« on: December 07, 2013, 06:38:09 PM »
So while playing a druid during our groups first session today, I came up with the idea of a Druid who focuses on becoming a Dragon as soon as possible. (Meaning Wild Shape Dragon at 12) Our restrictions is that we can't use Tomb of Battle or Dragon Magazine, and any race that is ECL 2 or lower. We are starting at level 8. I would also like to get as close to a Dragon Animal Companion if possible. Also 80 pt buy, and no one stat starting at higher than 18, also one piece of equipment can't cost more than 1/3 of our starting gold which is 27,000 gold. I would like to know what feats I should use, equipment I should buy and so forth to start with and then were I should try to go from there. Thanks for any help.