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Messages - Airweaverichi

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Min/Max 3.x / Re: Ranged PC with Super Animal Companion/s?
« on: November 27, 2013, 04:28:45 PM »
OK I was doing some thinking at work today and research on breaks,
 here is what i have worked out.

First of i guess i should have given you the stats i rolled in the first post

Taking 2 Flaws, Noncombatant and Meager Fort
Taking 2 traits, Quick and Uncivilized

1st Lv same as before Take Druid with the Animal Focused Var (DR347)
So I get +2 Druid lvls to pet then taking the feats Exalted Compnaion (add a +2 lvl mod on pet), Improved Animal Companion (NBoF Approved by DM but can't be used more then once Another +3 druid lvls for pet), Point Blank Shot (Cause i will need Precise shot), And Skill Focus (Handel Animal) (Beastmaster Req)

2nd-4th Mystic Ranger (DR336)
that gives me 1 more Druid lvl for pet and gives access to Spells much sooner inculding a few 0 lvl spells taking the feat Precise Shot and at 4th taking WIS+1

5th Beastmaster counts as a full druid lvl and gives me an extra +3 druid levels bringing me to a pet of an 11th lvl druid

6th-20th Back to Mystic Ranger at 12th lvl i will have access to 5th lvl spells.

6th- Item Familiar - Who wouldn't want a Super Composite Longbow as an archer
8th- WIS+1
9th-Natural Bond- by this point i have lost lost 3 druid lvls so +3 Druid lvls to pet
12th- WIS+1 and Animal Cohort I will have awaken beast to cast also so it should work i haven't read it not working on a cohort correct me if i am wrong
15th-?????????????????? should i go with ranged Feat or pet feat
18th-?????????????????? Again not sure what to go with

Pet i will be going with to Start is a wolf with the celestial template and warbeast template so wolf starts 2hd the warbeast will add 1hd then my effective 7lvs of druid gives it 4hd so it will start with 7HD and a +2 lvl Adjustment making it an effective lvl9 pet with a lvl 3 master :lmao

at lvl 12 it will be an effective lvl 22 Direwolf and I will be picking up another wolf not sure if dire or just wolf with animal cohort which i will promptly 

at lvl 20 it would be a effective lvl 26 Direwolf yeah i know the super lvling slows down at the end if i could talk my DM to letting me use Improved Animal Companion as written i would use the last 2 feats for that and have an effective lvl 32 Direwolf

So if you guys see any flaws in this build or have any sugestions for the last 2 feats or any inprovments they would be greatly welcomed thanks again. :)

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Ranged PC with Super Animal Companion/s?
« on: November 27, 2013, 04:31:20 AM »
Also with the Extra Familiars i would be scared of the XP loss my DM likes to kill pets while we sleep.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Ranged PC with Super Animal Companion/s?
« on: November 27, 2013, 04:28:05 AM »
I did make an edit up top sorry i didn't think anyone would read it that fast. But urban wouldn't work i am a "Beast Champion of Ehlonna"

and i did more math at lvl 5 my wolf would have a ECL of 15 with the Cesetial template on it and 13 HD or am i wrong?

Min/Max 3.x / Ranged PC with Super Animal Companion/s?
« on: November 27, 2013, 03:48:02 AM »
Ok My last Character was killed off and I am looking to a Ranged Fighter with a Super Animal Companion or 2.

I Can use any 3.5 books or DR Mags in this and I have had the Improved Animal Companion Feat Approved the NBoF update of the 3.0 feat gives +3 Effctive druid level and can be taken Multiple times.

I will be starting at Level 3.

my idea so far

Race: Human (for Bonus Feat and fluff lol)
2 Flaws Noncombatant, and Meager Fort.

1st Level Druid w/ Animal Focused Variant (DR374) Animal Compaion +2
Feats (1st) Exalted Companion (human) Skill Focus (Handel Animal) (F1) Improved Animal Companion (F2) Point Blank Shot

2nd level Fighter (For Bonus Feat)
Feats (FBF) Precise Shot

3rd level Ranger
Feats (3rd) Natural Bond???????

4th level Ranger
(Combat Style) Rapid Shot

5th level Beastmaster
Animal Companion +3

that's as far as i have gotten and at the moment i have, if i have done the math right, an animal Companion that has an effective druid level of 12 (Direwolf with 13HD?). but i would really like to have a mark up to 20. Maxing out both the Animal Companion and my ranged damage. Animal should come first IMO and if i can get more then one with fairly good stats I would like that.  :banghead this optimizing is harder then i thought it would be lol.
oh he is wolf based due to back story reason and cause I am starting at lvl 3 i have gotten the OK to also have the War Beast template on my pet.

Thank you in advance, Cheese is welcome I have been playing with the idea Vow of Poverty on the wolf

Also I know you can't awaken a Companion but what about a Wild Cohort?

Introduce Yourself / Hello fellow Gamers!
« on: November 27, 2013, 02:53:22 AM »
 I am Airweaverichi, I am from a Small town in South Central Pennsylvania.

I have been playing D&D 3.5 for many many years but never got into the min/maxing side of thing mostly the RP side with my gaming group i use to play with, I have recently started with a new group and they do a lot more fighting and stuff and the DM is fair but likes to stick to the rules. So i am here for tips and tricks to make my Characters more survivable now. I have lost a character already in the 4 games i have been to.

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