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Messages - BURP

Pages: [1]
General D&D Discussion / Re: Tormenta Campaign Setting Overview
« on: April 25, 2014, 01:56:04 PM »

That picture is actually supposed to be of an artifact, but it's the only pic I could find of something made of Aço-Rubi

Actually, that's a cover image from a manga called Abara, by Tsutomu Nihei :P You found it using Google Images, I guess? I used it to ilustrate an old blog post with some fan material for the setting :P I might be wrong, but I think the only images of aço-rubi are some internal illustrations from the Área de Tormenta sourcebook.

Since last time, the second of the 15th anniversary posters are now on sale, take a look. :)

The (gorgeus) image Nume posted is actually a reimagining of an old rulebook cover, that became kinda infamous for an obvious reason once you see it... :P

General D&D Discussion / Re: Tormenta Campaign Setting Overview
« on: February 21, 2014, 05:58:35 PM »
Tormenta's action points are almost identical to M&M's hero points, as well as the action points as they are implemented in Trailblazer, I think.  Note that this isn't a criticism -- both of those games implement the idea much better than Eberron did.  I suspect Eberron was a little too wary to introduce that big a change into things. 

At any rate, I'm a fan of this approach.  I like giving both another thing to reward fun actions by players, and another thing to induce them to be more heroic.  The only drawback is that players tend to hoard them for defense (that was my experience with M&M).  I hope the reset each session would help mitigate that, but I don't think it can be eliminated entirely.

It makes more sense if you note that Jambô Editora, who publishes Tormenta, is also the publisher of the brazilian edition of M&M =P The authors utilized a lot the premises of the Open Gaming License in composing the game, which is not a bad thing, quite the contrary. If it works so well, it might as well appear in more titles.

General D&D Discussion / Re: Tormenta Campaign Setting Overview
« on: November 25, 2013, 12:05:35 PM »
1406 Arsenal Master attacks the Reinado with his Kishin, but is defeated by grouped forces of adventurers. That's one battle I would like to hear about in more detail.

Then you'll be wanting to read the Contra Arsenal adventure book. It's basically this battle turned into a big high-level campaing, including the construction and handling of another big mecha to fight the Kishin with. It's my favourite adventure in the setting, by far =P

I also think it's interesting to note that there's so much boring foundering of towns and bookeeping on the lives of characters because it's a 10+ years old setting (I think it's about to come to its 15th birthday, if I'm not mistaken). So there's a lot of backup story to cite in the timeline, that's been told through novels, comics and adventures. The story of the fall and corruption of the Paladin is in the Holy Avenger series, a brazilian manga-style comic that span 42 issues and a few specials. The liberation of Valkaria from the statue is also an epic-level adventure, as is the battle against the Kishin. And so on.

Also, pirates. The setting is usually very criticized for being a cut-and-paste of too many things that don't necessarily add together, but are there mainly because they're cool. Other people, though, (like me) think that's exactly one of its most charming points =P Pirates go there that way too, they're there because they're cool, period. There's a small excuse for them (they don't attack merchant ships, but mainly adventuring parties that are exploring coastal dungeons), but other than that, they are just an application of the Rule of Cool.

Though you'll want to see the setting's cowboys, there's a whole sourcebook for them...

Introduce Yourself / Introduction
« on: November 25, 2013, 11:53:51 AM »
So, I'm one more here to help you learn about the brazilian setting Tormenta. If you have anything you want to ask about it or about it's secondary gaming system, 3D&T, I'm there for you. Sometimes.

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