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Messages - Rhyn

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Min/Max 3.x / Re: [3.5] 8th level gish
« on: September 19, 2014, 12:16:31 PM »
Well, we are a big group and everyone isn't there every time .. I'll check how many of the caster have dispel magic.
And yeah, in MiC there's the Dispelling property 3/day, with CL 5, and for another +1 it becomes CL 15. Wonder how the x times / day translates on arrows, though

Anything else jumps to your eyes ?

Instead of your Sage sorcerer, you could go Beguiler. Full on Enchantment/Illusion, with  a lot of skill points. And already int based.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [3.5] 8th level gish
« on: September 18, 2014, 11:45:13 AM »
Looks like you've incorporated a lot of the same elements as my character. Glad you liked it. :D Going with the cloistered cleric dip is probably superior to my method, especially starting out at level 8 rather than 13.
Well, you know what they say : Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery !
By the way, Holy mount would work great with that build, too. If I ever get to level 15, that would make the fluffy thing a Special mount 18 / Animal companion 14. Neat !

Now that I'm settled on the build, let's go deeper.
Could give me your opinion ? (mostly on the spells and AC)

Human Divine Fey Bard 7 / Cloistered Cleric of Feystuff 1
Abilities (rolled): Str 16, Dex 11+1, Con 14, Int 13, Sag 13+1, Cha 16
Feats: Natural bond (1), Power attack (human), Mounted combat (3), Track (6), Knowledge & Animal devotion (domain swap)  // If able, I'll get a flaw and melodic casting, which will allow me to drop Concentration
Skill ranks: Concentration 11, Handle animal 10, Ride 10, Tumble 10, Perform 10,  Spellcraft 5, UMD 1, All knowledges at least 1 (2 Nobility and Religion)


Detect magic, Ghost sound, Lullaby, Mage hand, Message, Prestidigitation

Protection from evil
Critical strike (immediate action)
Swift invisibility
Contenders : Catsfeet (immediate action), Grease, Improvisation, Undersong

Alter self
Dimension leap
Mirror image
Contenders : War cry (swift action), Whirling blade, Elation

Dispel Magic
Contenders : Haste, Crown of courage, Good Hope, Sonic Shield

Animal Companion:
Tiger for pounce and scent (at level -6), or Dire eagle (level -3, RoS) for survivability, fly, and at 9th level mage slayer + 10 feet reach.
After writing it down I feel like the answer is pretty obvious, but the tiger does have a lot of offense and its low AC could be ignored most of the time thanks to mounted combat.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [3.5] 8th level gish
« on: September 17, 2014, 04:26:31 AM »
Divine Fey Bard 7 / Cloistered Cleric 1  going into Prestige Freedom Paladin

1 - Bard 1 - Animal companion, nature sense, wild empathy, Bardic music (countersong, fascinate), Natural Bond (feat), Power attack (human)
2 - Bard 2
3 - Bard 3 - Mounted Combat (feat)
4 - Bard 4 - Resist nature's lure (+4 VS Fey SLA)
5 - Bard 5
6 - Bard 6 - Bardic music (Suggestion), Track (feat)
7 - Bard 7
8 - CC 1 - Turn UD (3+cha), Lore, Knowledge Devotion, Animal Devotion, Travel Domain

9 - PrPal 1 - Detect evil, smite evil 1/day, turn UD, Battle blessing
10 - PrPal 2 - Divine grace, LoH, Mount
11 - PrPal 3 - Aura of Resolve, Divine Health
12 - Bard 8 ? - Devoted tracker

Wondering if getting the war domain with CC and learning Divine power as a Divine Bard/PrPal would allow me to get the reserve feat holy warrior ? That would be a neat +4 damage.

Just realized that straight Prestige paladin might not work with LG required and Bard being any nonlawful. But I suppose Prestige paladin of Freedom should be possible. And Aura of Resolve seems far better than Aura of Courage.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [3.5] 8th level gish
« on: September 16, 2014, 11:27:23 AM »
Yeah, I read that part just after posting  :banghead

How do you get that domain staff at level 7 ? It's more than twice your average wealth.
Also, getting track with half-elf ?

