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Messages - Silent Wayfarer

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Min/Max 3.x / [Pathfinder]Advice Needed: Sacred Servant Paladin
« on: March 25, 2013, 10:10:18 PM »
I'm making a gunslinger 7 /paladin 13 multiclass and I'm planning on taking the Sacred Servant archetype, which replaces your aura of resolve with lesser planar ally, planar ally and greater planar ally at levels 8, 12 and 16 respectively.

Since my build only permits me to use planar ally, will a creature like that still be useful at high levels?

So I'm planning on making a Sacred Servant because 1/week planar ally for free is really yummy. But for maximum effect I need to be Paladin 16 for Greater Planar Ally, and I want to take Gunslinger 5 for Pistol Training along the side. Is there a way to make my effective paladin level count as 1 higher for the purposes of class features, so I can go Paladin 15/ Gunslinger 5?

On that note, the free succubus girlfriend you get at Antipaladin 11's Fiendish Boon is neat, though people might think you skeezy. Alas Fiendish Boon (the source of the permanent SM spell that gets you the succubus) is traded out with Knight of the Sepulcher.

Well, I got CL 18 Control Winds from the Mark of Storms + DMH, which should mean I can turn still air to tornado force winds. What I'd like is to turn it into a moving spot of destruction and rampage over the countryside.

Here's a fun thought experiment. Sharn is basically a Manifest Zone of Syrania, the Elemental Plane of Air. So... walk one of these into it?

Also, how exactly would Control Weather interact with Control Winds? There are some items like the Crown of Dominion that expand your Control Weather to 6 miles wide for 48 hours, and a Dragonmark Rod of Storms would give you an extra use of any of the possible DM SLAs, provided you had the DM feat for the SLA level in question. So, Greater DM (control winds) would let you use the rod to cast control winds or control weather.

So by various means I have obtained CL 18 Control Winds as an SLA. Can I cast it and walk around as my shield of tornado-force wind annihilates everything it touches, or is the effect immobile?

Yeah, the GDS cheese is just cheese and I was wondering if it could be done. The healing issue is probably best resolved with a continuous item of Lesser Humanoid Essence (make it a warforged component or something for a discount). Would like to avoid that, though.

It's too bad the text of Strike of Righteous Vitality is "you or an ally receive the effect of a heal spell" , since all the other restorative DS maneuvers just say you regain HP without designating them as part of the healing subschool.

I've recently hit a wall in my building. I wanted to make a Barb 1 / Crusader 14 / WFJ 5 (not in that order) so I could be an unstoppable terminator clone who walked over all enemies. However, Strike of Righteous Vitality (grants the effects of a heal spell) does not work with WFJ 3's Healing Immunity (become immune to the effects of spells from the healing subschool). Granted SoRV is an extraordinary ability, but still. Is there a way for a WFJ Crusader to benefit from SoRV?

EDIT: Lesser Humanoid Essence (Artificer/Sorcerer/Wizard 3) specifically grants full benefit from effects of the healing subschool... looking for a more permanent way, though.

Also, Greater Divine Surge says you may voluntarily take up to your IL of Con damage to power up your attack. If I'm immune to ability damage and drain as a WFJ, can I thus take 17 Con damage (ignored by immunity) to do 6d8 + 34d8 damage at a +17 attack bonus when using GDS?

Min/Max 3.x / [Pathfinder] Level 8 "evil" gish
« on: October 24, 2012, 12:37:22 AM »
Hi, I haven't done this in a while ,so I beg for your patience. I'm making a character for an L8 game with a low optimization level on the part of the other players. My current plan is a Daemon-Blooded (+2 Dex +2 Int -2 Wis) Tiefling Wizard 6/Eldritch Knight 8, using the fact that a tiefling is an outsider to sidestep the "all martial weapon proficiency" requirement for EK. My objective is to be able to shoot all the arrows at people, while having spell backup.

Some questions:

1) Which feats should I take? I have 4 feats from level, 1 wizard bonus and 1 EK fighter bonus.
2) Is there a way to reduce the metamagic adjustment on Still/Silent/Eschew spells to 0? I have the feeling the GM may have us bound and gagged and I want to retain agency on that front.
3) What gear would you recommend? I'm not too up to date on this sort of thing.

