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Messages - Pinkmawile

Pages: [1]
Oslecamo's Improved Monster Classes / Re: Mimic
« on: June 21, 2014, 12:14:55 AM »
You might want to clarify how Adhesive interacts with freedom of movement effects.

Also, racial feats that allows different size types could also be neat (Such as small, long large, or even medium after level 4+).

I'm in a game at the moment with some friends, we are all monsters and its gone pretty well, but our dragon died. I was wondering if anyone could make a dracolich class (possibly making it possible to trade in any dragon class levels for Dracolich levels, like Paladins/Blackguards can?).

Myself, I'm a Mimic and it's been fantastically fun.

Wow, that was fast! Thanks :D

I'm in a game at the moment with some friends, we are all monsters and its gone pretty well, but our dragon died. I was wondering if anyone could make a dracolich class (possibly making it possible to trade in any dragon class levels for Dracolich levels, like Paladins/Blackguards can?).

Myself, I'm a Mimic and it's been fantastically fun.

Introduce Yourself / Standardized entry
« on: March 14, 2014, 10:30:43 PM »
- I don't really like giving out personal information
- Shadowrun, PF, 3.5
- Vidyagaems
- Edmonds, Washington, United States
- Uh... None really.
- and I don't have a twitter

Pages: [1]