Another way to get prestige paladin could be with 1 level of cloistered cleric ? (and I could substitute one or all domains to free some feat slots)

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [3.5] 8th level gish
« on: September 16, 2014, 11:10:46 AM »
How do you get all those paladin/cleric spells ? Edit: Nwm, found it

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [3.5] 8th level gish
« on: September 15, 2014, 05:35:43 PM »
Wow, thanks everyone !

SorO_Lost > I'll check for ASS, but it might be a bit too much rule-heavy, as my DM doesn't speak english, so that would take some time to translate and discuss with him. As for your sorc/abjurant champ build, I suppose you'd go battle sorcerer ?

Captnq > Wow, thanks for that one ! It is a pretty sweet base class for going swiftblade ! (Or other PrCs, anyway !)

eggynack & phaedrusxy > Well, yeah, i'd rather play an arcane guy, the spells just seem much more fun (mirror image, haste ... )

So after a bit of reading and cross checking, I'd go :

Mystic Ranger 6 / Swiftblade 2
ACF Arcane hunter and Armor of senses (wis to AC instead of combat style, though I could pick the one with power attack)

Feats: Magical training, Sword of the arcane order, Dodge (expeditious, if allowed) and Mobility. If I can get a flaw, I'll switch that 6th level with Dragonslayer or Abjurant champion.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [3.5] 8th level gish
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:37:53 AM »
Thanks for the input, though I'm even more lost now :p

Awaken_D_M_golem >
I thought Battle sorcerer was a trap, with so few spells known ?
And the warlock would come with hideous blow ?

SorO_Lost >
Okay, I'm not even sure I got that right. ASS knows as many arcane spells as his maneuvers known, spell level equivalent to wizard casting, and readies a few of them that are available once each per encounter, unless you use a full round action to get them back ? And you can change them anytime outside combat and spam them with glee ? And PrCs do not increase your casting ?

Though, how would ASS1 qualify for Swiftblade ? A level 1, even with a 1st level Haste, you don't have a high enough BBA (+3, which would only kick in at 4)

Min/Max 3.x / [3.5] 8th level gish
« on: September 11, 2014, 10:55:07 PM »
Hi ! I'm planning a back up character for my current game, seeing that one of us died twice in the same evening.  :tongue

We are actually level 8, and planning to go up to 14-15, though leveling is pretty slow. Also, we don't get much magic items, and the highest we can buy is 4 or 5 000gp. (And start pretty much naked, after some guy's new characters were killed and looted a few times)
I wanted to make a gish, but after reading the handbooks, there are so many possible builds that I feel a bit lost. As I won't go to 20, I will hardly be able to take more than one PrC, so no swiftblade/Abjurant champion.

I was thinking Stalwart sorcerer 6 / Swiftblade 2, going as far into Swiftblade as possible.

But on the other hand, a sorcadin would be neat, with the Cha synergy. And in that case, I have a base of Pal 2 / Sorc 4 / Abjurant Champion 2, who'd take more Abj Champ levels, and maybe a Spellsword or Dragonslayer one.

As I don't have much experience with Gish, I'd love it if you could help me picture how both of those would turn out in combat. Would there be that big of a difference ? Both would cast haste before anything else, but the Abjurant Champion would swift cast Shield and then swing his greatsword, whereas I feel like the Swiftblade would want to spend some time casting other spells.

If you could help me make my mind, i'll reward you with helping me again about the crunchy bits !  :D

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [Pf] Human Wizard 5, no starting gold
« on: December 17, 2013, 08:54:34 PM »
Thanks for all the input !

Unfortunately, i'm getting more and more reduced to pathfinder core only, so shapesand and reserve feats are out. I managed to get the liquid smoke, though. I'll take some time to read through the cheap items guides, and see what I can get out of it.

