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Messages - eleazzaar

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D&D 5e / Re: Min/Max my homebrew Races Challenge
« on: September 07, 2015, 09:47:23 AM »
Actually, do you mind if I do a bit of document editing on it through the googledocs app?

Just little things like typos, and a bit of extra info where needed. I've noticed a few little things, and it's probably easier for me to just fix them, rather than list them here.

The document is set up so you can suggest edits, which is very helpful.

Hybsil look amazing too, even after the "You're a deer, so you don't have hands and can't do a lot of stuff" bit gets added. See Invisible, PwT, Mirror Image, all for one feat? Especially if you can convince a DM that you can use them with normal slots too
Nope they have little arms, just like their centauroid traditional form.  The feat does seem pretty awesome for a feat, but it is possible even a little less good than the deep gnome's magic feat. I believe the sage advice is you can use feat spells with spell slots if they are on your class spell list.

D&D 5e / Re: Min/Max my homebrew Races Challenge
« on: September 06, 2015, 09:10:32 PM »
Bat Werelings are also very good. Maybe OP. Blindsight is friggen awesome, and with limited flight/shapechanging/possible mini-telepathy, it's a very good package.
I do have concerns about the bat, even though you'll note it gets one less ASI than the other flyers.  In fact I'm kinda suprized that the blindsight range is 30 ft. I had considered lowering it to 15 or 20 ft.

Same with Ravens, due to the ability to speak while in bird-form. There's no real reason that you can't do verbal components of spells as a Raven, usually an 18th level Druid ability, and you have limited flight that level scales early too. It's not as good as those stupid EE birdmen, but it is very good still (fortunately Ravens and Bats aren't amazing as forms go, but they're not exactly bad either).

The wereling's animal form follows druid's wildshape rules except where it states they are different.  Druids can't cast while in animal form, so ravens can't either, though I admit "A wereling changes to his animal form according to a druid’s Wild Shape feature with the following differences: (long list here...)" is kinda confusing, though the alternative is confusing too since people's eyes glaze over when reading the familiar and then miss the differences.

D&D 5e / Re: Min/Max my homebrew Races Challenge
« on: September 06, 2015, 08:57:38 PM »
Expertise is very good however. Who doesn't want double proficiency on Perception, Stealth or Persuasion? I'd put the race in the ballpark of V.Human or H.Elf. Powerful, good, but not broken. I really like it.

1 skill ain't breaking anything,
and training is available via 250gp
downtime, or sub for treasure.
So it's in the same ballpark.

I was really aiming for a power level a bit lower than Variant Human and Half elf, so in reponse to this and other recent feedback, I've taken away one of the Alternate Human's free skills.  Everything else is the same.

The spiders might be quite powerful. I love it that they're original, but 10' reach and free ropes or spider climb is pretty good. They're begging for Polearm Master and a Quaterstaff due to the wording of the feat (see the Fun Finds thread for Giant Octopi with a stick for reference).

You are talking about the provoking attacks of opportunity?  I wish there was more clarity around reach and attacks of opportunity, but my understanding is that you still only have one reaction, no matter how many AoO are proked.

Creepy, funny, and awesome. Not as bad as EE's birdmen anyway, so not OP.Excellent work!
I'll see if I can make something stupid and broken soon (looking at spiders dubiously) :)


D&D 5e / Re: Min/Max my homebrew Races Challenge
« on: August 27, 2015, 10:22:05 AM »
I like the Alt Human.

Probably don't need the 2 Skills choices, just 1.
Encroaches a little on the Half-Elf's shtick.

I'm not really worried about stepping on the half-elf's toes.  The half-elf has a lot going for it, and the Alt human certainly isn't a universally superior choice.

Conceptually it didn't make sense to me that the half-elf (which is half-human) was more versatile than the full human.  It certainly doesn't get the extra skills from it's elf side.  But perhaps one skill and one existing skill turing to an expertise captures that well enough.

What I'm still a bit concerned about is the power level.

Convince me that it pushes or exceeds the power of existing PHB & EE races (minus variant human), or makes an existing race an objectively inferior choice for nearly all builds, and I can certainly get rid of one skill.

