« on: February 07, 2014, 04:49:22 PM »
Key points.
14th level.
Level adjustment is both sides.
Bab and saves are calculated using only the best side
(Can use best progression from one side, for each singular save and bab)
Hd and skills work for the best available at each level. Combined skill list for class skill list.
Does yield slightly awkward skills since rogue/fighter levels are therefore different from say rogue/swashbuckler.
Can qualify for prestige classes, when any and all conditions are met adequately.
1 prestige at a time, base class only on other side.
No dual progressing prestige. Definition is slightly hazy on dual progression, and negotiable. If critical class features are suggested it is possible to use the dual progression prestige, but you must have it on both sides on the progression.
Two requested builds to tinker with.
First is a summoner build
Second is a wildshaper with divine metamagic runes.
Rock gnome(by preference, and unchangeable)
Cleric1,transmuter5, abjurant champion1,transmuter+5,abjurant champion +2
Spirit shaman 7, Thaumaturgist4, spirit shaman 3
Arcane disciple for summoning domain added to transmuter spell list for planar binding.
Easy metamagic, divine metamagic, quicken spell, imbued summoning tree.
Bonus wizard feats have been helpful.
Second build
To follow