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Messages - AllTheBooks

Pages: [1]
Min/Max 3.x / Re: Ardent/Swordsage Advice.
« on: March 02, 2014, 12:43:12 AM »
Yes ss refresh mechanic is lack luster and psychic renewal is nice. The homebrew in question is picking a class and allowing those class levels to count as full initiator levels as opposed to .5. The prerequisites are up in the air. Considering the feat starvation I'm not sure. Waiting for the group roster and that feat's prereqs.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Ardent/Swordsage Advice.
« on: March 01, 2014, 10:27:42 PM »
Thanks. I'm assuming monk is there for decisive strike. If I went tash i would just drop ss. Done a tash egoist before. DM said they'd be open to a homebrew multi class feat for ToB so I'm going to ponder that. Thank you.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Ardent/Swordsage Advice.
« on: March 01, 2014, 03:07:10 PM »
If it's mechanics coming first then you might want to look at the Ardent's Handbook to see if any of the mantles spring out at you, particularly if they synergise with swordsage maneuvers.

Will you be using the quirk on ardents concerning them choosing powers off manifester level instead of strict class progression?

Yes I will be using the ardent's odd power/ML relationship so Practiced Manifester will be in there. So far I'm leaning more towards dominant ideal freedom.

Pretty sure we will have a wiz and a sorc and both players are fond of having answers to problems so I'm thinking we may need damage. I'd like to hear from other ardent players, how the class played out for them.

Min/Max 3.x / Ardent/Swordsage Advice.
« on: March 01, 2014, 01:54:48 PM »
Hi, getting right to it. I am primarily a DM that has *gasp* gotten an opportunity to play yay! I know I'd like to try out both Ardent and the Swordsage as neither of those classes has been played at all by myself, or very much at all by my players.

Thing is I am drawing a complete blank on what I want the character to DO. It has been years of making characters as NPCs causing or reacting to a world event or the PCs (I said world event already didn't I?)  that I feel like an animal that has been caged so long that now released I'm just blinking in the sunlight, feeling confused and missing my chew toy.

So that said, I seek advice. Not a full build I am capable of building something, just need an idea to build toward. Swordsage/Ardent is very Wis based and right out of the box has a very jedi feel but both classes are good at fulfilling various roles and archetypes. Unfortunately the wing chun passive way feel of a wis-y character is not helping my empty mind on the subject.

All books 3.5 available+Dragon Compendium+some PF stuff
Psionics are well represented and some of the C.Psi nerfs have been retconned(not sure which ones yet)
Flaws, fractional BAB and LA buyoff are on the table.
Moderate to low-high group optimization. Players are competent sandbox trained D&Ders. No status quo D&D in our groups. That said there is a definite gentleman's agreement thing going on. No TO and everyone plays well together and they don't make me want to tear my hair out ALL the time.

I'm thinking swordsage dips with the bulk in ardent but what does my ardent DO? The character will come once I get a mechanic going. Kind of backwards I know.
Ideas? What would you do with an ardent swordsage?

Help appreciated.

Introduce Yourself / Well hello there.
« on: March 01, 2014, 01:17:53 PM »
Been reading the boards for a long time and finally need a tad bit of direction, so here I am. Hello  :flutter

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