D&D 5e / Re: Min/Max my homebrew Races Challenge
« on: August 23, 2015, 02:13:08 PM »
At one point I was going to give them a choice of one of a small selection of feats, including mobile.  It seemed appropriate. But then I got together sufficient original traits.

Glad to hear you are enjoying it-- that one was a challenge.

D&D 5e / Re: 5e A Familiar Handbook
« on: August 06, 2015, 01:29:31 PM »
Arcane Trickster and Eldritch Knight both get to choose a few spells from the school of their choice.  Find Familair is an option for both.

D&D 5e / Min/Max my homebrew Races Challenge
« on: June 30, 2015, 02:32:39 PM »
There's a lot of homebrew content out there-- but most of it doesn't have very polished mechanics.  I'd like to give my homebrew the extra balancing passes to make it really solid.  Most of my races have gone through several drafts on reddit and other forums, but I expect the citizens of the min/max boards can find yet unnoticed loopholes and abusable features.

So here's Eleazar's DnD 5e Homebrew Race Compendium: current population 11 races, nearly 30 counting subraces.  Some are pretty conservative, but a few have rather exparamental mechanics.

I challenge you to create the most broken and overpowered build you can with these races-- using the RAW as errataed, and the sage advice.  No credit for builds that are about equally overpowered using PHB races.  I'm as interested in earlier builds at the breakpoints (L5, and L10-L11) as theoretical builds at L20.

Thanks in advance to everyone that participates!

D&D 5e / Re: Have they simplified too much?
« on: March 28, 2015, 04:54:38 PM »
I sort of like 5e so far (the pbps im in keep falling flat), and while fooling about with character making i notice that by drastically simplifying from 5e they may have simplified too mcu, and may soon face a problem where in new material is the same mechanically as what they've already done, but with different fluff.

I haven't played 5E much since the beta, and i am a little disappointed in the simplicity of the skill system.

But to your actual question  It seems to me that  5E stacking bonuses much less, and instead more often distinguishes classes/races with unique mechanics-- like the Lightfoot Halfling's Luck, the Arcane Trickster's Mage Hand Legerdemain, or the Sorcerers Sorcery points.  This kind of things are specific rules that you only need to care about if someone of that class/race is at the table, but you can just keep making up more of them.

But in general, it seems to me that they are setting themselves up to focus more on campaign and setting books rather than books of classes, feats and spells.  At least that's where i hope they are going...

You are aware that Familiars can't attack. Ever. Right?

The Chain Pact Warlock's familiar can attack.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Help build a Character that's Really Hard to Kill
« on: June 27, 2014, 10:40:02 AM »
What about full-on Human Druid?
The GM has issues with wild shaping (as per original post).

So the two really practical options i see are:
    Favored Soul chassis with some hex blade and/or paladin dips (or Pious Templar instead of Hexblade)

    Psion > Slayer starting with two or three levels of a full BAB class depending on race.

Multi-class penalties are in play, so for the Psion, i either need a favored class: "Any" or "Psion", or a Full BAB favored class, or I could go Ranger 1 > Fighter 2 > Psion 2 > Slayer ... without stupid multi class issues-- but then i'm loosing 4 manifested levels.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Help build a Character that's Really Hard to Kill
« on: June 25, 2014, 09:34:03 PM »
Iyou said you didnt want a huge spell list and wanted to be tough, and you had other restrictions, does below work?

Favored Soul 4
fighter 1
prestigious Paladin 1
then continue in PP
fav so has all good saves and 1 more level of PP gets you cha to all saves, and every other level you go up in fav soul casting
take power of personality feat for cha to saves and your less mad
get a valorous weapon enhancement on your main wep of choice
Prestige Paladin requires turn undead and the mounted combat feat.  If it was easier to get into it might be great-- but i don't have a problem with having access to a large number of spells.  What i dislike is choosing a subset of your spells to cast and choosing the number of times you can cast them, in the middle of the session with the real risk of making everyone wait on you.  There's nothing about that experience i enjoy especially as a cleric or druid with a absurdly large number of possible spells.

