Gaming Advice / Pathfinder - Eberron Artificer's Dedicated Wright plus Valet Familiar
« on: January 16, 2014, 05:18:29 PM »
Ok then, so the system is Pathfinder, and one of my players is an Eberron styled Artificer - https://sites.google.com/site/eberronpathfinder/conversion-info/classes/artificer
And of course, he's gotten himself a Dedicated Wright: https://sites.google.com/site/eberronpathfinder/conversion-info/bestiary/monsters/g-i/homunculus-dedicated-wright
All Ok so far, seems fine.
My problem arises with the recent discovery of the Valet Familiar - http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/familiar/familiar-archetypes/valet-familiar-archetype
In short, the Master treats the Valet Familiar as if it had Co-Operative Crafting. The Homunculus 'acts as the master' for crafting purposes. Therefore, said player reasons, the Homunculus treats the familiar as if it had co-operative crafting, and thus can reap the benefits - basically doubling the amount of crafting you can do in a day.
I can see this logic, sure, but the fact remains that although it 'acts' as him, it isn't actually him. Further, it seems somewhat cheesy to double the crafting speed of something thats already going to be sweatshopping in a magic bag churning out on-demand magic items come rain wind or shine all day every day for free.
What are peoples' thoughts on this?
And of course, he's gotten himself a Dedicated Wright: https://sites.google.com/site/eberronpathfinder/conversion-info/bestiary/monsters/g-i/homunculus-dedicated-wright
All Ok so far, seems fine.
My problem arises with the recent discovery of the Valet Familiar - http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/familiar/familiar-archetypes/valet-familiar-archetype
In short, the Master treats the Valet Familiar as if it had Co-Operative Crafting. The Homunculus 'acts as the master' for crafting purposes. Therefore, said player reasons, the Homunculus treats the familiar as if it had co-operative crafting, and thus can reap the benefits - basically doubling the amount of crafting you can do in a day.
I can see this logic, sure, but the fact remains that although it 'acts' as him, it isn't actually him. Further, it seems somewhat cheesy to double the crafting speed of something thats already going to be sweatshopping in a magic bag churning out on-demand magic items come rain wind or shine all day every day for free.
What are peoples' thoughts on this?