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Messages - BahamutDragon

Pages: [1]
General D&D Discussion / Re: PC Gen
« on: January 18, 2014, 05:18:03 PM »

I registered and jumped through the hoops to reply. I am making books for pcgen, I too am a big fan. I'm focused on 3.5 edition, but have branched out to support others:

4e - working on getting this working
D&D Next - Play test just for kicks and giggles
Monte Cook's World of Darkness - d20 take on World of Darkness
Blue Rose Campaign Setting (True20)

3.5 is where my main focus is, I have all three core rule books, and several of the Complete Series. I'm finishing up Tome of Battle, and getting a 3.5 version of Oriental Adventures.

If you are interested in helping me out, check out my repo - or drop me a line.


Greetings mates,

After watching people struggle for years with the issue of having a generator that didn't provide all the books they want (Or license issues). I'm stepping up and making pcgen D&D 3.5 (and derivative) books.

I followed a google search and found a post related to this problem. I'm in the process of supporting a growing number of books for PCGen. If you're a homebrew type like myself, and are willing to help I would love to get your assistance.

If you are curious what this Dragon is doing, check out my repo -

My mates enjoy a good ol romp through the 3.5 settings. Drop me a line if you're interested in helping, or have questions.

I believe this also fulfills the contractual obligations to afford me full access to these boards. Thanks for having me mates!



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