EDIT: Looks like you can get Mettle with a 1 lvl did into Pious Templar.  The only significant cost is the True Believer feat, when added to a Fav Soul Chassis.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Help build a Character that's Really Hard to Kill
« on: June 25, 2014, 04:10:43 PM »
Hexblade lawful neutral
pc received the calling or had some experience that made him re think his life...some sorta moral epiphany. This is no stretch at all.
I'm not saying it is unreasonable, but that it is not the sort of thing my DM allows.  Roleplaying has to happen at the table, including the (Special) requirements for PrCs.

But i can work around it.  Chaotic Neutral Hex 3 > FS 3.  I tell the DM i intend to shift him to Chaotic Good over the sessions, and once accomplished i take some levels of Paladin of Freedom.  Pal of Freedom used here because i prefer the core.

There are several alternate paladins...
I know.  But DrMag stuff isn't used, and i don't want to play an evil character.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Help build a Character that's Really Hard to Kill
« on: June 25, 2014, 12:15:39 PM »
theres 3 ways that I can think of making a pc thats hard to kill

1) tough to kill... hit points/AC/good saves/ immunities
2) stealthy...avoid the offense of your enemies, they cant hit what they cant see, only attack when you have the upper hand
3) be a tier 1 spell caster / manifester with buffs coming out your ears layered in magic items

The skulk does look cool, but we already have a rogue.

Also a significant amount of the action happens without a chance to prepare or after most spells are expended.  Not always, but quite often the battle is not on the terms of the PC's choosing.  So i'm most interested in #1, though combining it with #3 is great.

1 Hexblade
2 Hexblade
3 Hexblade
4 Paladin
5 Paladin
6 Paladin
you got the "calling" after 3rd level, immune to disease, cha to all saves, cha again to all saves vs all magic, mettle = evasion but for any fort or will saves, max bab, d10 h pts, armor & shield and off ya go
after 6th level go Fav Soul, you will have best saves in game a virtual tank
I really doubt the DM would let me get away with Hexblade & Paladin in a build, unless i switched my alignment gradually over actual sessions.  So which would you say is better for my purposes, a Hexblade dip or a Paladin dip?


I don't have psionics down yet. Does the vigor/share pain thing work if the party is ambushed or surprised?

Also i ran across the Wild Dwarf race in RoF.  It is actually small sized, and has a bit of fire resistance, better poison saves, and a +4 vs disease, but still isn't slowed by armor.  Seems like a good choice for hard-to-kill builds that can't take the mongrel folk's hit to IQ or CHA.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Help build a Character that's Really Hard to Kill
« on: June 24, 2014, 11:26:01 AM »
Note: after further discussions with the DM, i've altered the "Allowed Sources" in the first post.

Finally, a non-caster option that was touched upon in above posts is the shapeshifter.  A Master of Many Forms with Warshaper and a few other add-ons ends up feeling nigh invulnerable.  You can get amazing saves, immunities, and AC. 
I'd totally be playing that right now if the DM didn't have issues with wild shaping.

Don't be fooled by hit die size. d4 to d8 only averages 2 hit points more per hit die. The psion gets many, many more power points. So you'll be much better able to keep up a fully augmented Vigor (shared with your psicrystal) and Share Pain. That's where most of your capacity to take punishment will come from, not your actual hit points. You'll also be able to afford to keep up a fully augmented Inertial Armor, which will likely be better than any real armor you could afford. Get a darkwood heavy shield (or use the Force Screen power), as it has no armor check penalty, so non-proficiency doesn't matter....
The way our DM calculates HP is that you get automatically get 75% of the max roll (after 1st level), so the Psywar would get double the HP per level (3 vs 6) + Con bonuses.  Still this sounds very cool, and is a top contender.

Is there a recommended discipline?

Here's what i ended up with:

Cleric 1, Duskblade 5

Human St 14, Dx12 CN 16 IQ 16 WS 12 CH 10

Converted Cleric Domains to Knowledge Devotion and Protection Devotion

Fleet of Foot, Combat Expertise
Obtain Familiar
Bonded Familiar

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Help build a Character that's Really Hard to Kill
« on: June 24, 2014, 12:23:00 AM »
(Elan?) Psions with Vigor and Share Pain are known to be fairly survivable.