I'll just need to pick between Improved initiative or Improved familiar (earth or air elemental, instead of my hawk), then I'm set. Also, maybe take a last look at my spell selection (going battlefield control/buff).

Min/Max 3.x / Re: [Pf] Human Wizard 5, no starting gold
« on: December 16, 2013, 07:39:41 PM »
Thanks for your answers !

I am unsure about a spellbook - this is a one shot, after all, so I won't use that much a boccob's blessed book.
The alchemical items, though, is a wonderful idea. More so as I can create those, so they'll cost me a lot less ( and with only 70gp, less is good !)

But, in pathfinder, you can't hide the rope from the rope trick, so I am unsure if this trick will work

Also, update. Taking the teleportation variant would count as the "gift". So that, or an item. I'm leaning toward teleportation, juste for the sheer usefulness of it.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Help me optimize a Pathfinder Wizard please
« on: December 15, 2013, 02:10:20 PM »
Hi !

I am also building a wizard Conjuration specialist 5  :lmao
You  might be interested by my spell selection

For items, I would suggest a lesser metamagic rod of extend spell (3000gp), a cloak of resistance +1 (1000gp /2), an amulet of natural armor +1 (1000gp), a headband of vast intellect +2 (4000gp /2), handy haversack (2000gp /2), perl of power 1st (1000gp /2), bookplate of recall (1000gp /2), and a Belt, plague rat (5200gp /2)

Also, there a lot of minor items with a lot of fun possibilities. Just check them out !

Min/Max 3.x / [Pf] Human Wizard 5, no starting gold
« on: December 15, 2013, 01:52:29 PM »
Hi !

So, we're having a pathfinder one-shot next saturday, and I was thinking of making a human wizard (conjuration specialist, teleportation variant). The problem is, when I asked about magic items, the GM told that we would have the starting gold of lvl 1 characters. But, and here is the thing, we could ask for one "gift from the GM". And as an example, he suggested an invisibility cloak. So there went my extend metamagic rod and my wands.

The other players are going 2-hander Paladin, Rogue, Druid, Warrior

Here is my current build:

LN Human Wizard (Conjuration specialist, teleportation variant) 5
Banned schools : Enchantment & Necromancy

Abilities (with 18, 16, 14, 12, 12, 10, 8)
Str 8 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 18+2 (human), Wis 12, Cha 12

Feats :

Spell focus (conjuration), Augment summoning, superior summoning
I still have to choose two : one wizard feat (rapid studying, extend spell or spell mastery ?), and one general feat (thinkong of Improved Initiative, Combat casting or Improved familiar and go for earth or air elemental)


Appraise 1, Craft (alchemy) 1, Fly 1, Knowledge (Arcana & Planes) 5 (Nature & Religion) 2, (others) 1, Linguistics 4 (Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal, Elven), Perception 5, Ride 1, Spellcraft 5, UMD 2

Spells  (4)/5+1/3+1/2+1

0: Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Ghost sound, Prestidigitation (should I swap something for Mage hand ?)
1: Grease, Mage armor, Color Spray, Enlarge Person, Protection from Evil, Silent Image
2: Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Web, Summon Monster 2 (I was also thinking Bull's strenght, Flaming sphere and Invisibility ...)
3: Haste, Summon Monster 3, Fireball (or maybe Fly ?)

And, finally, what item should I ask for ? A ring of wizardry, maybe ?
Any advice welcome, really !

Introduce Yourself / Bonjour
« on: December 10, 2013, 03:19:24 PM »
French guy here !
I used to play somme 3.5, though not that much, and I'm going to start some Pathfinder soon. (That is the main reason I registered, instead of lurking silently)

Apart from D&D, I've played a bit of Deadlands, Changeling and Chroniques des FĂ©als (a french rpg).

I'm also quite the video game player with mostly RPGs,Hack & Slash and strategy games. And WoW (please, do not burn me at the stake).

Can't wait to talk with you guys !

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