If I missed out anything, please let me know. Thanks in advance.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: [3.P] Summoner help?
« on: October 01, 2012, 12:51:16 AM »
Hm. I thought Wild Caller was a racial archetype? Though I agree that 10 free evolution points over 20 levels is quite snacky.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: [3.P] Summoner help?
« on: October 01, 2012, 12:05:57 AM »
I want to ask - why is Wild Caller stronger than the summon-spamming Master Summoner? Are the SNA spells really much better than Summon Monster? Don't the higher end of summoned monsters give you the ability to crap out SLA-toting outsiders?

Gaming Advice / [Pathfinder] Gaining proficiency with all martial weapons
« on: September 27, 2012, 12:21:50 PM »
Is there a way to gain proficiency with all martial weapons WITHOUT dipping? I know some shenanigans like Otherworldly or Militia Training could do it, but those are 3.x stuff and I'd prefer to stick to Pathfinder-only stuff.

Also, I heard half-elves got buffed heavily in Pathfinder recently. What happened?

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: [3.P] Summoner help?
« on: September 22, 2012, 07:30:10 AM »
One thing about Synthesist Summoner is that it reduces the number of things your opponents can target, and it directly improves your own survivability. So I figured it was the only other option worth a damn if you didn't want to play a Clown Car Master Summoner. Another argument against the Master Summoner is that it'll bog the game down. But in a good way.

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: [3.P] Summoner help?
« on: September 22, 2012, 01:24:18 AM »
Is the master summoner (eidolon becomes crap, but you can crap out lots of monsters at once) worth it? Sounds like a nova-type deal.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Iron Siege Q&A: The Return of the Iron Lord of Dis
« on: November 24, 2011, 07:41:22 PM »
A silly idea.

Why not Call him (via Epic Spell), then tag him with a Transcend Mortality effect while he's outside, and kick him back into Dis just before the death effect resolve? The killing effect cannot be prevented by any means, and it should fulfil the challenge's goal, if not its spirit.

Min/Max 3.x / Ashworm Dragooning: need critiques
« on: November 20, 2011, 09:22:04 AM »
So I'm building a level 16 Paladin Ashworm Dragoon, with an eye toward making a supermount. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right (I don't think I am). Should I be using a dragon (very young gold comes to mind) for a mount instead? Other critiques would be nice.

Strongheart Halfling
Paladin 5 / Beastmaster 1 / Ashworm Dragoon 4 / Halfling Outrider 6

Halfling 1 Mounted Combat
Level 3 Skill Focus (Handle Animal)
Level 6 Ride-By Attack
Ashworm Dragoon 2 Mounted Archery
Level 9 Devoted Tracker
Level 12 Natural Bond
Level 15 (free)

Fluffy the Terrible
Large Magical Beast
HD: 21d10+63
Initiative: +2
Speed: 40ft., burrow 40ft. climb 15ft.
AC: 38 (-1 size +2 Dex +27 natural), touch 11, flatfooted 36
Base Attack/Grapple: +21/+34
Attack: Sting +30 melee 1d6+13 (20/x2)
Full Attack: Sting +30/+25 melee 1d6+13 (20/x2)
Space/Reach: 10ft/5ft
Special Attacks: N/A
Special Qualities: Evasive Diver, Tremorsense 60ft, Command other Ashworms, share spells, share saves, link, empathic link, evasion, improved evasion
Saves: Fort +15 Ref +14 Will +8
Abilities: Str 28 Dex 14 Con 17 Int 8 Wis 13 Cha 6


Empathic Link
Improved Evasion
Share Spells
Share Saves
Improved Speed
Command other Ashworms

Introduce Yourself / Here we go again
« on: November 19, 2011, 08:06:17 PM »
I'm a long-time lurker of the 339 and BG boards; my favorite games are 3.x, Exalted and 40KRPG. Besides gaming, I also put miniatures together. I live in Singapore and am a regular of RPGNet as *drumroll* Silent Wayfarer.

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