Everything i know about Psionics (nearly) i learned today.  This looks interesting, but the Psion looks pretty squishy compared to a Psychic Warrior.  But the PsyWar only has one of those powers.  Would it make sense to build a PsyWar with a dip into Psion to get both halves of the Vigor/SharePain equation?  Or there are feats to get access to the powers not normally on your list.  Either way the Slayer PRC sounds like a good way to further develop a Psionic character that's hard to kill.


I've been working on a particular bit of cheese.

Now, he's only 4th level, but you could easily add a two more wizard levels giving you spontaneous divination.

You get points for enthusiasm, but that build doesn't fit the parameters in the first post.  He kills things hard, but is a glass cannon, if i'm not mistaken.  I'm looking for something hard to kill.

Min/Max 3.x / Re: Help build a Character that's Really Hard to Kill
« on: June 23, 2014, 11:18:58 AM »
I think i would rather enjoy a Tome of Battle Class, but those and Tome of Magic aren't alowed in the campaign.

Rebel7284: I expect the DM would disallow dragon born. (basically human looking races only)  Does that mongrel folk build work without it?

Gaming Advice / Re: Duskblade Full attack and Arcane Channeling.
« on: June 23, 2014, 11:12:41 AM »
Well, at least i can use spells like "Chill Touch" that work for multiple hits, and as long as i don't cast it as part of a full attack, i can get the spell damage on subsequent attacks multiple times on the same opponent and/or in the same turn.

To clarify the DM is letting me us Chill touch for more than one strike (actually he pointed it out to me), i just wanted to make sure that wouldn't be effected by the Full attack issues.

Gaming Advice / Re: Duskblade Full attack and Arcane Channeling.
« on: June 23, 2014, 10:43:49 AM »
Well, at least i can use spells like "Chill Touch" that work for multiple hits, and as long as i don't cast it as part of a full attack, i can get the spell damage on subsequent attacks multiple times on the same opponent and/or in the same turn.

If i were going to argue that he could do full attack & arcane channeling pre L13, i would point out this from the SRD on Full-round actions:

Deciding between an Attack or a Full Attack
After your first attack, you can decide to take a move action instead of making your remaining attacks, depending on how the first attack turns out. If you’ve already taken a 5-foot step, you can’t use your move action to move any distance, but you could still use a different kind of move action.

So if you don't have to decide if it is a full attack until after your first attack, then any thing that can legitimately occur in that attack action shouldn't invalidate the full attack.

But obviously until L13 the spell damage would only take effect once.

Min/Max 3.x / Help build a Character that's Really Hard to Kill
« on: June 23, 2014, 05:55:18 AM »
After seeing a PC captured without hope of rescue last week, and two come very close to death this week, i was reminded of the importance of having a back-up character.  I'm currently on my 3rd character in this campaign, and if he dies my main priority will probably be building a character that's simply really hard to kill.  I thought that challenge might interest you.  Thanks in advance for your advice!  :)

    3.5 Only
    Not Evil
    Little or No Prepared Casting (my preference)
    No Wild-shaping.
    No Cheese
    Character Level 6 and onward
    Setting Faerun

EDIT After recent discussions with the DM, the allowed sources list is shrunk...
Allowed Sources:
Code: [Select]
CAdv Complete Adventurer
CA Complete Arcane
CC Complete Champion
CD Complete Divine
CM Complete Mage
CP Complete Psionic
CS Complete Scoundrel
CW Complete Warrior
PH2 Player’s Handbook II
SC Spell Compendium

Any Forgotten Realms Supplemental
Any other content may be allowed or not on a case-by-case basis.

Current Party Composition:
    General Wizard
    Healing/Fighting Cleric
    Ranged Rogue

I've been looking at:
    Paladin 2 / Favored Soul 8 / Divine Disciple > >
  I don't know how close to the "most un-killable" that gets.

Gaming Advice / Duskblade Full attack and Arcane Channeling.
« on: June 22, 2014, 11:42:50 PM »
I'm playing a L5 Duskblade (3.5 no Pathfinder), and tonight he got hasted, and so had an extra attack.  My GM (using reasoning i don't remember) said that he can't use arcane channeling and multiple attacks in the same turn.  This doesn't mesh with what i've read about the dusk blade, but i can't put my finger on it why it is wrong.

By RAW is he right?  If not how can i prove it?  This is not an issue of a house rule, but (hopefully) his lack of familiarity with the class.

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