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Messages - DarkObserver

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / Wildshaping Ranger Optimization
« on: February 15, 2014, 02:28:37 PM »
Hi everyone,
I'm currently involved in a campaign where i would like to play an optimized wildshaping ranger/MoMF/Nature's Warrior/Warshaper (possibly). We are using a 28 point-buy and starting off at level 3 or 4. I have an idea of how i want to go but im not sure of the best way to start and how to progress in levels, (like what feats to take at what levels) to stay optimized so i've come to these boards for help. Any Suggestions?
P.S. i am playing a killoren, and everything is available. Campaign Setting specific things (such as forgotten realms and ebberon) must be approved by DM first.

Introduce Yourself / HAI!
« on: February 15, 2014, 02:19:23 PM »
Hi everyone,
i've used this site many times to answer many of my dnd/ pathfinder related questions through other people but now i'm interested in adding my own input to this community. hope i can make lots of new friends and maybe discover even more uncovered knowledge
for any interested i'll post a bio of myself below

Name: DarkObserver
Nickname: Dark
Location: USA
Gender: Male
Interests/Hobbies: Drawing, Writing, Reading, D&D 3.5/Pathfinder

And i think thats all i feel is important, any other information can be asked but i won't guarantee that the information will be disclosed... i'm rather reclusive and ambiguous and would like to stay that way.

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