This is my street hustler/con-man-discovers-he's-psionic build, inspired, of course, by Gambit.
The core concepts I used for this build:
- Psionically generated projectiles (re-flavored as kinetic cards) which are concealed and cannot be disarmed
- A cool concept (IMO) which ties your out of combat story skill (Sleight of Hand) with your effectiveness in combat
- Lots of attacks with extremely high effective chance to hit
- Lots of ranged precision damage, and a way to improve your chance of including it
- Note that I use Human as race - most thrower builds suggest Halfling, but conceptually I just can't get behind them... particularly for a street hustler
Class/Feat Progression1 - Rogue 1 - Point Blank Shot, Two Weapon Fighting
2 - Soulknife 1 - Weapon Focus (Mind Blade)
3 - Soulknife 2 - Precise Shot
4 - Thug (Sneak Attack Fighter variant) 1
5 - Soulbow 1 - Rapid Shot
6 - Soulbow 2 - Combat Expertise, Mind Arrow Enhancement (Lucky)
7 - Soulknife 3
8 - Rogue 2
9 - Master Thrower 1 - Quick Draw, Imp. Two-Weapon Fighting, Palm Throw
10 - Master Thrower 2
11 - Master Thrower 3 - Sneaky Shot
12 - Master Thrower 4 - Snatch Arrows, Manyshot
13 - Master Thrower 5 - Improved Critical, Weak Spot
14 - Rogue 3
15 - Soulbow 3 - Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Imp. Rapid Shot
16 - Rogue 4
17 - Rogue 5
18 - Rogue 6 - Sense Weakness
19 - Rogue 7
20 - Rogue 8
Pros of this Build- Mind Arrows (RAW) can be created and projected from each free hand. As such, they are eligible for the TWF tree. As projectiles, they are also eligible for feats such as Rapid Shot, Point Blank Shot, etc. Note that you may need to convince your DM that you are throwing the created projectiles rather than firing them. If he doesn't budge, try offering to reduce damage from 1d8 to 1d6 or 1d4+1 or something.
- Mind Arrows are also damage type Magic which helps overcome DR. Sense Weakness helps further reduce DR, which tends to be the bane of multi-attack builds.
- Soulbow 2 lets you enhance your created projectiles with any +1 attribute. Lucky is a +1 enhancement that lets you reroll once per miss. This makes it very hard for you to miss. You can also change your enhancement once you achieve 100% hit rate and swap it out for additional d6s of Holy, Fire, etc.
- Palm Throw lets you throw two little projectiles with each given attack roll. Although damage is resolved separately, this effectively DOUBLES your damage
- Sneaky Shot lets you make an opposed Sleight of Hand roll against your target's Spot prior to your attack. If you succeed, the target is denied their Dex bonus to AC. This allows you to proc your precision damage against these targets.
- Weak Spot makes all your attacks against anything Medium sized or larger ranged touch attacks.
- Combining Lucky, Sneaky Shot, and Weak Spot means that in practice you will never, ever miss your attacks.
- You can pretend to be MFing Gambit
Cons- You will die to literally anything that requires a Fort save
- For that matter, you will die to anything that lands a solid hit on you
- No spells
- Your damage drops off a cliff against constructs and undead
At level 20, you will get 8 attacks (9 if your DM gives you a Rapid Shot per hand) which each deal 2d8 + 10d6 Sneak Attack + 2d8 Psychic + 6 + 2 * Wisdom Mod damage, and which can be rerolled and generally hits against touch AC and applies precision damage.
Expected damage on a full attack vs. something vulnerable to precision/psychic with base Wisdom and ignoring DR/resistance is 508. Min damage is 160; max damage is 1136.
Thoughts on the concept and/or execution?