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Messages - King Kamor

Pages: [1]
Elusive Target doesn't work with PF's version of Dodge because you never designate foes to be affected by it.
I know, that's why I said it could work with 3.5/Pathfinder transparency. If a feat's broken, then the DM might as well fix it and make some new rules to make it work, if a player thinks the feat sounds fun and wants to use it. Dodge is relatively useful in PF so we always use it in my games, so it would be easy to just replace the Elusive Target text "target designated by Dodge" with "target designated for the use of this tactical maneuver." In the case with Caustic Slur, the target would be "that guy I just pissed off."

Caustic Slur


So you use this feat and grant your enemy the benefit of Power Attack.  I don't know what to say.

I realize that Paizo definitely didn't mean for this to happen, but if your DM works with 3.5/Pathfinder transparency (able to use both systems with DM permission) then this feat works kind of okay with Elusive Target.

(click to show/hide)

And if your DM uses the Pathfinder version of Dodge, then it technically affects everyone using Power Attack on you. It might be good to help dodge one or two attacks if you're going for a dodge-tank sort of ranger. Who knows?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending it. By itself, within just the Pathfinder system, the feat is pretty useless and can easily backfire. Additionally, the favored enemy requirement severely hinders its usefulness, depending on the setting. If it put the enemy into a frenzy of some kind then that would be more flavorful and fun, I think.

Introduce Yourself / *tips fedora*
« on: November 06, 2013, 12:14:22 PM »
(I don't actually own a fedora, thankfully)

Hi, I'm KingKamor. I've been gaming for most of my life, but have only started tabletop games about five years ago. I mostly participate in D&D 3.5 games with Pathfinder stuff available for use if we choose. I play tabletop every Saturday with friends, but I usually play video games or watch Chinese cartoons.

I live in California and am working full time.

Please enjoy my stay.

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