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Messages - Hangwind

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D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / Re: 3.5 Sha'ir Justification
« on: March 09, 2014, 02:18:51 PM »
@ Keldar: Um, are you saying no to the basic idea or to finding solid reasons?
@SOTS: Please keep things civil.
@JackintheGreen: How do you figure that two classes are needed for entry the requirements are
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 6 ranks, Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks. Spells: Able to cast 2nd-level divine spells and 2nd-level arcane spells.
Nothing is ever said as to needing two different classes.
@awaken_D_M_golem: It's not really a houserule, after all, the only requirement to be a divine caster is casting divine spells and the text for Sha'ir specifically states that it casts divine spells.
A sha'ir is capable of extraordinarily versatile spellcasting because he can use arcane spells as well as a limited selection of divine spells.
Therefore, by RAW, he is a Divine caster.

Is there anything that you can think of that can be advanced twice as fast with a little cheese?

D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder / 3.5 Sha'ir Justification
« on: March 07, 2014, 08:19:42 PM »
All right, my problem is this: I have a build idea of using Sha'ir with Mystic Theurge to get double progression on my spells. It has already been decided that the Sha'ir is a dual Divine/Arcane class so please don't argue that point. What I need is a RAW justification for saying Mystic theurge would advance my spells twice per level. Any Ideas? Thanks!

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Fun Finds v5.0
« on: December 18, 2013, 08:20:13 PM »
Mentor feat in DMGII. Gain a free cohort for going up five levels :cool

For cheese? Get yourself killed at level 7, come back at level 6. Go up a level, taking your apprentice along with you. Get killed. Get raised. Go up a level. Rinse and repeat for infinite level 5 cohorts.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Optimize My Gesalt Please!
« on: December 17, 2013, 04:53:13 PM »
The point of losing the bonus hit-dice was to make it so that by level 20 I would have an equalized ECL.

The Sha'ir dip lets me use myself like a powerstone for spells, allowing me to get ALL of the spells up to eighth level. This works because I only need to know a spells name, not what it looks like or even does to get it for an hour. I can't cast them because I don't have the spell slots, but I can get any spell of any level I want as long as a wizard or sorcerercan get them somehow. I think that there are ways of getting ninth level spells in an StP erudite, but I don't know the exact trick, so if someone can help me with that that would be great too. :)

Min/Max 3.x / Optimize My Gesalt Please!
« on: December 17, 2013, 04:27:59 PM »
Okay, I am creating a gesalt Artificer/StP Erudite Psion for a VERY high level campaign. My stats were randomly rolled so I have Strength 10 Dexterity 15 Constitution 9 Intelligence 18 Wisdom 13 Charisma 18. (We threw out any rolls under 3)

My concept is a human True Neutral "scientist of war". His primary focus is figuring out how Psy powers and Magic powers interact, believing there is a common source to all of them. He looks very normal, even weak on purpose so he can watch and learn from other people. Generally, he will craft items for the party and be a supporter in battle. However, I want him to be able to use his various abilities to be amazing in battle when he feels like it.

I have gotten my DM to agree to give him the Were-bear template without any racial HD, so all I have to deal with is the LA buyoff. However, the template is bound so I'm not getting any benefits right now, and it will take a major quest to break the bindings. I would like to hold off on that until I am ready to buy off at least two of the LA.

For level progression, I was thinking ArtificerX/Chameleon2:PsionX/Sha'ir 1. I want the Chameleon levels for the floating feat so I can Craft all those things I normally couldn't. I want the Sha'ir level for synergy with the Erudite Psion. The Sha'ir gets spells just by knowing their name and I am definitely a willing spellcaster to myself. With the alternate spell source stuff, I figure a Sha'ir can get any spell in existence with the only limit being the Diplomacy check.

What I need is an optimization of this character and concept. I have or can use all of the books, but none of the Dragon magazine material. Any feats except leadership are fine, mostly because my character is a loner who would kill any followers off. Psionic prestige classes are fine as long as they have full manifesting progression.

I will be playing this character from level 1 right into Epic, so if you could build level by level that would be great!

Thanks in advance! :D

Introduce Yourself / Kakashi's Greeting
« on: December 17, 2013, 03:16:12 PM »
Yeah, most of that isn't all that important to why I'm here. Uhhh, I enjoy the thought I can put into D and D?

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