dynamic I'm thinking rogue is the route I should go.....

With that said.  Are there any recommendations on multi-class set ups or variant classes to look into.  Or is straight rogue the best route?

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Could use some help with character creation
« on: October 28, 2013, 09:41:43 PM »
So the group Dynamic has changed a bit.

Barbarian(I convinced the guy who wanted to play a ranger it was a bad idea)

And then Me......

One, how do you want to kill things? 

Well I'm more of the Swashbuckler/TWF Rogue type player if its a viable option.  But From everything I have read TWF sucks.  So that's really what I'm looking for is a class I'd enjoy playing.  I'd prefer to stay away from say a Factotem type character.  I can enjoy any type of character really. 

Two, what kind of out-of-combat role do you want?  You need away to handle traps, obviously.  You mentioned something about "party leader," but what do you mean by that?

Out of combat I will be the front man.  I'll probably handle a lot of the direction of the group.  I tend to glean things more quickly than the others in the group.  And I can read my cousin well(The DM).  So I typically figure out what he has in mind for things before he expects us too.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Could use some help with character creation
« on: October 28, 2013, 03:53:20 PM »
I was under the impression that only certain classes(with special abilities/feats) could search for traps of DC20 or better?

I get the feeling that ignoring the traps is not going to be an option.  I will either have to trigger them somehow be it by disable device, magic means, or smashing it?  I'm not sure.  But the point is to "beat" the traps as encounters, not skip them.

I will definitely take LOG under consideration.  However I am still curious of class suggestions.  Certain builds that may take me forever to sift through and see anything about? 

I'm through to page 29 of this forum at the moment.  Maybe I will come up with something from there.

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