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Messages - Nasami

Pages: [1]
Other RPGs / Warcraft RPG - Paladin Class
« on: December 15, 2017, 06:16:54 AM »
First off, I hope this is the right board. Wasn't sure if d20 spinoffs went here or in the 3.5 board.

Mainly, I'm wondering if anyone has played and knows how well the three Paladin variants in the WoW RPG play and perform. There's the core Paladin, the Auradin variation which gives up the core Paladin's spellcasting, turning, lay on hands and drops to a d8 hit dice for unlimited use auras, and the EMM&M Paladin which drops to a d8 Hit Dice and Cleric BAB, and loses holy strike and a couple auras for earlier casting, ability to cast level 5 and 6 spells, earlier lay on hands, unlimited use auras and a paladin mount.

I'm also looking for some decent PrCs to pair with them, even if they're not exactly from the WoW RPG books.

Introduce Yourself / Intro
« on: January 14, 2014, 11:44:42 PM »
Hello, I'm Nasami.
I'm a long long time lurker, from the old boards to the new one. I've dug through the pathfinder and 3.5 handbooks more times then I can count. I'm primarily an IRC based RPGer, due to living in a small town with few other tabletop gamers and I joined up because I figured it was about time just in case I need more specific or hands on advice for games.
I look forward to working with all of you.

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